Abercrombie, Colonel, 166 Alabama, attitude of with regard to secession, 2, 8; secession of, 14 Alexandria, Va., 102; fortified, 167 Alleghany Mountains, 126; 137 Anderson, Major, Robert, 22; transfers his forces to Fort Summer, 28 et seq.; his letter to Governor Pickens, 35; his reply to President Lincoln's letter, 58; his reply to Confederate authorities, 61, 131, 135 Annapolis, 100, 102 et seq.; route by, to the capital, 106 et seq. Arkansas, 80, 121 Arlington Heights, Va., occupied by Union forces, 110; fortified, 169 Ashby's Gap, 168B.
Baker, Edward D., 76 Ball's Bluff, engagement at, 210 Baltimore, 83; attack on the Massachusetts soldiers in, 85 et seq., 98; authorities burn R. R. bridges, 89 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 141 Bates, Attorney-General, 122 Banks, General N. P., 208 Barrancas, Fort, 88 Beauregard, General G. T., 56; directs operations against Fort Sumter, 57, 59; placed in command at Manassas, 170; his first measures, 170, 171; his plan for the battle of Bull Run, 176 et seq.; composition of his army, 176, note Beckham, Lieut., 194 Bee, General, 185 Bell, adherents of, 8 Benham, Captain, 152 Beverly, 142, 146, 151 Black, Secretary, 26, 38 Blackburn's Ford, 176, note; engagement at, 178 Blair, Francis P., 109 Blair, Frank P., Jr., 116 et seq., 122 Blair, Montgomery, 122 Blair's Home Guards, 118 Blenker, General L, 174 Boonville, battle of, 123 Border Slave States, 80 Breckinridge, John C., Southern electoral votes cast for, 4, 8 Breckinridge party, character of, 8 Brown, John, 158 [220] Brown, Governor, of Georgia, 12 Brown, Mayor, of Baltimore, 86, 89 et seq. Buchanan, James, President, character of, 17 et seq., Southern sympathy of, 18; his message to Congress, 19, 23 et seq.; interview with the South Carolina Commissioners, 28, 30, 31; correspondence with the Washington Cabal, 37; justifies the revolution of the South, 69; his Union sentiment as expresident, 76 Buckhannon, 147 Buckner, Simon B., 130, 132, 135 Bull Run, 133; position and course of, 176; battle of, 181 et seq.; its effects, 206, 208 Burnside, General A. E., 174 Bunker Hill, Va., 163 Butler, General B. F., 92 et seq., 108C.
Cabinet, decision of, with regard to Fort Sumter, 51 Cadwalader, General, 157 Cairo, 128, 132, 134 Campbell, Justice, 54; his treachery, 35, 57, 69 Carrick's Ford, 152 et seq. Case, General, Secretary of State, 24; resigns, 26; supports the Union cause, 76 Centreville, Va., 177 Charleston, S. C., situation of, 20, 79 Cheat River, 146, 152 Chinn House, the, 194 Chambersburg, Pa., 156 Cincinnati, 132, 140 Clay, Henry, 127 Cobb, Secretary, Howell, 12, 17, 20, 26, 42 Cockeysville, 90 Columbia, District of, 83 Columbus, 134 et seq. Confederacy, Southern, first formal proposal of, 26; established, 41; military resources of, 79; sends diplomatic agents to Europe, 79; natural resources of, 81 Confederates resolve to begin the war, 60 Constitution of the Confederate States adopted, 41 Cox, General J. D., 154 Crawford, Commissioner, 57 Crittenden, John J., 76 Cub Run, 200 Cumberland, Department of the, 135 Cumberland Gap, 135 Cummings Point, 63 et seq. Cushing,. Caleb, 76D.
Davies, General T. A., 174 Davis, Jefferson, 25 et seq., 40; elected President of the Confederacy, 41; opposes the attack on Fort Sumter, 56; belief of Northern aid, 71; offers letters of marque and reprisal, 78; call for volunteers, 79; his message to Governor Letcher, 92; letter to Governor Jackson, 117, 158; speech of, at Richmond, 169 “Declaration of Causes” by South Carolina, 5 et seq. Dennison, Governor, 140 Dix, Secretary John A., 33, 76, 208 [221] Doubleday, Captain (afterward General) Abner, 29, 64 Douglas, Stephen A., adherents of, 8; his interview with President Lincoln, 76 Dogan Heights, 191 Duke, Captain, 117 Dumont, Colonel, 143, 15E.
Ellsworth, Col. E. E., 110 et seq.; shot at Alexandria, 113; buried from the White House, 114 Ellsworth's Zouaves, 110 Elzey, General, 194 Evans, Colonel, 183 Evarts, Wm. M., 76 Everett, Edward, 76F.
Falling Waters, W. Va., skirmish at, 162 Federal Hill, Baltimore, 108 Field, David Dudley, 76 Fitzpatrick, Senator, 37 Florida, attitude of, with regard to secession, 2, 8; secession of, 14 Floyd, Secretary, 6, 17, 20, 23 et seq., 26, 30; his malfeasance in office, 31; resigns, 32 Follansbee, Captain, 86 et seq. Foster, Captain, 28, 63 Fox, Captain G. V., 51; sails in command of expedition for relief of Fort Sumter, 59 Franklin, General W. B., 174 Fremont, General J. C., 133 Frost, D. M., 117 et seq.G.
Gainesville, Va., 181 Gamble, Hamilton R., 125 Garnett, General, 146, 154 Georgia, attitude of, with regard to secession, 2, 8, 12; secession of, 13 et seq. Gist, Governor of South Carolina, his circular letter, 1, 8, 27 Gosport Navy Yard, destruction of, 96 et seq. Grafton, 142 et seq., 146 Grant, General U. S., 134 Great Bethel, Va., engagement at, 172 Green, Captain, 117 Griffin, Captain, 188, 191, 192 Guthrie, Colonel, 131H.
Hagerstown, Md., 157 Hamlin, Hannibal, 76 Harney, General, 119 et seq. Harper's Ferry, United States Armory at, 83; capture of, by rebels, 95, 98; retaken from the rebels, 157; weakness of, 158; destroyed by Johnston, 161 Harrisburg, 100 Hayne, I. W., 35, 37 Heintzelman, General S. P., commands Third Division on advance to Manassas, 174 Henry House, the, 187 Hickman, Ky., 134 Hicks, Governor, 83, 88 et seq., 94 Houston, Governor, his scheme of independent sovereignty for Texas, 13; deposed from office, 14 Holt, Secretary, 33, 37, 84 Howard, General O. O., 174 Hughes, Archbishop, 76 Hunter, General, David, commands Second Division, 174 Hunter, R. M. T., U. S. Sen.,Va., 25 [222] Huttonsville, 147I.
Illinois, 127 Imboden, General, 185 Indiana, 127; volunteers, 128 Iverson, Secretary, 12J.
Jackson, Camp, 117; captured by General Lyon, 118 et seq. Jackson, Fort, 79 Jackson, General T. J. ( “Stonewall” ), 187 Jackson, Governor, 115 et seq., 119, 121 et seq., 124 Jackson, murderer of Ellsworth, 113 Jefferson City, 123 Jefferson, Fort, on Tortugas Island, 16 Johnston, General Joseph E, resigns from Federal army, 108; in command at Harper's Ferry, 158; destroys Harper's Ferry, 161; movements of, before Patterson, in the Shenandoah Valley, 162 et seq.; his march to Manassas, 168; in command at Bull Run, 182 et seq.; opinion of, on the battle of Bull Run, 211 Jones, Colonel (of the Massachusetts Sixth), 84 Jones, Lieutenant, 95K.
Kanawha, proposed State of, 146 Kanawha River, the Great, 141; valley, 146 Kane, Marshal, 87, 88 et seq. Kelly, Colonel, 142 et seq. Kentucky, 80; attitude of, with regard to secession, 52, 129 et seq.; Union Legislature of, 130 et seq., 134 Keyes, General E. D., 174 Key's Ferry, Va., 163L.
Laurel Hill, 147, 151 et seq. Lee, General Robert E., 108; appointed to command of Virginia forces, 109; his plans in W. Va., 146; plans of, 169, 170 Leedsville, 151 Leesburg, Va., 163 Lefferts, Colonel, 92 et seq. Letcher, Governor, 82, 91, 109, 141 Lewis' Ford, 176, note Liberty, Mo., United States Arsenal at, 117 Lincoln, Abraham, election of, 4; his progress to Washington, 45 et seq.; his early career, 46; his character and person, 47 et seq.; his speeches before inauguration, 48; inauguration of, 49; anxiety about Fort Sumter, 50 et seq.; orders the relief of Forts Sumter and Pickens, 53; his final resolution with regard to Fort Sumter, 55; his letter to Major Anderson, 58; communication to Gov. Pickens, 59; his first war proclamation, 73; interviews with Douglas, 76; blockades the insurgent ports, 78; interview with Baltimore committee, 100; issues a second call for volunteers, 106; his orders to P. F. Blair, Jr., 122; his measures to save the Border States, 131 Liverpool cotton merchants, 79 Longstreet, General, 179 [223] Louisiana, attitude of, with regard to secession, 2, 8; secession of, 14 Louisville, 135 Lyon, Captain, Nathaniel, 116 et seq., 122 et seq., 123 Lyons, Lord, 94M.
Magoffin, Governor, 126 et seq., 132, 134 et seq. Mallory, Senator, 37 et seq., 40 Manassas, first movement against, 162 et seq.; description of, 175 et seq. Manchester, Eng., cotton operators of, 79 Martinsburg, W. Va., 162, 163 Maryland, attitude of, with regard to secession, 52, 83, 80; rebel conspiracies to gain, 107, 108; Union enlistments in, 131 Mason, Senator, 25, 91, 142 Massachusetts Eighth Infantry, 92, 103 Massachusetts Sixth Infantry, 84; attack upon, in Baltimore, 85 et seq.; map of its route through Baltimore, 85, 99 McCauley, Commandant, 96 McClellan, Gen. George B., placed in command of Dept. of the Ohio, 140; in West Va., 143, 140 et seq., 153 et seq.; appointed to command the army of the Potomac, 207, 208 McDowell, General, Irvin, in command at Arlington Heights, 173; his plan and movements, 173 et seq.; his report cited, 175; plan of battle at Bull Run, 177; change in his plans, 179, 181; his action during and after the battle, 181-205; in charge of the Virginia defences, 208 McLean's Ford, 176, note McRee, Fort, 38 Memphis, 133 Miles, General D. S., commands Fifth Division on advance to Manassas, 174; misconduct and suspension of, 199, 204 Militia, first call for, 73 et seq. Milroy, Colonel, 152 et seq. Melvale, 90 Mississippi, attitude of, with regard to secession, 2, 8; secession of, 14 Missouri, attitude of, with regard to secession, 52, 80, 115; Unionists of, 120; without local government, 124; rescued from secessionists, 125, 131, 133 Mitchell's Ford, 176, note Montgomery, 92 Morgan, Fort, 79 Morris, General, 143, 147, 151 Morton, Governor, 129 Moultrie, Fort, 21 et seq., 28; seizure of, 32N.
National property in the Southern States, 15; seizure of, by secessionists, 16; S. Carolina Commissioners treat for delivery of, 27 Nelson, Lieut., William, U. S. N., 131 et seq. New York City, proposition for secession of, 71; war meeting in, 92 New York Seventh Regiment, 103 Norfolk Navy Yard, 83; destroyed, 96 [224] North Carolina, attitude of, with regard to secession, 1, 80 North, its misapprehension of Southern opinion, 71 et seq.O.
Ohio levies, 128 Ohio, Military Department of the, 140 Ohio River, 127P.
Paducah, 134 Palmetto flag, 32 Parkersburg, 142 Patterson, General, Robert, 155; map of his campaign, 159; indecision of, 161; Scott's orders to, 163 et seq. Pawnee, the, 110 Pegram, Colonel, 147 Peirpont, F. H., Governor, 145 Pensacola, 38, 79 Pennsylvania, Military Department of, 155 Philippi, 143 et seq.; battle of, 144, 146 et seq. Phillips, Wendell, 76 Pickens, Fort, at Pensacola, 16, 38, 51, 53 Pickens, Franois W., Governor of South Carolina, 5, 32; demands surrender of Fort Sumter, 35, 56 et seq., 59 Pierce, ex-President, 76 Pillow, General, 133, 134 Pinckney, Castle, 20; seizure of, 32 Polk, General, Leonidas, 134 et seq. Porter, General, Andrew, 174 Porter, General, Fitz-John, 157, 166 Porterfield, Colonel, 142 et. seq., 146 Potomac River, 126 Price, Sterling, 121 et seq., 124 Provisional Congress of the rebel States, 37, 39 et seq. Pulaski, Fort, 80R.
Rebellion, the beginning of, 1; first formal proposal of, 26 Relay House, 90 Richardson, General J. B., 174, 178 Richmond, 92; Confederate seat of government transferred to, 169 Rich Mountain, 147, 151, 153 Ricketts, Captain, 188, 191, 192 Roaring Creek, 149 Robinson, Camp Dick, 182 Robinson House, the, 187 Rosecrans, General W. S., 149, 154, 208 Runyon, General, Theodore, commands Fourth Division in advance to Manassas, 174 Russell, Dr. W. H., 202S.
Sandford, General, 168 Santa Rosa Island, 38 Schenck, General R. C., 74 Scott, General, Winfield, at Washington, 24, 49; views on the relief of Fort Sumter, 51; orders the reinforcement of Harper's Ferry, 95 et seq.; concentrates troops in Washington, 99 et seq.; protects St. Louis, 116; orders and suggestions to Patterson, 162 et seq.; his campaign plans, 171, 172 St. George, W. Va., 151 St. Louis, 116 St. Philip, Fort, 79 [225] Secession, causes of, 1 et seq.; passage of ordinance of, in South Carolina, 5 et seq., 14; true character of, 8; cabal in Washington, 17, 23, 36 Seventh Regiment, N. Y. State Militia, 92 et seq. Seward, Secretary, opposes relieving Fort Sumter, 51; his idea of the conspiracy, 52; his reply to the rebel commissioners, 54; interview with Judge Campbell, 54, 94 Shepherdstown, 160 Sherman, General W. T., 174 Slavery, false assumption of the South with regard to, 7; the corner-stone of the Confederacy, 43 Slidell, Senator, 37, 40 Slemmer, Lieutenant, 38 Small's Pennsylvania Brigade, 88 Smith, General G. W., 211 Smith, General, Kirby, 194 South Carolina, attitude of, with regard to secession, 1; secession of, 5, 14 South Carolina Commissioners have an interview with President Buchanan, 30; their blindness to their opportunity, 31 Southern States, their differences of territory, etc., 10 et seq. Stone Bridge, the, over Bull Run, 176 and note Stone, General, 163 Strasburg, Va., 163 Sudley Ford, Bull Run, 182 Sudley road, the, 187 Sullivan's Island, 21 et seq. Stanton, Edwin M., 26, 33 “Star of the West,” 33 State supremacy, doctrine of, 6 Staunton, Va., 142, 146 Steedman, Colonel, 152 Stephens, Alexander H., 12; elected Vice-President of the Confederacy, 42 Sumter, Fort, 21 et seq.; expedition for the relief of, 53; President Lincoln's decision with regard to, 55; preparations for the siege of, 56; its evacuation demanded, 60; siege begun, 62; strength of, 63; its disadvantages in the siege, 65; surrender of, 63; the effect at the North of the attack on, 72T.
Taylor, Fort, at Key West, 16 Tennessee, 80, 133 et seq.; East, 135 Texas, course of the conspirators in, 13; ordinance of secession submitted to popular vote, 13; attitude of, with regard to secession, 13 et seq.; secession of, 14 Thomas, Secretary, 26 Thomas, Colonel, 166 Thompson, Jeff., 118 Thompson, Secretary, 17, 20, 30, 33 Toombs, Senator, 12, 42 Toucey, Secretary, 33 Townsend, Colonel, 153 Twiggs, General, treachery of, 14 Tyler, General, Daniel, commands First Division in the advance on Manassas, 174; his advance, 177, 178U.
Union Mills Ford, 176, note[226]