No. 16. report of Col. Isaac M. Kirby, one hundred and First Ohio Infantry, commanding First brigade.
Hdqrs. First Brig., First Div., 4TH Army Corps, Near Atlanta, Ga., September 11, 1864.
I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this brigade during the campaign commencing May 3 and ending September 8 in the occupation of Atlanta:
From May 3 to June 10 Brigadier-General Cruft commanded the brigade, and for a report during that time I am restricted to information gained from regimental reports and from my assistant adjutant-general.
On the 3d day of May this brigade, composed of the Thirty-first Indiana, Eighty-first Indiana, Ninetieth Ohio, and One hundred and first Ohio Infantry, and detachments of the non-veterans of the Twenty-first and Thirty-eighth Illinois, attached to the One hundred and first Ohio, broke up camp at Ooltewah, Tenn., and, under command of Brigadier-General Cruft, marched out the road leading to Tunnel Hill, via Catdosa Springs; camped on a high ridge half a mile south of Catoosa Springs on the evening of the 4th.
On the morning of the 7th the brigade, in advance of the division, moved
directly on Tunnel Hill.
The One hundred and first Ohio and two companies of the Eighty-first Indiana, deployed as skirmishers, soon met the enemy's skirmishers and drove them steadily back till our line swung around on the base of Tunnel Hill; while lying in that position General Whitaker's brigade moved down on the crest of the ridge and occupied the enemy's works on the hill.
That night the brigade encamped on the hill.
May 8, moved forward to the railroad and lay in line of battle.
May 9, brigade moved forward a short distance; skirmishers briskly engaged during the day. May 10, occupied same position.
May 11, this p. m. brigade ordered on a reconnaissance in the gorge at Rocky Face.
One hundred and first Ohio, Thirty-first Indiana, and a portion of the Ninetieth Ohio deployed as skirmishers.
Eighty-first Indiana, supporting the right of the One hundred and first Ohio, pressed forward and drove the enemy from his detached works to his main line, and withdrew under cover of night.
May 12, moved to the right to a position occupied by a brigade of General Davis' division, and intrenched.
May 13, the enemy having evacuated his position, the brigade, in the division column, marched through Dalton and bivouacked on the road leading to Resaca.
May 14, marched on in pursuit of the enemy; soon met his skirmishers; deployed the One hundred and first Ohio and drove his skirmishers back to his line on the hills near Resaca.
The brigade was then formed for action, and, with the Fifth Indiana Battery, moved forward on the Resaca road beyond the junction of the Tilton road, and became hotly engaged.
Owing to the extent of country to be observed by so small a force, the brigade was necessarily posted in detached positions.
The enemy sweeping down on us in overwhelming force and pressing a heavy body entirely past our left flank, compelled the brigade to fall back in confusion.
The Fifth Indiana Battery, having been fortunately posted in rear of the lines, checked the enemy's farther advance and punished him severely.
Just at night-fall the brigade was rallied, reformed, and moved to a position in rear of Colonel (now General) Grose's brigade, where it remained till the evacuation of the works at Resaca the morning of the 16th.
Moved forward that day in pursuit.
Came up with the enemy on the evening of the 17th near Adairsville; formed line of battle and advanced skirmishers; light skirmishing until dark.
During the night the enemy withdrew.
Moved forward on the morning of the 18th; found the enemy near Kingston; deployed the One hundred and first Ohio and Eighty-first Indiana.
Hbavy skirmishing ensued, driving the enemy about one and a half miles. Formed a line of battle and moved forward, the enemy withdrawing; camped near Cassville.
May 23, 3 p. m., marched with the division via Burnt Hickory, across Pumpkin Vine Creek, to a position near Dallas.
Lay in reserve at Dallas till the morning of May 30, when the brigade was ordered to accompany a supply train to Kingston.
The Twenty-first Illinois returned from veteran furlough, joined the brigade at Kingston June 4.
Rejoined the division near Acworth June 7. June 9, Thirty-eighth Illinois joined the brigade, having returned from veteran furlough.
On the morning of June 10 General Cruft was ordered to Chattanooga on account of severe sickness, and I had the honor to assume command.
Moved out on the Burnt Hickory and Marietta road in advance of the division, deployed the Twenty-first Illinois and Thirty-first Indiana as skirmishers; the line soon became engaged with the enemy's skirmishers; drove them back nearly a half mile. The line was here.
halted and column deployed into position and slight barricades constructed.
June 11, line was relieved by portions of Colonel (now General) Grose's and General Whitaker's brigades, and my command, by order of General Stanley, moved to the left of General Grose, relieving General Morgan's brigade, of the Fourteenth Army Corps, and formed in two lines, three battalions front.
Just before dusk commenced movement to occupy position 400 or 500 yards farther to the front; completed movement under cover of night.
During the night my position was strongly intrenched.
June 12, light skirmishing all day. Advanced the skirmish line about fifty yards; considerable firing on the skirmish line all night.
June 13 and 14, light skirmishing.
June 15, at early dawn skirmish line advanced one-half mile without finding an enemy; took 6 prisoners. By order of Major-General Stanley brigade advanced three-fourths of a mile; 2 p. m. formed in double column, three battalions front.
5 p. m. advanced to the front and right, deployed in position on the right of General Grose; advanced strong line of skirmishers under a brisk fire.
June 16, skirmishers briskly engaged the entire day. During the day the Thirty-first Indiana and part of the Ninetieth Ohio intrenched on the skirmish line in an open field and immediately under the enemy's guns, performing their work gallantly.
The Ninetieth and One hundred and first Ohio completed the line in the early part of the night.
June 17, 3 a. m., advanced skirmishers to the enemy's works, and found them evacuated.
During the morning advanced the brigade one and one-half miles, to a commanding position, and on the right of General Grose.
Was relieved in the afternoon by General Beatty's brigade, and moved to the left in position, supporting the right brigade of General Newton's division.
June 18, advanced one-half mile, supporting same brigade of General Newton's. 4 p. m. moved to position in front line farther to the right and joining the left of General Wood's division.
June 19, moved to the right and relieved a brigade belonging to the Twentieth Army Corps. June 20, advanced a strong skirmish line to seize a high hill held by the enemy in my front.
Succeeded under a heavy artillery and musketry fire in gaining the hill, but the enemy immediately moved a strong line of battle (under cover of a welldirected artillery fire) against me, and my flanks not being sufficiently protected, my men were driven back.
June 21, moved the brigade against the hill that I failed to hold on the 20th, the Thirtyfirst Indiana deployed as skirmishers, Ninetieth Ohio supporting, all of the pioneers of the brigade following closely.
These regiments carried the hill gallantly and were followed immediately by the balance of the brigade, going rapidly into position previously indicated.
The enemy opened a heavy artillery fire on us, but our pioneers succeeded so soon in erecting good works on the crest of the hill, that his artillery fire did comparatively little damage.
My pioneers particularly deserve my thanks, and won my admiration on this occasion for their almost superhuman efforts and great gallantry displayed.
June 22, occupied the same position; the enemy kept up a constant and heavy skirmish fire on us, and at times during the day opened a very heavy artillery fire.
June 23, at 3 a. m. was relieved by Colonel Scribner's brigade, Fourteenth Army Corps, and moved to the right about one mile, and relieved portions of Generals Harker's and Kimball's brigades.
June 24, advanced skirmish line (Eightyfirst Indiana) and seized a ridge occupied by the enemy's skirmishers.
One hundred and first Ohio and Twenty-first Illinois moved closely
in support of skirmish line, and with assistance of pioneers soon had good works on the ridge.
The Ninetieth Ohio was then moved up and completed the line.
The enemy resisted this advance stubbornly and continued to annoy us very much during the night.
My regiments engaged performed their work in an admirable manner.
June 25 and 26, occupied the same position, subjected to an annoying fire from the enemy.
June 27, at 8 a. m. formed in column, regimental front, supporting in echelon.
General Kimball's brigade formed for assault.
The assault proving unsuccessful, was withdrawn and placed in same position occupied before.
June 28, 29, and 30, occupied same position.
July 1, in same position, with heavy skirmish and artillery firing.
July 2, late p. m. moved to the left and relieved a portion of General Newton's line.
July 3, enemy evacuated, brigade marched via Marietta, and bivouacked in front of enemy, in rear of General Grose's brigade, five miles south of Marietta.
July 4, went into position on left of General Grose, pushed forward a strong skirmish line and advanced line of battle; took enemy's skirmish pits and intrenched during the evening.
July 5, enemy evacuated, brigade marched to the Chattahoochee River. July 6, 7, 8, and 9, occupied same position.
July 10, at 10 a. m. marched on road leading up the river, camped within one mile of pontoon crossing.
July 11, occupied same position.
July 12, crossed the river and went into position on high bluff one mile below crossing.
July 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, occupied same position.
July 18, brigade marched out Atlanta road at 5 a. m., following General Newton's division; camped near Buck Head.
July 19, marched about three miles and went into position on left of division.
July 20, marched in rear of division, crossed south fork Peach Tree Creel, and bivouacked in rear of Colonel Taylor's lines.
July 21, occupied same position.
July 22, marched in pursuit of enemy; went into position in front of enemy at 10 a. m., and advanced skirmish line.
July 23, 24, 25, and 26, occupied same position, building works and skirmishing.
July 27, at 9 p. m. moved to left flank of army and occupied enemy's old works.
July 28, 29, 30, and 31, occupied same position.
August 1 in the evening relieved one brigade of General Hascall's division on the front line.
August 2, occupied same position.
August 3, made demonstration with skirmish line; lost 8 men wounded.
August 4.
same position.
August 5, made demonstration with skirmish line.
August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, all quiet.
August 12, advanced skirmish line 300 or 400 yards, met very little resistance, and returned to old position.
August 13, 14, and 15, occupied same position.
August 16, shifted position to the left, the length of the brigade.
August 17 and 18, all quiet.
August 19, put the brigade in position on the Augusta railroad to the left of picket-line, deployed Ninetieth Ohio, One hundred and first Ohio, and Twenty-first Illinois as skirmishers and advanced onehalf mile, drove the enemy's skirmishers into their rifle-pits, and withdrew.
In the afternoon made similar demonstrations.
August 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25, occupied same position, occasionally making a display of the troops.
August 25, immediately after dark broke up camp and marched in rear of the lines to the right; crossed the Chattanooga railroad and bivouacked in some old works, Eighty-first Indiana deployed as pickets.
August 26, the enemy advanced a strong line of skirmishers on our pickets, pushing them vigorously succeeded in driving our pickets off the ridge occupied.
The Thirty-eighth Illinois was immediately deployed as support.
The Eighty-first Indiana rallied and charged the enemy, driving the lines back handsomely.
The brigade was then withdrawn and marched off to the right in division column, and camped at night in rear of Fourteenth Army Corps. August 27, continued march to the right, and went into position near Mount Gilead Church. August 28, continued march, and went into position near West Point railroad. August 29, occupied same position; Thirty-first Indiana engaged in destroying railroad track.
August 30, marched to position near Mud Creek. August 31, drove the enemy's skirmishers from works on the bank of creek, and camped one mile west of Macon railroad. September i, marched down Macon railroad, destroying track.
About 3.30 p. m. became engaged with enemy's skirmishers, and drove them steadily before us to their main line near Jonesborough; formed junction with Fourteenth Army Corps battle line and moved upon the enemy; became very spiritedly engaged, driving the enemy into his works.
Night-fall compelled us to cease our efforts.
During the night intrenched.
The enemy withdrew during the night.
September 2, pursued the enemy through Jonesborough, coming up to him again near Lovejoy's; went into position and drove his skirmishers back to his main line of works.
Again night compelled cessation of work.
September 3, was placed in reserve to Second and Third Brigades; occupied same position until evening of the 5th, when we withdrew and marched to present position on Augusta railroad, arriving September 8 p. m.
In the early part of this arduous campaign this brigade lost by sickness the valuable services and directions of its proper commander, Brigadier-General Cruft.
For its comparative success since then I am indebted to the intelligent and untiring efforts of the regimental commanders.
I am truly under lasting obligations to these officers for their cheerful and prompt execution of all orders, and for their indefatigable zeal aid watchfulness by day and night.
To the line officers and men, more than thanks are due. They have labored and fought cheerfully and gallantly when physical energies seemed taxed beyond endurance.
We mourn the loss of gallant comrades to the number of 6 commissioned officers and 53 enlisted men killed, and sympathize with 22 commissioned officers and 343 enlisted men wounded, and 15 men missing.
Lieutenant-Colonel N eff, Thirty-first Indiana; Major Angle, Ninetieth Ohio; Captain Ebersole, One hundred and first Ohio, and Captain Harris, Thirtyeighth Illinois, fell in front of Kenesaw; Captain Rains, Ninetieth Ohio, in front of Atlanta, and Lieutenant Hosmer, One hundred and first.
Ohio, in the dark gorge at Rocky Face.
Brave, gallant, accomplished gentlemen, whose memory their comrades will never cease to revere, and whose virtues their highest aim will be to emulate.
I must here bear testimony of the invaluable aid rendered by the pioneer detachments of this brigade.
They seemed to have been selected for their gallant and earnest enthusiasm in the cause.
I offer my thanks to Lieutenant Petticord, One hundred and first Ohio, and Lieutenant Graham, Eighty-first Indiana, pioneer officers.
To make mention of the officers and men of this brigade distinguished for gallantry would be to make out almost a complete muster-roll, but can, without detriment to the other gallant men, call attention to Captain Sutphen, Ninetieth Ohio; Captain Latimer, One hundred and first Ohio; Lieutenant Ford, Thirty-first Indiana, as officers deserving more than thanks.
To all the members of my staff I am under obligations for the prompt and energetic manner in which they have discharged their duties.
Particularly am I indebted to Lieutenant Felton, Ninetieth Ohio, aide-de-camp, and Lieutenant Stevens, Eighty-first Indiana, assistant inspector-general.
Always correct in their judgment, always on the front line when there was work to do, rendering active and valuable assistance, and untiring in their efforts.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
I. M. Kirby, Colonel, Commanding. Capt. E. D. Mason
, Asst. Adjt. Gen., First Division, Fourth Army Corps.
, Asst. Adjt. Gen., First Division, Fourth Army Corps.