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(Jacques de Crusque). A Flemish scholar, born at Messines, near Ypres, about the middle of the sixteenth century, and for many years professor of the classical languages at Bruges. He is best remembered by his elaborate commentary on Horace, which first appeared at Antwerp in 1578. A second and improved edition was issued in 1611. The value of this edition lies chiefly in the fact that it gives readings from four MSS., known as the Codices Blandinii, that were then preserved in the Benedictine monastery of Blankenberg (Mons Blandinius), and that were subsequently destroyed, possibly in the sack of the monastery by a mob in 1566 (Palmer). The importance of one of these MSS., known to Cruquius as vetustissimus, and now styled V, is very great, and the same thing is true of the marginal comments which it contained written by some unknown scholar, who is usually cited (from Cruquius) as the Commentator Cruquianus. Besides this edition of Horace, Cruquius published an edition of Cicero's Oratio pro Milone (Antwerp, 1582), an Encomium Urbis Brugensis, and some miscellaneous Latin verse. See André, Bibliotheca Belgica, s. v. “Cruquius”; Jordan, De Commentatore Cruquiano (Königsberg, 1883); and Palmer, Satires of Horace (Introduction), pp. xxix.-xxxi. (1883).

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