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Ἰαπυγία). A division of Italy, forming what is called the heel. It was called also Messapia, and contained two nations, the Calabri on the northeast, and the Salentini on the southwest side. The name of Iapygia was not known to the Romans, except as an appellation borrowed from the Greeks, to whom it was familiar. Among the many traditions current with the latter people may be reckoned their derivation of this name from Iapyx, the son of Daedalus (Pliny , Pliny H. N. iii. 11). This story, however, belongs rather to fable than to history. There is no positive evidence regarding the origin of the Iapyges, but their existence on these shores prior to the arrival of any Grecian colony is recognized by the earliest writers of that nation, such as Herodotus (vii. 170) and Hellanicus of Lesbos (ap. Dion. Hal. i. 22). Thucydides evidently considered them as barbarians (vii. 33), as did also Scylax, in his Periplus, and Pausanias (x. 1). It may be noticed that the name of the Iapyges appears on one of the Eugubine Tables under the form Iapuscom, which might lead one to suppose that some connection once existed between this people and the Umbri. See Tabulae Iguvinae; and for further observations, the articles Italia; Messapia.

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    • Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, 3.11
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