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C. Acilius Glabrio

was quaestor in B. C. 203, and tribune of the plebs in 197, when he brought forward a rogation for planting five colonies on the western coast of Italy, in order probably to repair the depopulation caused by the war with Hannibal. (Liv. 32.29.) Glabrio acted as interpreter to the Athenian embassy in B. C. 155, when the three philosophers, Carneades, Diogenes, and Critolaus came as envoys to Rome. [CARNEADES.] (Gel. 7.14; Plut. Cat. Ma. 22; Macr. 1.5.) Glabrio was at this time advanced in years, of senatorian rank; and Plutarch calls him a distinguished senator (l.c.).


Greek History of Rome

He wrote in Greek a history of Rome from the earliest period to his own times. This work is cited by Dionysius (3.77), by Cicero (de Off. 3.32), by Plutarch (Romul. 21), and by the author de Orig. Gent. Rom. ( 10.2). It was translated into Latin by one Claudius, and his version is cited by Livy, under the titles of Annales Aciliani (25.39) and Libri Aciliani (35.14). We perhaps read a passage borrowed or adapted from the work of Glabrio in Appian (Syriac. 10).

Poetic fragment

Atilius Fortunatianus (de Art. Metric. p. 2680, ed. Putsch) ascribes the Saturnian verse
Fundit, fugat, prosternit maximas legiones,
to an Acilius Glabrio.

Further Information

Krause, Vet. Hist. Rom. Fragm. p. 84.

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  • Cross-references from this page (3):
    • Livy, The History of Rome, Book 32, 29
    • Gellius, Noctes Atticae, 7.14
    • Plutarch, Marcus Cato, 22
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