No. 92. journal of the First brigade.
Hdqrs. First Brig., First Div., 14TH Army Corps, Atlanta, Ga., September 9, 1864.
Memorandum of operations from Ringgold, Ga.:
May 7.-Marched from Ringgold, seven miles, to a point about one mile and a half south of Tunnel Hill and encamped for the night.
May 8.-The brigade moved forward in line of cattle through the valley and over a range of hills lying on west side of the Gordon Spring road, and took position on a ridge about a half mile southwest of Buzzard Roost.
Remained in this position until about 10.30 a. m., when the brigade was moved back to the first range of hills, where it lay in line until about 5.30 p. m., when it moved forward to the first position and encamped for the night.
May 9.-Received orders to finish a reconnaissance which had been begun by Colonel Wood's brigade, Butterfield's division, around the point of Chattoogata Mountain, south side of the gap. Moved brigade forward, crossing Mill Creek.
Relieved Colonel Wood's brigade.
Placed the Eighty-eighth Indiana and One hundred and fourth Illinois into position along the spur extending from the point of the mountain to the gap and overlooking the enemy's works in front.
The Forty-second Indiana and the Fifteenth Kentucky were then pushed up the mountain side, with orders to go as far as possible around the point.
The Thirty-third Ohio and Twenty-first Wisconsin were moved along the western base, and then toward the summit of the mountain.
The Fortysecond Indiana advanced some considerable distance around the point, skirmishing with the enemy with some loss until farther progress was prevented by a rebel battery, which opened on the line from the point of Rocky Face Ridge, and also by a fire from our own artillery in the rear.
Our line was being pressed, and the Second Ohio was moved up to support.
Both regiments were subsequently withdrawn.
The Fifteenth Kentucky, Thirty-third Ohio, and Twenty-first Wisconsin having also been withdrawn without any important development, the brigade encamped along the base for the night.
May 10.-The brigade remained in its position until about 2 p. m., when two companies of the Second Ohio were sent forward, with orders to skirmish as far as possible around the point of the mountain.
This force, supported by a detachment from the Thirtyseventh Indiana, advanced steadily, driving the enemy's skirmishers into rifle-pits.
They were then withdrawn and the brigade remained in its position until 3 a. m.
May 11.-Pursuant to orders of General Johnson, being relieved by Third Brigade, it was withdrawn across Mill Creek to a range of hills, where it remained during the day and night.
May 12.--Marched from Buzzard Roost to and through Snake Creek Gap, and encamped about one mile east of the gap.
May 13.-Moved about one-fourth of a mile on the road leading to Tilton and massed the brigade on right of the road, thence advanced, and, forming line of battle on left of the road, pushed forward as far as crest of the ridge overlooking Swamp Creek.
Was relieved from this position by Colonel Wood's brigade, of Butterfield's division, about 9 p. m., and moving to the left, took up position on left of General Ward's brigade, of Butterfield's division, and remained during the night.
May 14.-Advanced in line of battle about 8 a. m., skirmishing with the enemy to a small creek about one mile, running into Camp Creek, and halted to await orders.
After remaining at this point about two hours the brigade moved forward over the ridge ir front, and crossing Swamp Creek advanced part of the way across the open field beyond to assault the enemy's works; being met by a terrific fire in front and on both flanks, and being wholly unsupported,
the brigade fell back with heavy loss to the creek at the foot of the ridge, where it remained until about 11 p. m., when, having been relieved by Col. Dan. McCook's brigade, of Davis' division, it moved back over the ridge, where it remained during the night.
May 15.-The brigade moved about 9 o'clock to left of Colonel Scribner's brigade, relieving Colonel —‘s brigade, of General Hovey's division.
The Eighty-eighth Indiana and Fifteenth Kentucky were ordered to occupy a small wooded ridge on the Dalton and Resaca dirt road on the left of the brigade.
This ridge afforded a full view and was in good rifle range of the enemy's works.
These regiments kept up a constant fire until night-fall, suffering some loss, and prevented the rebels from using a number of pieces of artillery which were in position behind the works.
The brigade remained here during the night.
May 16.-The brigade moved to Resaca and encamped for the night.
May 17.-The brigade marched to a point about six miles south of Calhoun and encamped.
May 18.-The brigade marched through Adairsville and encamped near the Western and Atlantic Railroad, four and a half miles from Kingston.
May 19.-The command marched through Kingston to a bridge on the Etowah River, four miles southwest of the town.
May 20.-The brigade moved at 8 a. m. to a point on the Western and Atlantic Railroad near Cassville, where it went into camp about noon.
At this place the command stopped three days for the purpose of drawing shoes and clothing.
May 23.-The command marched at 8 a. m., crossed the Etowah River at Island Ford, and encamped for the night on Euharlee Creek near the Burnt Hickory road.
May 24.-The brigade moved out on the Burnt Hickory road; crossing Raccoon Creek, it bivouacked for the night on the south side.
May 25.-The brigade remained at this place during the day, while the train of the Twentieth Army Corps passed, and at 1 o'clock next morning, May 26, it marched on the Burnt Hickory road, through Burnt Hickory, to Brown's Mill, three miles from Dallas.
May 27.-The command moved in two lines, supporting the Second and Third Brigades, to a point on Pumpkin Vine Creek near Pickett's Mills.
At 11 p. m. the brigade was placed in two lines on the left of General King.
Msay 28.-Early next morning the line was advanced about onequarter of a mile and the brigade was formed in single line extending from right to left along the ridge in front of Leverett's and Brand's houses.
About 3 p. m. the First Wisconsin, (Third Brigade) was put in position on the right of the brigade, to complete the line to Pumpkin Vine Creek.
Brisk skirmishing was kept up all day and night along the whole front.
Capt. R. J. Waggener, assistant adjutant-general, was killed about 10 a. m. of to-day.
May 29.-Heavy picket-firing has been kept up all day; the Twenty-first Ohio (Third Brigade) was put into position about 4 p. m. to support the right of the brigade.
May 30.-The works along the front of the whole brigade were strengthened this morning.
At 6 o'clock this p. m. the right of the brigade, extending from Pumpkin Vine Creek on the right to Brand's house on the left, was attacked by a part of Hood's corps, which advanced from the rebel works in line of battle.
a brisk engagement of several minutes the enemy fell back with con siderable loss, leaving a part of his killed and wounded in our front.
The following are the names of the regiments engaged: Tenth Wisconsin, Forty-second Indiana, Twenty-first Wisconsin, and First Wisconsin (Third Brigade).
June 2.--Nothing of importance has occurred since the evening of the 30th of May, At 2 p. m. the four regiments forming the left of the brigade were advanced about 400 yards, driving the enemy from a ridge in front, and gaining a very favorable position.
At 7 o'clock the brigade was relieved by General Baird's division, and it moved to the rear to a position of close support to General Baird.
June 3.-At 11 a. m. the Eighty-eighth Indiana and One hundred and fourth Illinois were sent to occupy aline of works on the left of General Baird.
June, 4 and 5.-The brigade remained in the same position, nothing of importance occurring.
June 6.-The command marched at 8 a. m. on the Acworth road and camped at 9 p. m. on the Pritchard farm, three miles from Acworth.
June 10.-Nothing of importance has occurred during the past three days. At 6 o'clock this morning the brigade marched to Green's-Mill, and bivouacked for the night.
June 11.-At 7 a. m. the command marched to a point one and a half miles southwest of Big Shanty, and went into camp.
Nothing of importance occurred until June 14, when the brigade moved forward about two miles in support of the Second and Third Brigades.
June 15.-The command remained in reserve until June 16 at 5 p. m., when it relieved the Second Brigade and advanced to the front, about 300 yards, and threw up breast-works.
June 17.---The skirmish line was advanced across an open field and drove the enemy's skirmishers from their breast-works in a narrow strip of woods beyond, gaining about 600 yards of ground, and a very favorable position for the skirmishers.
June 18.-About daylight this morning the picket-line advanced and drove the enemy's pickets from their rifle-pits, and captured 13 prisoners.
The brigade moved forward about 400 yards and threw up works in the field on the right of the main Marietta road.
June 19.-Received an order from division headquarters to send out a reconnoitering party of fifty picked men, with instructions to find the enemy, who, it was reported, had abandoned his works.
The detachment was selected from the Thirty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and sent out under charge of Captain Hinson.
They advanced about two miles on the Marietta road to the base of Kenesaw Mountain, drove the enemy's rear guard from three diferent positions, capturing a rebel ambulance, 2 mules, and 4 prisoners. The detachment was then ordered back to the works abandoned by the enemy, to await further orders.
About 10 a. m, General Palmer ordered the detachment to advance with and protect the left flank of General Morgan's skirmish line.
Captain Hinson again moved forward to the base of Kenesaw and drove the rebels some distance up the mountain side.
The brigade moved forward at 7 p. m. and took position on the left of General Baird's division, near the base of Kenesaw Mountain.
June 20.-About 4 p. m. received orders from division headquarters tQ move to the right and relieve General Kimball's brigade, of
General Newton's division, which was accomplished by 8 p. m. About 11 p. m. I again moved to the right and relieved Colonel Grose's brigade.
June 21.-At 8.30 a. m. the rebels opened a very heavy artillery fire on the command from several positions.
Two batteries, 600 yards in front, sent shot and shell through the works of the brigade, while a battery on the right enfiladed my line.
The brigade lost several men wounded in the works by shell from the enemy's batteries.
June 2.2.-The enemy kept up a heavy artillery fire nearly all day. At 11 p. m. the brigade was relieved by General Turchin, and moved half a mile to the right and placed in rear of Colonel Scribner's brigade.
June 23.-Remained in same position, with nothing of importance occurring.
June 24.-The Eighty-eighth Indiana was ordered to report to Colonel Stoughton, commanding Second Brigade, as support to his left, about 8 p. m.
June 25.-The Forty-second Indiana, One hundred and fourth Illinois, and the Fifteenth Kentucky moved and took position in the rear line and on the left of the Second Brigade.
June 27.-The brigade remained in the same position until 7.30 p. m. of to-day, when it relieved Colonel Stoughton, commanding Second Brigade.
July 2.-The brigade occupied the same position, without anything occurring, to this date, when, Brigadier-General Carlin having received leave of absence, Col. A. G. McCook assumed command of the brigade, which after dark was relieved by General Hazen's brigade, of Wood's division, Fourth Army Corps, taking position from the Kenesaw Mountain running west.
July 3.-The enemy having disappeared from our front, in accordance with orders the brigade moved at 7.30 o'clock, taking the Marietta road, passing through the same, and taking position on the right of the railroad, four miles from Marietta, where it bivouacked for the night.
July 4.-Advanced about three-quarters of a mile, with heavy skirmishing during the day.
July 5.--This morning found that the enemy had fallen back, The brigade moved at 8 a. m. toward the river about five miles, with slight skirmishing part of the distance.
July 9.--Nothing; of importance having occurred since the 5th, to-day.the skirmish line advanced, taking the first rebel rifle-pits, but not being supported on the right, they were obliged to fall back to their original position.
July 10.--Found this morning that the rebels had fallen back across the Chattahoochee River.
July 17.-Remained in position until this morning, with nothing of importance occurring.
The brigade moved, according to orders, at 2 p. m., crossing the river on the pontoon bridge near Vining's Station.
Marched about one mile due east, taking position on the left of the division and corps, where it bivouacked for the night.
July 18.-Brigade formed in one line, joining Hooker's command on the left and the Second Brigade of First Division on the right.
Advanced about two miles, skirmishing and driving the enemy before us. General Baird forms his division in front of the First Division,
July 19.-Remained in position until 7.30 o'clock, when it advanced, supporting General Baird's division, moving across Peach Tree Creek, and then, moving to the left, forming line with the Second and Third Brigades, General Baird's division on the right.
July 20.--About 10 a. m. the brigade was formed in two lines, with the left connecting with General Hooker's right.
Orders were given to throw up breast-works, but within a few moments after General Johnson sent instructions to stop the works and prepare for an advance on the enemy.
At 4.30 p. m. the rebels made a furious attack on our position, entering a portion of our partially constructed works, but after an hour of very hard fighting the enemy was driven back, but as soon as the lines were properly formed again the enemy made a second attack, but more feebly than before.
After the exchange of a few volleys the rebels fell back and a line of skirmishers was sent after them.
The heaviest of the fight fell upon the One hundred and fourth Illinois, and that regiment, with the rest of the command, acted splendidly throughout the whole engagement.
July 21.-Advanced about a half mile, driving the enemy before us, when the command threw up breast-works, under the fire of the enemy, and within 300 yards of his main line of works.
July 22.-The enemy having fallen back, the command moved forward to within three miles of Atlanta with considerable skirmishing, where they threw up breast-works.
Being relieved in the evening by a brigade from General Hooker's command, they fell back more to the right in rear of Third Brigade, First Division, where it remained until the evening of the 26th.
July 26.-About 7 p. m. the brigade relieved the Third Brigade, First Division, where it remained, advancing the picket-line, until the evening of August 2.
August 2.-In the evening, having been relieved by the Third Brigade, the command fell back to the rear.
August 3.-Brigadier-General Carlin having returned assumes .command, and the brigade moved, in accordance with orders, to the right of the army about five miles, taking the refuse position on the flank.
August 4.-The command moved in support to Second Brigade one mile west of the extreme right of the army, and bivouacked for the night on the north side of the Utoy Creek.
August 5.-The brigade moved to the left to connect with General Morgan's division.
About 2 p. m. received orders to move in a direction southwest to find the left of the enemy's line of works and charge them in the flank.
On account of an open field being directly in our advance it became necessary to move around the field to the west to a strip of woods about 600 yards to the right.
After proper dispositions of the command (it formed in column of regiments) were made, the Thirty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry was deployed as skirmishers and sent forward.
After driving the rebel skirmishers in the main works it was ascertained that the enemy's works extended at least one and a half miles to the right of the point at which the attack was made.
After gaining this information the command was withdrawn, by General Johnson's orders, to the rear of the works occupied by the troops of the Twenty-third Army Corps, and at 8 p. m. the brigade moved to the left about two miles and went into position on the right of the Fifteenth Army Corps in the works occupied by General Hascall's division.
August 6.-Nothing of importance occurred.
August 7.-The line was advanced about 500 yards to a hill west of Utoy Creek, about 200 yards from the enemy's main line.
In gaining possession of this hill, the brigade carried two lines of riflepits under a very heavy fire from the enemy.
The first line was charged and taken by the Eighty-eighth Indiana, which sustained severe loss.
The second line was carried by the Twenty-first Wisconsin, which regiment also lost several men. After the hill was carried, the enemy opened a heavy fire of shell and canister on our line from a battery in his main works, which lasted for nearly two hours, killing and wounding several officers and men.
August 12.-Nothing of importance up to this time has occurred.
Before daybreak this morning the Twenty-first Wisconsin was withdrawn from the front line to the rear, on the hill near McKnight's battery.
August 13.-Advanced the skirmish line at the same time with the Fifteenth Army Corps, capturing the whole of the rebel skirmish line, which line of works the command hold on their front.
August 19.-To this date nothing of importance has occurred.
About 11 p. m. a part of the brigade, consisting of the One hundred and fourth Illinois and a part of the Forty-second Indiana and Ninety-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, relieved the Second Brigade, which was withdrawn.
August 26.-Nothing of importance has occurred up to this date.
At 7 p. m. the command withdrew from the works and marched to the right and went into position on the Sandtown road on the left of the Twenty-third Army Corps.
August 27.-The brigade completed the works in the first line; nothing of importance occurred during the day.
August 28.-The brigade marched at 7 a. m. on the road to Muscle Shoal Church, and at 4 p. m. we crossed the Montgomery railroad, 7 miles from East Point.
The brigade formed in two lines, the left resting on the railroad.
August 29.-The brigade moved two miles up the railroad in the direction of East Point to protect the troops engaged in tearing up the track; after the railroad was completely destroyed the command withdrew to the original position held in the morning.
August 30.-The brigade marched at daylight in the direction of Rough and Ready, and bivouacked for the night on the La Fayette road.
August 31.-At daylight the brigade made a reconnaissance on the La Fayette road, with orders to find the left of the Army of the Tennessee.
We moved down the road two miles to Renfroe's house, where we found a squad of General Kilpatrick's cavalry.
About an hour after this one division of the Seventeenth Army Corps filed past, and proper dispositions were made of the brigade to protect the cross-roads.
September 1.-The brigade, with the Nineteenth Indiana Battery, was ordered to the right to protect the wagon trains.
It moved about one mile south of Renfroe's house, where it took position and threw up breast-works.
September 2.-Command moved at 2 p. m., in rear of the Fourteenth Army Corps wagon train, to Jonesborough, where it arrived at 8 p. m. and bivouacked for the night in the south part of the town.
September 6.-Nothing of importance having occurred up to this date, at 9 o'clock this a. m. the brigade was formed in one line running east and west, with the left resting on the railroad near Smith's
At 10 o'clock two companies of the Thirty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry were posted about a half mile to the front, on the main road.
Soon the rebels appeared in our front and drove in our outposts and a part of our pickets proper.
At this time Captain Prescott opened a section of his battery and held the rebels in check.
Brisk skirmishing was kept up until about 2 o'clock, when the brigade fell back in good order to a position in the center of the town, from which it was withdrawn to the rebel works taken by General Morgan's division in the battle of the 1st of September.
September 7.- The brigade withdrew from the rebel works at 8 a. m. and passed through General Baird's division, near the creek, and marched on the Rough and Ready road to a point about one mile north of the town and bivouacked for the night.
September 8.-The brigade moved at 7 o'clock, taking the advance of the division on the road leading to Atlanta.
When within about two miles of the town it took position and went into camp, where it now is.
The Second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry was detached from the brigade, near Kingston, May 22, as a guard for the supply train.
July 26, Col. A. G. McCook received orders from department headquarters to report with his regiment to the post commander at Chattanooga, its time having nearly expired.
August 29, the Tenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Capt. J. W. Roby commanding, was ordered to report to the officer in charge of the ordnance department, Marietta, Ga.
Appended is a consolidated report of the casualties the brigade has suffered during the Georgia campaign.
Zzz |
Hdqrs. First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, Atlanta, September 12, 1864.
Respectfully forwarded to corps headquarters.
This journal was kept by the adjutant-general of the brigade, Capt. R. J. Waggener, assistant: adjutant-general, till he was killed, May 28, 1864, and subsequently by Capt. J. W. Ford, acting assistant adjutant-general.
The brigade was commanded by Brigadier- General Carlin till July 2; then by Col. A. G. McCook, Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, till July 26; then by Col. M. C. Taylor till August 1; then by General Carlin till August 17; then by Colonel Taylor, who still commands it.
W. P. Carlin, Brigadier-General.