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HAROSHETH (Ἀρισώθ), mentioned only in Judges (4.2, 13, 16) as the royal garrison of Jabin king of Canaan. In all these passages it is called Harosheth of the Gentiles, and was obviously situated in the northern part of Palestine, called “Galilee of the nations.” (Is. 9.1.) It was probably situated in the tribe of Naphtali, between Kadesh Naphtali, and HAZOR the capital of Jabin [HAZOR]. As the name signifies wood in the Aramaean, the fortress is supposed by some to have been situated in a woody district. The name is regarded as an appellative by the Chaldee paraphrast, whose translation for “Harosheth of the Gentiles” is equivalent to “in fortitudine (in munitione) arcium gentium.” (Rosenmüller in Jud. 4.2.)


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