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ANAGO´GES DIKE´ (ἀναγωγῆς δίκη). If an individual sold a slave who had some secret disease--such, for instance, as epilepsy--without informing the purchaser of the circumstance, it was in the power of the latter to bring an action against the vendor within a certain time, which was fixed by the laws. In order to do this, he had to report (ἀνάγειν) to the proper authorities the nature of the disease; whence the action was called ἀναγωγῆς δίκη. The details in Plato (Leg. xi. p. 916, A-C) appear to be partly taken from the Athenian Law, but with additional minute regulations of his own. The ἀναγωγῆς δίκη was probably confined to actions against the seller of a slave, though Meier thinks otherwise (Att. Process, p. 525); other cases were provided for by the βλαβῆς δίκη.). (Hesych. sub voce ἀναγωγή; Suid. s. v. ἐναγωγή, ἐνάγεσθαι.

[W.S] [W.W]

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