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VORO´GIUM in Gallia, is placed in the table on a road from Augustonemetum (Clermont Ferrand) through Aquae Calidae (Vichy) to Ariolica (Avrilli). The distance is marked viii. from Aquae Calidae, and xiiii. from Vorogium to Ariolica. There is a place named Vouroux, which is the same name as Vorogium. Vouroux is near the small town of Varennes, and somewhat nearer to the banks of the Allier. The direct distance from the springs of Vichy to Varennes is somewhat less than the Itin. distance of viii. Gallic leagues, but the 8 leagues are not more than we may assign to the distance from Vichy to Varennes along the river. But the Itin. distance from Vorogium to Ariolica is somewhat too large compared with the real distance. (D'Anville, Notice, &c.)


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