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April 1.

Admiral Farragut with the National gunboats Hartford, Switzerland, and Albatross, engaged the rebel batteries at Grand Gulf. Miss., and succeeded in passing below them without material damage.--Secretary Gabandau's Report.

The National Bank of Erie, Pa., was organized by M. Sanford and associates, to commence business on the first of May.--Captain Mosby, of the rebel cavalry, made a raid near Broad Run, Va. His force was encountered by a portion of the First Vermont cavalry, when a sharp fight ensued. The rebels took up a position behind a fence which the Union cavalry could not get over, and from which they were unable to dislodge the rebels. During the fight Captain Flint, of the First Vermont cavalry, and a lieutenant of the same regiment, were severely wounded.

April 2.

At Richmond, Va., a riot occurred in which a large number of women were engaged. They broke open the rebel government stores, and took bread, clothing, and such other materials as they desired, when the militia were ordered out to suppress their proceedings.--(Doc. 163.)

Eight regiments of General Crufts's and Hazen's brigades, of General Palmer's division, made an effort to capture a rebel brigade stationed at Woodbury, Tenn. Last night at ten o'clock the party, accompanied by a body of Ohio cavalry, left Murfreesboro. General Hazen made a detour of fifteen miles, expecting to begin the [60] attack at daylight this morning. Crufts's brigade went direct. During the night the rebel pickets extended their lines, so that the advance began skirmishing before General Hazen had posted his troops, and in consequence the rebels escaped, the National cavalry keeping up a running fight for three miles, and capturing thirty of the rebels, besides killing and wounding twelve of their number. Corporal Jacob R. Shaveles, of company E, Third Ohio, was the only one wounded on the National side. “He acted very gallantly, charging a squad of rebels single-handed, and sabreing half a dozen before being shot.” --Cincinnati Gazette.

At daylight this morning, Admiral Farragut, with the National squadron, left Grand Gulf, Miss., and proceeded to the mouth of Red River, destroying on the way a large number of rebel skiffs and flatboats. He arrived at the Red River at sundown.--Secretary Gabandau's Report.

Major W. C. Ransom, of the Sixth Kansas cavalry, destroyed the band of rebel guerrillas under Colonel Hicks, in Jackson County, Mo., killing seventeen and hanging two who were engaged in the robbery of the steamer Sam Gaty. He also recovered a portion of the contrabands captured from that steamer, besides taking twenty-one of the guerrillas' horses, and their camps, with all their equipage, ammunition, etc.--General Curtis's Despatch.

As the National gunboat St. Clair was passing Palmyra, twenty-four miles above Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland River, she was fired into by a section of King's rebel Missouri battery, belonging to the army under General Van Dorn. The third shot struck the supply-pipe of the steamer, rendering her unmanageable, and wounding two of her crew. She was taken in tow by the steamer Luminous, and carried to Cairo, Ill.--General Wright, in command of the National forces in California, issued a proclamation which concluded as follows: “Although the great mass of people on the Pacific coast are eminently patriotic and devoted to the Union, yet, fellow-citizens, we must not disguise the fact that we have traitors in our midst, who are doing all in their power to involve this country in the horrors of civil war; to such persons, I say, pause and reflect well before plunging into the yawning abyss of treason. An indignant people will rise in their majesty, and swift retributive justice will be their certain doom.”

General Stanley, with two thousand cavalry, and an infantry brigade under Colonel Mathews, left Murfreesboro, on an expedition to capture Morgan's and Wharton's rebel regiments of infantry and cavalry at Snow Hill, Tenn. Beyond Auburn they drove in the rebel pickets, the Seventh Pennsylvania cavalry turning the rebel right while Minty's cavalry, with a battery under Captain Newell, moved up in front. The rebels fled, but were again encountered at Smith's Ford and on Dry Fork, from both of which places they were driven with some loss. Finally they formed a third line on Snow Hill, when the Second and Fourth Ohio cavalry sent to their rear, succeeded in breaking their line and putting them to flight, with a loss of fifty killed and wounded, and sixty taken prisoners. The Union loss was one private of the Seventh Pennsylvania cavalry killed, and two slightly wounded. Three hunded horses were captured by General Stanley, and carried into Murfreesboro.--General Rosecrans's Despatch.

April 3.

Secretary Welles issued an order, naming such of the petty officers, seamen, and marines of the United States Navy, as were entitled to receive the Medal of Honor authorized by Congress, to be given to such as should most distinguish themselves by gallantry in action, and other seamanlike qualities, during the present war.--(Doc. 156.)

The British steamer Tampico was captured off Sabine Pass, Texas, by the United States gunboat New London.--Phillip Huber and three others, having been arrested at Reading, Pa., on a charge of being connected with a treasonable organization known as “Knights of the Golden Circle,” were taken to Philadelphia and placed in prison. Considerable excitement existed at Reading in regard to the affair.--Philadelphia Press.

Governor Bonham, of South-Carolina, sent a message to the Senate and House of Representatives of that State, informing them that the spirit of speculation had made such alarming strides in the State as to render their interposition necessary to arrest the evil. Large sums were invested in flour, corn, bacon, and other articles of prime necessity, to the monopoly almost of such articles in certain sections of the country; and that they were withheld from market, or were exported beyond the limits of the State, to the great enhancement of prices, and to the manifest injury of the consumer. He therefore [61] recommended the passage of an act to arrest the purchase and monopoly of articles of prime necessity, even when it was not intended to export them beyond the limits of the State.--(Doc. 157.)

Captain J. J. Worthington, with two companies of the First regiment of loyal Arkansas cavalry, returned to Fayetteville, Ark., from a scout in Carroll County, in that State. He had four skirmishes with the rebels, and succeeded in killing twenty-two and taking seven prisoners. Captains Smith and McFarland of the rebels were killed, and Captain Walker was taken prisoner. The National casualty was one man wounded.--General Curtis's Despatch.

April 4.

To-day an attempt was made by the National forces at Washington, N. C., to capture the rebel battery at Rodman's Point, commanding the Pamlico River, opposite Washington. A force of two hundred infantry, under the command of General Potter, embarked on board the gunboat Ceres, Captain McDermot, but she got aground a short distance from the rebel battery, when the troops were unable to land. The rebels immediately opened fire upon her, killing and wounding five men, when the Union party were obliged to retire.

In retaliation for firing into and disabling the gunboat St. Clair, the gunboat Lexington, under the command of Lieutenant Leroy Fitch, visited the town of Palmyra, Tenn., and after giving the inhabitants time to leave, burned it to the ground.--General George W. Williamson and a Mrs. Atwood were arrested at New York.--The Supreme Court of New York, at Rochester, decided that United States legal tender notes were constitutional as to debts contracted before the passage of the law making such notes a legal tender. All of the judges concurred in the decision.

The National steamer Sylvan Shore, which left Beaufort for Washington, N. C., this morning, when a few miles below the latter place was fired on by a rebel battery, which compelled her to return to Beaufort, with several of her crew killed and wounded.

April 5.

The ship Louisa Hatch was captured and burned by the rebel privateer Alabama, in latitude 3° 30′, longitude 26° 25′.--Eight thousand National troops left Newbern, N. C., by the way of the Neuse River, to reinforce General Foster, who was at Washington, surrounded by the rebels, but meeting a superior force of the enemy, they returned to Newbern.--An expedition, consisting of infantry and cavalry, under the command of General Steele, met a small body of rebels at a bridge over the Black Bayou, Miss., with whom they had a skirmish. The rebels were driven across the bayou, when they burned the bridge and retreated. The Union troops rebuilt the bridge, and proceeded on the march toward Yazoo City.

To-day the Union gunboats before Washington, N. C., shelled the rebel batteries at Hill's Point for two hours, but without being able to reduce them.--Boston Traveller.

April 6.

The New England Methodist Conference, in session at Charlestown, Mass., adopted a report supporting President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, expressing entire confidence in his administration, and pledging moral and material aid to him in his every effort to crush the rebellion.

General R. B. Mitchell, with three hundred and fifty cavalry, went out from Nashville, on the Lebanon turnpike to Green Hill, Tenn. Dashing into a rebel camp where there was a large number of conscripts, on a sabre charge, he killed five and captured fifteen. He captured all their arms, horses, and equipment. The rebels were composed of parts of Morgan's and McCoun's men. Among the prisoners were Captain Bondy, of the Eighteenth Tennessee, and a lieutenant of Morgan's cavalry. A still-house, containing forty casks of liquors, was destroyed. One man was wounded. General Mitchell's command made the march of fifty-five miles in twelve hours.--National Intelligencer.

The United States gunboats Hartford, Switzerland, and Albatross, which had been blockading the mouth of the Red River, on the Mississippi, since the first instant, got under way early this morning, and proceeded down to Bayou Sara, where they stopped, seized upon and threw into the river ten thousand sacks of corn, after which they proceeded to Port Hudson, coming to anchor five miles above the rebel batteries.--Gold sold in Richmond, Va., at four hundred per cent premium.--The National steamer Fox (Whittemore) was captured by a party of rebels at Pass a L'Outre, Mississippi River.--Mobile Tribune.

April 7.

Fort Sumter, in Charleston harbor, S. C., was this day attacked by a fleet of ironclad monitors and gunboats, under the command [62] of Admiral Du Pont; but after a terrific bombardment of two hours duration, they withdrew from the contest discomfited.--(Doc. 158.)

The United States gunboat Barataria was lost while making a reconnoissance in Amite River, La.--A successful expedition into Gloucester County, Va., to capture and destroy cattle and grain belonging to the rebels, was made by Colonel A. H. Grimshaw, of the Fourth Delaware infantry. He succeeded in destroying over ten thousand dollars' worth of property that had been collected for the use of the rebels, and in capturing over three hundred cattle, sheep, etc.--Philadelphia Inquirer.

April 8.

The Richmond Dispatch of this date, said: “We have published the gist of the correspondence between Mr. Mason and Lord Russell, on the question of the legality of the blockade of our ports by the Yankee Government, and the recognition of the Confederacy. No Southern man can read it without feelings of indignation and contempt — indignation for the cold and stony haughtiness, not to say rudeness of manner of the British Minister toward Mr. Mason, afterward only partially atoned for by a disavowal of any personal disrespect, and contempt for the subterfuges resorted to, to cover a selfish policy. We must not forget, whatever the ministry may do or propose, that our country has received the most valuable assistance from the people of England, and at this time there are schemes on foot there, of great importance to us.” --The English schooner Maggie Fulton, while attempting to run the blockade at Indian River Inlet, Fla., was captured by the bark Gem of the Sea.--The Union gunboat George Washington, while on a reconnoissance up Broad River, S. C., was stranded, and soon afterward attacked by a party of rebels on shore, who succeeded in throwing a shell into her magazine and blowing her up. Two of the Unionists were killed and eight wounded, all belonging to the Third Rhode Island artillery.--A party of rebel guerrillas, under Woodward, captured and burned the steamers Saxonia and Lovell, on the Cumberland River, after killing the captain of the latter, and severely wounding the captain of the former.

The Tallahatchie fleet, consisting of the divisions under Generals Ross and Quimby, and numerous gunboats and mortar-boats, arrived at Helena, Ark. The expedition, which had been absent forty-three days, left Fort Greenwood on the fifth. As soon as the bustle was observed by the rebels, they opened a brisk fire upon the woods where batteries had been planted, which continued till the last boat steamed up the river. On the passage, the boats were frequently fired on by guerrillas. A number of soldiers were wounded and twenty-five or thirty killed.

April 9.

Colonel N. U. Daniels, of the Second regiment of Louisiana National volunteers, with one hundred and eighty of his men, left Ship Island on an expedition to Pascagoula, Miss. He reached that place and landed his force at nine o'clock in the morning; took possession of the hotel, and hoisted the National flag. Immediately after this, he was attacked by a body of rebel cavalry, supported by one company of infantry, and after a severe tight, in which twenty of the rebels were killed and a large number wounded, he succeeded in repulsing them, and capturing three prisoners and their colors. Colonel Daniels held the place until two o'clock in the afternoon, when, hearing that large reinforcements for the enemy were coming up the Pascagoula River, he withdrew his men and returned to Ship Island.--(Doc. 165.)

A large war meeting was held at Chicago, Ill., at which speeches were made by William A. Howard, of Michigan, Senator Trumbull, and others.--A sharp fight took place at Blount's Mills, N. C.--(Doc. 166.)

April 10.

Jefferson Davis, in compliance with the request of the rebel Congress, issued an address to the people of the rebellious States, invoking their attention “to the present position and future prospects of our country, and to the duties which patriotism imposes on us all during this great struggle for our homes and our liberties.” --(Doc. 159.)

Lieutenant Rickertson, of the Eighteenth Ohio regiment, stationed at Demosville, Ky., having received information that a band of rebels were in the habit of holding meetings at Morris's Mills, in Campbell County, left his camp on the day before yesterday for the purpose of capturing them. He did not find them at Morris's Mills, but two miles farther on, near Roushe's house, he captured two men belonging to the guerrilla band under “Jim Caldwell.” Continuing the pursuit yesterday, Lieutenant Rickertson encamped within “thirty yards of the rebels without either party having a knowledge of it, and this morning Caldwell's party got the start, Lieutenant Rickertson, upon hearing of their movement, following in pursuit.” The rebels were not overtaken until they reached the vicinity of [63] Germantown, in Mason County, where they were surprised and completely routed. Lieutenant Daniels of the rebel party was killed in the fight that took place, and three others were wounded. Caldwell escaped on a very fleet horse, while his men, except three who were captured, fled to the woods, leaving their horses in the hands of the Nationals.--Chicago Tribune.

Franklin, Tenn., was attacked by the rebel forces under General Van Dorn, who were repulsed and routed by the Union army of occupation, under the command of General G. Granger.--(Doc. 160.)

The rebels in the vicinity of Fort Donelson, Tenn., having been gathering all the horses fit for cavalry service, General Rosecrans ordered all the good animals in that neighborhood to be taken by the forces under his command. While engaged in this duty, seventy of his men met an equal number of rebels near Waverly, when a fight ensued, in which twenty-one of the latter, including Major Blondin and two captains, were taken prisoners.--Captain A. G. Webster was executed by the rebels at Camp Lee, near Richmond, Va.--Richmond Whig.

The expedition which went out from Newbern, N. C., under General Spinola, to reenforce General Foster at Washington, returned to Newbern, having been unsuccessful in their object.

April 11.

The rebel steamer Stonewall Jackson, formerly the Leopard, while attempting to run into the harbor of Charleston, S. C., was “hotly chased by half a dozen blockaders, which fired at her, and she received several shots through her hull. Captain Black finding it impossible to escape, ran the steamer on the beach and burned her. The crew and passengers took to the boats and arrived at Charleston. The steamer was burned to the water's edge in sight of the Yankees. Her cargo consisted of several pieces of field artillery, two hundred barrels of salt-petre, forty thousand army shoes, and a large assortment of merchandise.” --Charleston Mercury.

A strong Union force under the command of Colonel A. D. Straight, left Nashville, Tonn., on a raid into Alabama and Georgia.--(Doc. 173.)

Yesterday, the Fifty-ninth Virginia rebel regiment, Colonel Tabb, was sent to the roar of Fort Magruder, at Williamsburgh, Va. At the break of day this morning he made a descent upon the National cavalry camp at Whitaker's Mill, and destroyed the whole camp, commissary and hospital stores, and an immense amount of ammunition, besides killing a large number of horses. Five of the Nationals were killed, several wounded, nineteen taken prisoners, and some twenty or so of the sick paroled. After this feat Colonel Tabb made good his retreat without the loss of a man — only one officer and private wounded.--Richmond Examiner.

A brief skirmish occurred in the vicinity of the Blackwater, Va., between the Union pickets and a party of rebels, in which the former were forced back with the loss of several of their number taken prisoners.--Baltimore American.

At Sheffield, England, an engraver was arrested and committed on charge of forging the Treasury Notes of the United States.

April 12.

Information having been received by General King, commanding at Yorktown, Va., of the presence of a large body of cavalry in Gloucester County, Colonel A. II. Grimshaw, Fourth Delaware volunteers, in command of the post at Gloucester Point, was ordered to send out a detachment of infantry for the purpose of reconnoitring the enemy's position, and, if possible, driving him from some mills which he was reported to occupy, about ten miles beyond the Union lines. Lieutenant-Colonel Tevis, Fourth Delaware, started out at two P. M., with one hundred and fifty volunteers from his own regiment, and having ascertained the force of the rebels to be about two hundred cavalry, under the corn mand of Colonel Goodwin, pushed forward to at tack them. The enemy fell back, leaving, however, two of their pickets in the hands of the Nationals. They were ridden down and capture by Colonel Tevis, Lieutenant Tower and Dr Hopkins, surgeon of the regiment. The detachment returned to camp about nine o'clock P. M., having burned a saw-mill and two large gristmills, filled with grain and flour, for the use of the rebels in Richmond. The prisoners belonged to Fitz-Hugh Lee's regiment, the Fifth Virginia cavalry. They were well armed, and carried printed orders, signed by J. E. B. Stuart, to seize a number of horses for the use of their regiment, “to replace those killed or disabled during the last campaign.” --Philadelphia Inquirer.

Lieutenant-Colonel Edgar A. Kimball, of Hawkins's Zouaves, Ninth regiment of New York volunteers, was killed by General Michael Corcoran, at a point near Suffolk, Va.


April 13.

The National transport steamer Escort, with reenforcements, ammunition and supplies for General Foster, who was surrounded at Washington, N. C., ran the rebel batteries on the Pamlico River, and succeeded in reaching her destination.

This morning a detachment of National troops, under the command of Colonel Spear, Eleventh Pennsylvania cavalry, attacked a body of rebel troops in the vicinity of Suffolk, Va., but after a sharp skirmish, the Unionists were compelled to retire behind their fortified works. In the afternoon, however, the same party, reenforced by cavalry, sallied forth, encountered the enemy, and drove him back with considerable loss.

April 14.

Yesterday the rebel works on the Bayou Teche, La., were attacked by the National forces under Generals Banks and Emory, and to-day, after a desperate conflict of several hours' duration, the works were carried and the rebels driven out.--The rebel gunboats Diana, Hart, and Queen of the West, were also destroyed. The two former were burned by the rebels, to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Unionists, and the iron-clad ram Queen of the West, was attacked by the United States gunboats Estrella, Calhoun, and Arizona, set on fire and destroyed.--(Doc. 167.)

The United States gunboat West End, lying in the Nansemond River, four miles below Suffolk, Va., was this day attacked by a rebel battery, and considerably damaged. During the engagement, seven of her crew were killed or wounded.

General Foster escaped from Washington, N. C., in the steamer Escort, which ran the rebel blockade on the Pamlico River to-day.

To-day a fight took place on the Nansemond River, Va. between the United States gunboats Commodore Barney, Mount Washington, and Stepping Stones, and a powerful rebel shore battery, in which, after a four hours bombardment, the latter was silenced.--(Doc. 168.)

April 15.

Franklin, St. Mary's Parish, La., was occupied by the National forces, under General Banks.--The siege of Washington, N. C., was raised. The rebel force, which for nearly three weeks had invested that place, left suddenly this evening. General Foster, who arrived at Newbern yesterday, was preparing an expedition to march for the relief of the town, when the account of the departure of the rebels reached him.--See Supplement.

At a point seventy miles south of Salt Lake City, Utah, Colonel Evans, with a party of National troops, attacked and put to flight two hundreds Indians, thirty of whom were killed. The Union forces followed them fourteen miles, scattering them in every direction. Lieutenant Peck was killed and two sergeants were wounded on the National side.--A battalion of cavalry from California arrived at New York from San Francisco, under the command of Major De Witt C. Thompson.--Fighting was continued on the Nansemond River, Va., and its vicinity.

A detachment of two hundred of the Thirty-ninth Kentucky mounted infantry, under the command of Colonel J. Dills, made a forced march on Pikeville, Ky., and after a sharp fight, captured seventeen rebel officers and sixty-one privates, with their horses, arms, and equipments. At the same time, eight scouts from the command of General Julius White, belonging to the Four teenth Kentucky infantry, captured in Breathitt Co., Ky., a rebel captain and twelve privates.

April 16.

A fleet of eight National gunboat:; and several transports, under the command of Admiral Porter, passed the rebel batteries at Vicksburgh, to-night, without any material damage, except the loss by fire of one of the transports, laden with commissary stores and forage.--(Doc. 169)

A party of Indians attacked a detachment of eighteen soldiers at Medalia, thirty miles from Mankato, Minnesota, killing one and wounding two, besides killing a boy and two men belonging to the settlement.--The British steamer Gertrude was captured off Harbor Island, W. I., by the National gunboat Vanderbilt.

April 17.

Brigadier-General Daniel A. Donelson, commanding the rebel department of East-Tennessee, diet near Knoxville. He was the nephew of General Andrew Jackson.--The rebel schooner Alabama, was captured off Mobile, while endeavoring to evade the blockade, by the National steamer Susquehanna.--Com. Hitchcock's Despatch.

A large detachment of the Ninety-ninth and One Hundred and Thirtieth New York regiments had a successful skirmish with the rebels at the South-Quay road, near Suffolk, Va., and succeeded in killing and wounding a considerable [65] number of them. In the encounter the Nationals had two killed and three wounded.

Colonel H. B. Grierson, in command of a strong force of Union cavalry, left La Grange, Tenn., on a raid through the State of Mississippi. (Doc. 170.)

A skirmish took place at Bear Creek, Tenn., between a party of Nationals under the command of General Dodge, and the rebels, resulting in the retreat of the latter. Captain Cameron of the Ninth Illinois cavalry was killed.--A detachment of National troops under General Grover, encountered a large force of rebels at Bayou Vermilion, La., and opening upon them with artillery, drove them from their position.--(Doc. 171.)

April 18.

The rebel side-wheel steamer St. John was captured while endeavoring to run the blockade into Cape Romaine Inlet, by the National steamer Stettin.--A reconnaissance of Sabine Pass, Texas, was made by a party from the National gunboats Cayuga and New London. On landing near the light-house they were fired on by concealed rebels, Captain McDermott of the Cayuga being killed, and his crew of five men captured. Captain Reed of the New London was wounded, together with four of his men.--Fayetteville, Ark., garrisoned by a force of National troops under the command of Colonel Harrison, was this morning attacked by a strong body of rebels, but after a desperate contest of six hours duration, they were repulsed with considerable loss.--(Doc. 172.)

April 19.

Yesterday, three regiments of infantry and one of cavalry left Memphis, Tenn., on a reconnoitring expedition, and when near Nonconnah, the cavalry came up on a detachment of Blythe's rebel cavalry; a fight ensued, resulting in the repulse of the rebels. This morning the cavalry again attacked the rebels, and succeeded in driving them across the Coldwater River in great confusion, killing twenty, wounding forty, and capturing a large number. After crossing the river the rebels received reenforcements, and the Nationals fell back to Hernando. Being reenforced there by infantry and artillery, under Colonel Bryant, the Unionists again moved on the Coldwater, and attacked the rebels on the opposite side of the river, continuing the contest until sundown, and losing five killed and fifteen wounded.

Major-General Dix, in a despatch to the War Department, said: “I deem it due to the forces at Suffolk to notice briefly their gallant conduct during the last six days. On Tuesday General Peck's right was attacked, and the enemy's advance was gallantly met by Colonel Foster's light troops, driving him back to the line of his pickets. Anderson's division was engaged at the same time on the water-front with our gunboats and batteries, and suffered materially. On Wednesday a rebel battery of twenty-pounder rifled guns was effectually silenced, and an attack on the Smith Briggs, an armed quartermaster's boat, was repulsed. Repeated attempts have been made on our lines, but have all been foiled. The storming of the enemy's battery near the west branch of the Nansemond by General Getty and the gunboats, under Lieutenant Lamson, of the navy, and the capture of six guns and two hundred prisoners, closes the operations of the six days against the enemy's large force very satisfactorily.” The Eighty-ninth New York and the Eighth Connecticut were the storming party.--See Supplement.

April 20.

The Union forces under General Banks accupied Opelousas, La., when Colonel Thomas E. Chickering, of the Forty-first Massachusetts regiment, was appointed Military Governor and Provost-Marshal.--(Doc. 171.)

A brisk cavalry skirmish took place near Helena, Ky., in which several rebels were killed and wounded.

An engagement took place at Patterson, Mo. Colonel Smart, commanding the National forces, sent the following report of the affair to Brigadier-General Davidson:

The line was cut off as soon as the engagement began, which was six miles from our post. I had a scout out on Black River, who found the enemy early in the morning, but they succeeded in cutting them off, so that they could not corn municate with me.

The number of the enemy was between one thousand five hundred and three thousand. I think they had six pieces of artillery. I could not ascertain who commanded the enemy.

The attack began about twelve o'clock, on the Reeve's Station road, with a scout I had sent out in that direction. I then sent Major Wood on to reinforce with a battalion. He held them in check and skirmished them into town. This gave me time to load my trains and have them ready to move, if I had to retreat.

Before I left the town I destroyed what stores [66] I could not bring away; nothing fell into the hands of the enemy. The fight continued to Big Creek, about eight miles this side of Patterson. The engagement was severe in the extreme. After fighting hand to hand at Big Creek they got in my front and attempted to cut off my retreat, but I forced my way to the ford on this side of the creek. The enemy did not renew the engagement. My loss in killed, wounded, and missing in the action was about fifty.

I had scouts on the Bear River, Greenwood Valley, and Bush Creek roads, also on the Reeve's Station road, which I have not heard from.

I will send you an official report as soon as I can learn all the details. Major McConnell was wounded and fell into the hands of the enemy. I think his wound was mortal. My regiment fell back in good order, and are now together, except the scout above mentioned. I had about four hundred men in the engagement.

Bute A La Rose, La., was captured by the National gunboats Estrella, Clifton, Arizona, and Calhoun, after a short engagement. An officer on board the Clifton gave the following account of the affair: “Just before we came to the fort there is a sharp bend in the river, and when we came round that bend we were only one quarter of a mile from the fort. The sailing order was that the Clifton and the Arizona should go ahead abreast, the Calhoun next, and the Estrella, Captain Cook, the senior officer, brought up the rear. The river being narrower than we expected, we could not sail two abreast, and the Clifton took the lead. We were all at quarters. As we came around the point we went ahead with full steam; as soon as we caught sight of the fort we fired our two bow nine-inch guns. No sooner had we fired than I saw the white smoke rolling out of the enemy's guns. One of the balls came whistling over my head about two feet, and struck the walking-beam, and the way the cast-iron flew about the deck was a caution. It was a thirty-two-pound solid shot; it struck with such force that it split the ball in two, and a part of it glanced off and came down through the hurricane-deck and brought up on the spar-deck, and another shot fell under our bow. As we came up nearer the fort, they fired over us. By this time we caught sight of the rebel gunboats, lying on the opposite side of the river, making a cross fire on us. The first shell that they fired burst on the port bow, and killed Richard Ribey, second captain of the broadside gun. He was in the act of firing the gun when he was shot. By this time the enemy was running pell-mell out of the fort, and had hauled down their flag and were waving a white one. The rebel gunboats escaped up the river after firing a few shots.”

April 21.

Captain Laypole, with seven men of the Fifth and Sixth Virginia rebel cavalry, were captured near Berryville, Va., by a party of the Second Virginia loyal infantry and New York First cavalry, under Lieutenants Powel and Wykoff.--Colonel McReynolds's Despatch.

At Nashville, Tenn., by order of Brigadier-General R. B. Mitchell, all white persons over the age of eighteen years residing within the lines of his command were compelled to subscribe to the oath of allegiance or non-combatant's parole, or to go South.

April 22.

Tompkinsville, Ky., was visited by a party of rebels who burned the court-house and several other buildings in the place and killed five Union men.--Two regiments of the First army corps of thc army of the Potomac, marched to Port Conway, crossed the river to Port Royal on pontoons, and captured a rebel mail and took several prisoners.--New York Times.

The rebel steamer Ellen was this day captured by a party of Union troops in a small bayou in the vicinity of the Courtableau, La.--(Doc. 171.)

Seven men belonging to the Eighth regiment of Missouri cavalry who were captured on the nineteenth by a band of rebel guerrillas in Dallas County, having been carried to Cedar County, Mo., were stripped of their clothing and inhumanly shot. Immediately after this, the guerrillas proceeded to the house of Obadiah Smith, a Baptist minister in Cedar County, and on his attempting to escape they shot him.--St. Louis Democrat.

The cargo of the steamer Wave (destroyed by the rebels to prevent her from falling into the hands of the Unionists) was this day captured in the vicinity of Bayou Cocodue, La., by an expeditionary force under the command of General Dwight.--(Doc. 171.)

A portion of General Reynolds's national forces entered and occupied McMinnville, Tenn.--Major McGee, of the Third Virginia cavalry with sections of Rowan's, Utt's, and White's cavalry, encountered a force of three hundred rebels at a point near Strasburgh, Va., and after a brief and brilliant fight drove them from their position. [67] One man of Rowan's company was killed, and another wounded. The rebel loss was five killed, and nine wounded, beside twenty-five prisoners and forty horses.

Six gunboats and twelve barges succeeded in passing the rebel batteries at Vicksburgh to-night.--National Intelligencer.

April 23.

Lieutenant Cushing, with a party of men belonging to the National gunboat Commodore Barney, with a small howitzer, visited Chuckatuck, Va., where he encountered and defeated forty rebel cavalrymen, killing two, and capturing three of their horses fully equipped. Lieutenant Cushing lost one man killed.--The British schooner St. George was captured off New Inlet, N. C., by the National steamer Mount Vernon.--The sloop Justina was captured off the Little Bahama Bank, by the gunboat Tioga.

April 24.

Tuscumbia, Ala., was occupied by the National forces under General Dodge, after he had succeeded in driving from the place the rebels under Colonel Chalmers.--Four rebel schooners were captured off Mobile, Ala., by the gunboat De Soto, and two were captured while endeavoring to run into New Inlet, N. C., by the United States steamer State of Georgia.--Colonel Phillips encountered and defeated a party of rebels at Weber Falls, Ark., capturing all their camp equipage.--Skirmishing still continued in the vicinity of Suffolk, Va.--Philadelphia Inquirer, April 29.

A body of rebels under Imboden and Jackson attacked a small Union force at Beverly, Va., the extreme outpost held by General Roberts. The place — which is in Tygert Valley, cast of Rich Mountain — was garrisoned by about one thousand Virginia loyalists, under Colonel Latham. The town is approached by two roads, known as the Buckhannon and Philippa pikes, from the west and north-west, and the Huttonsville road from the south. The enemy came in on the Huttonsville road, and when near the town, a part passed to the left flank and occupied the road leading to Buckhannon, thus cutting off all communication between Colonel Latham and General Roberts. The fight commenced about two o'clock in the afternoon, and lasted until night, when Colonel Latham, finding himself unable to maintain his position against such a superior force, determined to withdraw by way of the Philippa road. He succeeded in with-drawing his command, including his two small field-pieces and all his supplies, although he was followed by the enemy, in strong force, over eight miles on the road.

The ship Oncida was captured and destroyed, in lat. 1° 40′ south, long. 29° 10′ west, by the rebel privateer Florida, under the command of Captain Maffit.

April 25.

A fight took place at Duck River Shoals,on the Tennessee River, between the United States gunboat Lexington and ram Monarch, and the rebel shore batteries, resulting in a defeat of the latter, with a loss of twenty-five rebels killed and wounded.--(Doc. 175.)

Two schooners from New York, with cargoes of clothing and medicines, were captured in Mobjack Bay, Va., by the Union steamers Samuel Rotan and Western World.--The ship Dictator was captured and burnt by the rebel steamer Georgia, in latitude 25° north, longitude 21° 40′ west.--Captain Phillips's Statement.

A fight took place at Greenland Gap, Va., between a detachment of Union troops, under the command of Captain Wallace, of the Twenty-third Illinois, and a numerically superior body of rebels, under General William E. Jones. The contest lasted nearly two hours, the rebels making three desperate charges, but were repulsed on each occasion with heavy loss. The rebel killed and wounded outnumbered the whole Union force.-(Doc. 176.)

An important debate took place in the English Parliament, in reference to the seizure of British vessels by American cruisers, and other subjects growing out of the rebellion in America. In the House of Lords, an elaborate speech was made by Earl Russell, and in the House of Commons, Mr. Roebuck made a very defamatory one.

April 26.

The schooner Clarita, from Havana to Matamoras, Texas, was captured by the steamer De Soto. She proved to be the old revenue cutter John Y. Mason, taken by the rebels at the outbreak of the rebellion.--At Louisville, Ky., during the sale of a lot of negroes at the court-house this morning, the Provost-Marshal notified the buyers that four of those put up for sale were free under the provisions of the President's Proclamation. The sale, nevertheless, went on, when the matter of the four “contrabands” was turned over to the District Judge.--Louisville Journal.

The Seventy-sixth Ohio regiment, under the command of Colonel R. C. Woods, returned to Milliken's Bend, La., from an expedition into [68] Mississippi. They visited the regions bordering on Deer Creek, and destroyed three hundred and fifty thousand bushels of corn, and thirty cottongins and grist-mills in use by the rebels.

The town of Cape Girardeau, Mo., garrisoned by a force of National troops, under the command of General John McNeil, was this day attacked by a strong body of rebels, under General Marmaduke, but after a contest of several hours' duration, the rebels were repulsed with heavy loss.--(Doc. 177.)

April 27.

A party of National cavalry, belonging to the division of General Granger, and under the command of Colonel Watkins, left their camp at Murfreesboro last night, and this morning at daybreak, succeeded in capturing the Texan Legion of rebel troops, posted at a point eight miles from Franklin, Tenn., between the Columbia and Carter's Creek turnpikes. In the skirmish, several rebels were killed and wounded.--Cincinnati Gazette.

The army of the Potomac, under Major-General Hooker, commenced the forward movement on Fredericksburgh, Va. This morning at five o'clock, the Eleventh, Major-General Howard's corps, the Twelfth, Major-General Slocum's, and the Fifth, Major-General Meade's corps, struck their tents and marched westward from Falmouth on the several roads leading to Kelly's Ford, distant from the line of Acquia Creek and Fredericksburgh Railroad about twenty-five miles; the Eleventh corps being in the advance.

April 28.

About ten o'clock last night a rebel regiment, being the advance-guard of Marmaduke's army, which was then retreating from Cape Girardeau, were surprised three miles west of Jackson, Mo. Two small howitzers loaded with musket-balls were discharged simultaneously within thirty yards of them, killing and wounding a large number. At the same time the First Iowa cavalry charged upon them, and not a man of the entire regiment escaped, all who were not killed or wounded being taken prisoners. All of their guns, horses, camp equipage, and several thousand dollars' worth of stolen property were captured by the Union party. Early this morning General Vandeveer advanced, and perceiving the main body of the rebels in full retreat, he immediately followed, keeping up a constant artillery fire on their rear. At two o'clock this afternoon he was joined by General McNeil, and the combined forces continued the pursuit.--Missouri Democrat.

General Hooker's army crossed the Rappa-hannock at two points, in the advance on Fredericksburgh.--Fifteen hundred dollars each for substitutes was offered in Richmond, Va.--Captain Alexander, of Wolford's Kentucky cavalry, with sixty picked men and horses, crossed Cumberland River at Howe's Ford, two miles north of Mill Spring, and had a skirmish with a party of rebel pickets. Later in the day Lieutenant-Colonel Adams of the same regiment, with three hundred men followed Captain Alexander, and the combined force under Colonel Adams proceeded as far as Steubenville, where he met a body of rebel cavalry under Chenault, drawn up in line of battle. The Colonel with ninety men prepared for a charge, but as soon as his horses struck the gallop, the enemy dispersed in confusion, leaving four of their number with their horses and equipment in the hands of the Nationals.-The Union steamers Swan and Commeree, having been blockaded in Nansemond River, Va., for several days, were this day run past the rebel batteries and taken to Suffolk.--Great excitement existed at Uniontown, Pa., rumors being prevalent of a rebel raid into the State.

April 29.

This morning about five o'clock, a courier dashed into Fredericksburgh, Va., with the startling, exciting intelligence that the Yan kees were crossing the Rappahannock in that vicinity. Immediately the Episcopal church bell, the ring of which had been previously agreed upon as a signal, sounded the alarm, and the streets presented a busy spectacle of military preparation, and women and children leaving the scene of danger.--Richmond Examiner, May 1.

Fairmount, Va., was this day captured by a strong rebel force under General William E. Jones, after a desperate resistance and contest by the garrison of the place, under the command of Captain Chamberlain, of the One Hundred and Sixth New York volunteers. The Union party had only one of their number killed and four wounded, while the rebels had nearly one hundred killed and wounded.--(Doc. 178.)

General Stahel, with about two thousand cavalry and a light battery, left Fairfax Court-House on Monday morning last, to make a reconnoissance in force toward Warrenton and the Blue Ridge, taking the Aldie Pike. The column moved on to Aldie without meeting any force of the enemy. Several captures of Mosby's bush-whackers were made, some on foot, who were [69] hoping to pick off a scout or two for the sake of the horses. At Aldie the advance-guard run a small party of Mosby's men out of the town, capturing three. From Aldie to Middleburgh light skirmishing was continued on all sides with guerrillas.

At Middleburgh, Mosby, who preceded the command up the road with about fifteen men, succeeded in getting from fifty to sixty together. A charge through the town by the advance-guard routed them, however, and drove them to the woods beyond, from which they were dislodged and scattered by a half-dozen shells from Captain Daniels's battery.

Camping at Middleburgh on Monday night, scouting-parties were sent out toward Snicker's and Ashby's Gaps, but found nothing but scattered bodies of guerrillas.

Yesterday the march was resumed to Salem. Skirmishing with other parties of guerrillas took place along the route, and at Salem, Mosby, with one hundred and fifty men, was driven from the place. From Salem the column moved on to White Plains, which place was reached about dark. Here a rebel lieutenant in Stuart's command was round, who was wounded. From White Plains the force made a night-march back to Middleburgh. Halting a few hours, they moved on to Aldie, which place they reached about four o'clock. After resting a few hours at Aldie, the line of march was taken, and the troops reached camp about five o'clock this morning.

This reconnoissance demonstrated that there was no regular force of the rebels in the valley between the Bull Run mountains and the Blue Ridge.

Grand Gulf, Miss., was this day attacked by a fleet of seven U. S. gunboats under the command of Admiral Porter. After a bombardment of five hours duration, the rebel batteries were silenced, but not without considerably damaging the hulls of the fleet, and killing twenty and wounding a large number of their crews.--(Doc. 179.)

April 30.

General Hooker, from his Headquarters near Falmouth, Va., issued the following address to his soldiers: “ It is with heartfelt satisfaction that the General Commanding announces to the army that the operations of the last three days have determined that our enemy must ingloriously fly, or come out from behind their defences and give us battle on our own ground, where certain destruction awaits him.

The operations of the Fifth, Eleventh, and Twelfth corps have been a series of splendid successes.

”--See Supplement.

The frequent transmission of false intelligence, and the betrayal of the movements of the army of the Potomac by publication of injudicious correspondence of an anonymous character, made it necessary for General Hooker to issue general orders requiring all newspaper correspondents to publish their communications over their own signatures.--General Orders No. 48.

A rebel battery on the Nansemond River, Va., was silenced, after a spirited contest, by the guns from the Union battery Morris and the gunboat Commodore Barney.--General Peck's Order No. 29.

William F. Corbin and T. G. Graw, found guilty of recruiting for the rebel service, inside the National lines, were this day sentenced to be shot, by a court-martial in session at Cincinnati, Ohio.

A detachment of the Sixth New York cavalry, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel McVicar, while reconnoitring in the vicinity of Spottsylvania Court-House, Va., to-day were surrounded by four regiments of General Fitz-Hugh Lee's rebel cavalry and fifty-two of their number were killed, wounded, or captured. The balance, numbering fifty-eight, cut their way out. Lieut.-Colonel McVicar was killed at the first rebel onset

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United States (United States) (11)
Washington (United States) (9)
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (7)
New Bern (North Carolina, United States) (5)
Nansemond River (Virginia, United States) (5)
Aldie (Virginia, United States) (5)
Murfreesboro (Tennessee, United States) (4)
Middleburg (New York, United States) (4)
Salem (Massachusetts, United States) (3)
Pamlico (North Carolina, United States) (3)
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (3)
Grand Gulf (Mississippi, United States) (3)
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (3)
Cumberland River (Kentucky, United States) (3)
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (3)
White Plains (New York, United States) (2)
Vicksburg (Mississippi, United States) (2)
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (2)
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (2)
Snow Hill, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Ship Island (Mississippi, United States) (2)
Sabine Pass (Texas, United States) (2)
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (2)
Reeve's Station (Missouri, United States) (2)
Ollis Creek (Tennessee, United States) (2)
New Inlet (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (2)
Huttonsville (West Virginia, United States) (2)
Gloucester county (Virginia, United States) (2)
Fredericksburgh (New York, United States) (2)
Franklin (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Fayetteville, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (2)
Falmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (2)
Cape Girardeau (Missouri, United States) (2)
California (California, United States) (2)
Beaufort, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (1)
Yazoo City (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Woodbury, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (1)
Whitaker's Mill (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Waverly (New York, United States) (1)
Warrenton (Virginia, United States) (1)
Vermilion Bayou (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Uniontown (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Tuscumbia (Alabama, United States) (1)
Tompkinsville (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Tennessee River (United States) (1)
Tallahatchie River (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Steubenville (Ohio, United States) (1)
St. Mary (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Smiths Ford (Oregon, United States) (1)
Sheffield (United Kingdom) (1)
San Francisco (California, United States) (1)
Salt Lake City (Utah, United States) (1)
Rochester (New York, United States) (1)
Rich Mountain (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Red River (Texas, United States) (1)
Reading, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Port Royal (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Port Conway (Virginia, United States) (1)
Pikeville (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Patterson, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Pascagoula River (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Pascagoula (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Palatine (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Opelousas (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Ohio (Ohio, United States) (1)
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Neuse (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Natchitoches (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Mobjack Bay (Virginia, United States) (1)
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (1)
Mississippi (United States) (1)
Milliken's Bend (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Mill Spring (Missouri, United States) (1)
Michigan (Michigan, United States) (1)
Memphis (Tennessee, United States) (1)
McMinnville (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Matamoras (Indiana, United States) (1)
Mankato (Minnesota, United States) (1)
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (1)
La Grange (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Kelly's Ford (Virginia, United States) (1)
Jackson, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Jackson County (Missouri, United States) (1)
Indian River Inlet (Delaware, United States) (1)
Hill's Point (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Hernando (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Helena, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Helena, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Havana (Cuba) (1)
Greenwood Valley (Missouri, United States) (1)
Green Hill, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Gloucester Point (Virginia, United States) (1)
Germantown (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (1)
Fredericksburgh (Missouri, United States) (1)
Erie (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
England (United Kingdom) (1)
Duck River (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Dry Fork (Missouri, United States) (1)
Deer Creek (Missouri, United States) (1)
Dallas County (Missouri, United States) (1)
Coldwater (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Clifton, Arizona (Arizona, United States) (1)
Cincinnati (Ohio, United States) (1)
Chuckatuck Creek (Virginia, United States) (1)
Chicago (Illinois, United States) (1)
Charlestown, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Charleston Harbor (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Cedar County (Missouri, United States) (1)
Cedar (Nebraska, United States) (1)
Campbell (Virginia, United States) (1)
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (1)
Buckhannon (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Broad Run (Virginia, United States) (1)
Broad River (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Breathitt Co., Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Blountsville (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Blackwater Creek (Virginia, United States) (1)
Black Bayou (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Beverly (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Berryville (Virginia, United States) (1)
Bear River, Utah (Utah, United States) (1)
Bear Creek (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Bayou Sara (United States) (1)
Auburn, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Atchafalaya River (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Arizona (Arizona, United States) (1)
Aquia Creek (Virginia, United States) (1)
Amite River (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (1)
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (1)

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Doc (23)
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N. U. Daniels (4)
Rickertson (3)
William Peck (3)
John H. Morgan (3)
Laura Latham (3)
William B. Hazen (3)
Jim Caldwell (3)
N. P. Banks (3)
Julius White (2)
Tevis (2)
T. T. Tabb (2)
J. E. B. Stuart (2)
D. S. Stanley (2)
Rowan (2)
W. S. Rosecrans (2)
B. S. Roberts (2)
Wendell Phillips (2)
Robert B. Mitchell (2)
McVicar (2)
John McNeil (2)
J. M. Mason (2)
Marmaduke (2)
Fitz-Hugh Lee (2)
Charles King (2)
William E. Jones (2)
Andrew Jackson (2)
William A. Howard (2)
A. H. Grimshaw (2)
Gabandau (2)
D. G. Farragut (2)
Earl Dorn (2)
William E. Dodge (2)
Caleb Cushing (2)
Curtis (2)
Crufts (2)
George Washington Alexander (2)
Green Adams (2)
Wykoff (1)
H. G. Wright (1)
J. J. Worthington (1)
Woodward (1)
R. C. Woods (1)
Fernando Wood (1)
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George W. Williamson (1)
Whittemore (1)
Charles Wharton (1)
Welles (1)
A. G. Webster (1)
W. W. Watkins (1)
Lewis Wallace (1)
John G. Walker (1)
Vandeveer (1)
G. F. Trumbull (1)
A. M. Tower (1)
De Witt C. Thompson (1)
A. D. Straight (1)
Frederick Steele (1)
Stahel (1)
Spinola (1)
S. P. Spear (1)
Obadiah Smith (1)
Green Clay Smith (1)
E. K. Smart (1)
H. W. Slocum (1)
Jacob R. Shaveles (1)
M. Sanford (1)
John Ross (1)
Roebuck (1)
Richard Ribey (1)
J. J. Reynolds (1)
Eugene Reed (1)
W. C. Ransom (1)
Quimby (1)
Emancipation Proclamation (1)
Powel (1)
Edward E. Potter (1)
David D. Porter (1)
Admiral D. D. Porter (1)
S. F. Pont (1)
Francis E. Patterson (1)
James N. Palmer (1)
Cicero Newell (1)
George U. Morris (1)
R. B. Mitchell (1)
Robert H. G. Minty (1)
George Gordon Meade (1)
Andrew T. McReynolds (1)
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McFarland (1)
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McDermot (1)
William H. McCoun (1)
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J. N. Maffit (1)
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R. H. Lamson (1)
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Roswell C. Hitchcock (1)
George A. Hicks (1)
Charles Hawkins (1)
M. LaRue Harrison (1)
C. Grover (1)
H. B. Grierson (1)
T. G. Graw (1)
Gordon Granger (1)
G. Granger (1)
Goodwin (1)
Getty (1)
W. B. Franklin (1)
Flint (1)
Leroy Fitch (1)
W. E. Evans (1)
William H. Emory (1)
Howard Dwight (1)
Daniel A. Donelson (1)
John A. Dix (1)
J. Dills (1)
Jefferson Davis (1)
J. W. Davidson (1)
Michael Corcoran (1)
William F. Corbin (1)
E. F. Cook (1)
Thomas E. Chickering (1)
Chenault (1)
Chamberlain (1)
Chalmers (1)
Simon Cameron (1)
W. H. Calhoun (1)
William Cullen Bryant (1)
D. W. C. Bonham (1)
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