No. 17. report of Capt. William H. Jamison, Twenty-first Illinois Infantry, of operations June 3-September 8.
Hdqrs. Twenty-First Illinois Volunteers, Near Atlanta, Ga., September 11, 1864.
Captain: I have the honor to report that the Twenty-first Illinois, numbering about 200 men, under command of Maj. James E. Calloway, joined the First Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps, at Kingston, Ga., on the 3d day of June, 1864.
On the 4th we marched from Kingston at 4 p. m., as guard to supply train.
That evening we marched eight miles and halted at ] 1 p. m. at the village of Etowah, on the bank of the Euharlee Creek.
On the 5th we moved but slowly, on account of bad roads, and halted at Raccoon Creek.
On the morning of the 6th we moved at 6 a. m., crossed the creek and began the ascent of Allatoona Mountain, camping near Burnt Hickory at 11 p. m., having marched since dark by torchlight.
On the 7th we marched at sunrise, crossing Pumpkin Vine Creek at 9 a. m. On the 8th we joined the First Division, Fourth Army Corps, near Acworth, Ga., remaining until the 10th, when we moved to the front five companies, deployed as skirmishers, under command of Major Calloway.
At about 1 p. m. the skirmishers became engaged with the enemy, and continued warmly engaged throughout the day, the enemy hotly contesting every foot of ground, the Twenty-first losing 2 men wounded.
On the 11th we threw up light works.
On the 12th did nothing.
On the 13th we continued skirmishing with the enemy by details made from the regiment, the enemy being compelled to take refuge in his works located on Pine Mountain, a strong position almost north of Kenesaw Mountain.
On the morning of the 15th it was found that the enemy had evacuated during the night.
We immediately moved forward and halted in sight of College Hill, near Marietta, Ga., at 8 a. m. We again moved at 10 a. m., and at sunset threw up light works and remained there until the morning of the 17th, when it was found there was no enemy in our front, he having evacuated under cover of darkness.
We followed in line of battle until we were relieved, about 12 m., by the Third Division, Fourth Army Corps.
We then moved a short distance to the left and halted for the night.
On the 19th we moved at 8 a. m., and crossed a deep slough, then recrossed and threw up some light works, our picket detail keeping
up a continued fire with the enemy at this point.
One man of this regiment was wounded.
On the 20th we moved to the left and front.
Our skirmishers soon became hotly engaged with the enemy, charging their skirmishers, but not being properly protected on their flank were obliged to fall back, the Twenty-first losing 1 man mortally wounded.
At this point Major Calloway, with the non-veterans of this regiment and eight officers, left us to go to Chattanooga, Tenn., to be mustered out of service, their term having [expired], or was about to expire, leaving the regiment, now numbering 145 officers and men for duty, under my command.
On the 21st we advanced and took a position on the left of the Ninetieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, who had taken a position on a high knoll in front of our position.
In doing so this command lost 3 enlisted men, 1 mortally and 2 slightly wounded with shell.
On the 22d I had 1 man slightly wounded by a musket-shot.
At 3 a. m. on the 23d we moved to the right and relieved the. Seventy-third Illinois Volunteers, belonging to the First Brigade, Second Division, Fourth Army Corps.
At 4 p. m. we advanced our lines, under a heavy fire, and threw up works, getting 1 man mortally wounded, who died the next day. From this date until the 27th nothing was done by us except slight skirmishing.
On the 27th we formed in line in rear of the brigade at 9 a. m., the First Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps, being in support of the Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, while making a charge on the enemy's works.
Nothing of importance beside picket duty was done by us until the 3d day of July, 1864, when the enemy having left his strong position under cover of night, we moved out at 6 a. m., halting at Marietta College for a short time, then marched until 4 p. m., when we halted for the night five miles south of Marietta.
On the morning of the 4th my command was ordered to support the skirmishers.
We advanced in easy supporting distance until we came into a large open field, which had two ravines running parallel with my line.
Here the enemy greeted me with a heavy fire of shell and canister from their artillery.
I deemed it prudent to move my command to the front and cause the men to lie down in the first ravine, where they remained in comparative safety until about 3 p. m., when I was ordered by Lieutenant Felton, aide-de-camp, to relieve the skirmish line, which I did, and remained there until after dark, when I was relieved by a detachment from the Eighty-first Indiana, having I enlisted man killed.
On the 5th, the enemy having left our front during the night, we moved along the railroad to Vining's Station, going into camp on the left of the road fronting the river.
At this place 1 man of this command was wounded while on picket duty.
We remained in this camp until the 10th, when we moved to the left up the river about seven miles, and halted, and remained there until the 12th, when we crossed the Chattahoochee River, moving down the south bank and halting, and throwing up light works on a high ridge running nearly at right angles with the river, and directly in front of the Twenty-third Army Corps.
We remained here until the 18th, when we marched at 6 a. m., and halted two miles from Peach Tree Creek.
On the 19th moved at 3 p. m., crossed the creek, and halted for the night and threw up light works.
On the 20th marched at 6 a. m., marching slowly until 4 p. m., when we marched toward Atlanta, relieving the skirmishers of the Twentythird Army Corps by details, one of which was from my command, also throwing up heavy works.
We remained here until the 26th,
when we moved to the rear and occupied the line of works left by the enemy on the night of the 21st.
On the 1st of August we moved to the front and occupied part of the works vacated by the Twentythird Army Corps.
While here I had 3 men slightly wounded by the enemy's shells.
We also were employed while here in picket duty.
At night-fall on the 25th we moved to the rear and right, halting at 11 p. m. On the 26th marched at 10 a. m., halting at 9 p. m. On the 27th marched rapidly six miles and halted at Mount Gilead Church and threw up light works.
On the 28th we marched to the Montgomery railroad and halted in a large open field, throwing up light works and remaining until the morning of the 30th, when we marched at 10 a. m. At night we halted and threw up light works in sight of the enemy.
On the 31st we advanced about one mile and found the enemy strongly fortified in a strong position, but without artillery, and but few men. The works were occupied by our skirmishers.
We halted for the night near the Macon railroad, which we reached on the morning of the 1st of September.
Moving on the road south we continued to skirmish with the enemy and destroy the road until about 4 p. m. When near Jonesborough I was ordered to form my command on the left of the Eighty-first Indiana and advance, guiding by the right.
After advancing some distance I found the underbrush so thick as to greatly retard my progress.
I then ordered them to advance by right of companies, which was done very successfully until we came to an old road running almost parallel to my line.
Here I halted and again formed my line and advanced about 100 yards, when the Eighty-first Indiana, which was on my right, fell back from some cause unknown to me, and I, having orders to be guided by them, deemed it prudent to fall back to the road we had just left.
The movement was accomplished in good order and without any disorganization on the part of this regiment.
After a few minutes' halt the Eighty-first Indiana advanced and I closed up to their left and the line halted.
I then had some old logs and light wood formed into a barricade in order to save my men and hold the ground should the front line give way, which it gave symptoms of doing, the firing on our front and right flank being very heavy.
After remaining here a few minutes we advanced to the crest of a small ridge in our front.
While lying here I was ordered by Lieutenant Stevens to advance the Twenty-first Illinois.
I immediately did so, and when almost on the front line I was ordered to retire by Colonel Kirby, commanding First Brigade, First Division, Fourth Army Corps.
This movement was executed without disorder or trouble.
We remained in the second line until morning, throwing up light works during the night, the enemy in the latter part of the engagement pouring a very heavy fire of artillery and musketry into the thicket where we lay, but their shots were mostly too high.
The enemy having retired during the night of the 1st, we advanced on the morning of the 2d and followed him until 4 p. m., when he was found strongly intrenched.
This regiment was then deployed as skirmishers and placed on the left flank.
We remained in this position until early day on the morning of the 3d, when we joined the brigade and remained until the 4th, when we moved to the rear about one-fourth mile.
On the 5th at night-fall we moved to the rear and arrived at Jonesborough at 1 a. m. of the 6th, where we remained until the 7th, when we marched toward Atlanta, halting for the night within seven miles of the city.
On the 8th we marched toward Atlanta, which we passed through at 11
a. m. that day, and moved to our present position, about one and a half miles east of town, arriving here at 12 m., remaining here since, my loss in killed being 1; wounded, 15; captured, 5; total, 21.
The condition of this command in arms is good, in clothing is fair, in discipline fair, in spirits good.
I am under many obligations to Colonel Kirby, commanding brigade, and his staff for their kindness and leniency to me who has occupied a position during the campaign higher than my rank would warrant.
To Dr. J. L. Reat, surgeon of this regiment, I am under obligations for the kindness and care shown to the sick and wounded of this command, and I would take this method of returning thanks to all officers and men of this command for the energy and zeal shown in our noble cause, and their promptness in obeying all and every order given them, regardless of time or place.
I also thank Sergt. Maj. E. Mack and my orderly, J. A. Pierce, for the promptness displayed in carrying orders while under fire.
I have the honor to remain, your obedient servant,
W. H. Jamison, Capt., Comdg. 21st illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry. Capt. John A. Wright
, A. A. G., First Brig., First Div., Fourth Army Corps.
, A. A. G., First Brig., First Div., Fourth Army Corps.