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Varus, A'tius

2. Q. Atius Varus, commander of the cavalry under C. Fabius, one of Caesar's legates in Gaul, is praised as a man " singularis et animi et prudentiae." (Hirt. B. G. 8.28.) He is probably the same as the Q. Varus, who commanded the cavalry under Domitius, one of Caesar's generals in Greece in the war with Pompey. (Caes. Civ. 3.37.) It is supposed by many modern writers that he is the sane person as the Varus, to whom Virgil dedicated his sixth eclogue, and whose praises he also celebrates in the ninth (9.27), from which poems we learn that Varus had obtained renown in war. It is also believed that he is the same as the Varus, who is said to have studied the Epicurean philosophy along with Virgil under Syro, a philosopher mentioned by Cicero (Serv. ad Virg. Ecl. 6.13; Phocas, Vita Virg. 65; Donatus, Vita Virg. 79; respecting Syro, see Cic. Fam. 6.11, de Fin. 2.35); but others think that this Varus is the same as the L. Varus, the Epicurean philosopher and friend of Caesar, mentioned by Quintilian (6.3.78). (Comp. Estré, Horatiana Prosopographcia, pp. 118, 204, foll., Amstelod. 1846.)

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  • Cross-references from this page (2):
    • Cicero, Letters to his Friends, 6.11
    • Caesar, Civil War, 3.37
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