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1. AGRIPPA MENENIUS LANATUS, C. F., consul, B. C. 503, with P. Postumius Tubertus, conquered the Sabines and obtained the honour of a triumph on account of his victory. In the struggles between the patricians and plebeians he is represented as a man of moderate views, who had the good fortune, rarely to be found in civil strifes, of being beloved and trusted by both parties. It was owing to his mediation that the first great rupture between the patricians and plebeians, when the latter seceded to the Sacred Mount, was brought to a happy and peaceful termination in B. C. 493; and it was upon this occasion he is said to have related to the plebeians his well-known foible of the belly and its members. He died at the latter end of this year, and as he did not leave sufficient property for defraying the expences of any but a most ordinary funeral, he was buried at the public expence in a most splendid manner: the plebeians had made voluntary contributions for the purpose, which were given to the children of Lanatus, after the senate had insisted that the expences of the funeral should be paid from the treasury. (Liv. 2.16, 32, 33; Dionys. A. R. 5.44-47, 6.49-89, 96; Zonar. 7.13, 14.)

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    • Livy, The History of Rome, Book 2, 32
    • Livy, The History of Rome, Book 2, 16
    • Livy, The History of Rome, Book 2, 33
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