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*(Hra/kleitos), Heraclitus, a native of Cyme, in Aeolia, was appointed by Arsinoe, the wife of Lysimachus, to the government of Heraclea, when that city was given to her by her husband. By his arbitrary and tyrannical administration he inflicted a great injury on the prosperity of Heraclea, and alienated the minds of the citizens, so that after the death of Lysimachus (B. C. 281) they rose in revolt against him, and, uniting with the mercenaries under his command, took Heracleitus prisoner, and re-established the liberty of their city. (Memnon, apud Phot. p. 225a. b. ed. Bekker.) In the second passage where he is mentioned by Memnon, his name is written Heracleides: it is uncertain which is the correct form.


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281 BC (1)
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