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3. L. Aelius Lamia Aemilianus, belonged originally, as we see from the last name, to the gens Aemilia, and was adopted into the gens Aelia. He was consul suffectus in A. D. 80 in the reign of Titus, and was originally married to Domitia Longina, the daughter of Corbulo; but during the lifetime of Vespasian he was deprived of her by Domitian, who first lived with her as his mistress and subsequently married her. [DOMITIA LONGINA.] Lamia was put to death by Domitian after his accession to the throne. (D. C. 66.3; Suet. Dom. 1, 10; Juv. 4.154.) Lamia's full name was L. Aelius Plautius Lamia. (Marini, Atti degli fratr. arv. i. tav. 23.25, p. cxxx. and 222.)

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    • Suetonius, Domitianus, 1
    • Suetonius, Domitianus, 10
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