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Editorial paragraphs.

The Combining of our January and February numbers enables us to give articles which have been already delayed longer than was desirable, while our readers lose nothing by the change, and gain an earlier reception of the matter for our February number.

Renewals and New subscribers are now in order, and we beg our friends to let us have both as rapidly as possible. If you hear an old subscriber complaining that he has not received his January number, please ask him, with our compliments, if he has sent on his renewal fee! We do not send this number to those whose time has expired and fromwhom we have not heard; and let each one of our friends try to send us at least one new subscriber.

Mistakes by our Printer are not frequent, but our last number contained some which were as annoying to him as to the writer and the editor. In the two papers by General Early on the Battle of Gettysburg there were a number of errors, the most important of which we correct, as follows: Page 243, line 10, for “round” read “moved” ; page 246, line 16, for “above” read “alone” ; page 248, line 19, for “Brownsboroa” read “Boonsboroa” ; page 259, line 23, for “our” read “one” ; page 259, line 4 from bottom, for “force” before “strongly” read “part” ; page 272, line 4, for “northwest” read “southwest” ; page 273, line 15, for “argued” read “agreed” :; page 281, line 5 of note, for “Jenlac” read “Senlac” ; page 288, line 18, for “morning” read “evening” ; page 291, line 24, for “sabre-hilt” read “sabre-belt” ; page 299, line 29, for “Gracy's” read “Geary's” ; page 300, line 4 of note, for “2nd” read “3rd” ; page 301, line 4 from bottom of note, for “our” read “one” ; page 279, line 10, the date “18th of September” should be the “19th of September,” the error being in the manuscript. There are a number of verbal errors, as the substitution of “in” for “on,” and of “these” for “those.”

Our liberal Benefactor, W. W. Corcoran, Esq., of Washington, has placed the Society under renewed obligations by another donation of [95] $500. Of princely liberality, Mr. Corcoran is at the same time judicious in his donations, and it adds to the pleasure of this gift to receive it as a token of his continued interest in the work we are doing and his confidence in the management of our affairs.

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