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October 1.

The rebel General Wheeler, with a large body of mounted men, crossed the Tennessee River at Washington, at a point thirteen miles above Chattanooga, and passed down the Sequatchie Valley. He captured fifty wagons belonging to one of General Rosecrans's trains, at the foot of the mountain, near Anderson's Cross-Roads, [58] burning a number of them, and killing burning a number of them, and killing about three hundred horses and mules. The train was laden with ammunition, clothing, and rations. Forty wagons carrying medical and sanitary stores, and about fifty sutlers' teams were also lost.

The loyal men and women of De Kalb County, Ill., and adjoining counties, met in mass meeting at De Kalb, to renew to each other their solemn pledges to stand by the Government in the vigorous prosecution of the war, “till this accursed rebellion and its cause shall be buried in one common grave.”

October 2.

The Natchez Courier of this day contained the subjoined editorial:

The following communication appears in the Columbia (S. C.) Guardian:

The stream of negro emigration from Mississippi has commenced flowing into this State, having been prohibited in Georgia and Alabama. The heavy rains of the summer have so damaged the corn crops that the question of subsistence for another year may be of great importance, and it becomes doubly so from the influx of consumers. Would it not be well for this State also to adopt some precautionary measures before it is too late? This suggestion is only thrown out to catch the attention of the proper authorities, the writer having every confidence that if any thing ought to be done in the premises, it will not be overlooked.

Very respectfully, citizen.

To this the Augusta Constitutionalist replies:

It is untrue that either Georgia or Alabama have refused refuge and domicil to the unfortunate fugitives from Mississippi. Our people are incapable of so outrageous a breach of hospitality.

We have before alluded to this matter of emigration, and we do so again more in sorrow than anger. Although the people of Alabama and Georgia perhaps have not formally protested against Mississippians flying to those States, several of the press have spoken out against it. At the time we alluded to this matter, it was done with the view of presenting to the Mississippi citizen his true position in the present crisis.

If he emigrates with his family and negroes, he is denounced by some of the journals as a coward, for surrendering his home. Where he stays at home, endeavoring to pursue the even tenor of his way in raising crops for the support of his family, he is by other prints stigmatized as a submissionist; and cavalry squads are sent out by the confederates to subsist on his already diminished supplies, and with a view to make him miserable and poor indeed, his little crop of cotton is burnt to cap the climax of trouble.

This is no fancy sketch — it is a reality, as almost any planter on the Mississippi River can testify. When the planter is thus made poor and even destitute, does the confederate government come to his relief? Never! Instead of this, the confederate force gradually falls back toward the Alabama River, leaving the property of Mississippians almost a total wreck.

How shall the resident of Mississippi act under this state of things? If he takes refuge further East, he is censured for leaving home; and if he remains home to raise another crop in the confederate lines, as soon as the Union army again presses forward, his supplies will once more be taken by the confederate cavalry, and his cotton committed to the flames again!

Mississippians! by staying on your places and cultivating the soil, in our humble opinion, you are doing much good for yourselves and those around you. Though given the “cold shoulder” occasionally of those who appear to think themselves entirely safe from the ravages of war in the moutains of Alabama and Georgia, by remaining at home you will have the consolation of knowing that you have been tried in the fire and have done the best for your country.

Unto the new order of things instituted by the military authority of the United States, it be hooves as all to assimilate; and as its lines extend, if we have not realized all our hopeful visions, we can have the blessed consolation of knowing that we have been discreet, law-abiding citizens.

For our part, we look forward with daily renewed hope to that time when our internal strifes shall end, when brother shall cease to be arrayed against brother, and when the Constitution and Union of our fathers shall be reversed by every one on American soil.

General Rosecrans issued an order, thanking his soldiers for their patience, perseverance, and courage, displayed in the campaign against General Bragg.--(Doc. 183.)

Colonel Edward McCook, with the First Missouri and Second Indiana cavalry, attacked Wheeler's rebel force, four thousand strong, at Anderson's Cross-Roads, Tenn, and whipped


[59] them badly, killing and wounding one hundred and twenty, taking eighty-seven prisoners and recapturing all the Government property, including eight hundred and nine mules, and the prisoners taken from the Nationals yesterday.

Among the prisoners was a major on Wheeler's staff, commander of the escort; a major on General Martin's staff, Colonel Russell, commanding a brigade, and nine other officers. The enemy was completely routed and driven ten miles.--Greek fire-shells were thrown into Charleston, S. C., from the batteries of General Gillmore, on Morris Island.--the English schooner Florrie was captured six miles from Matagorda, Texas, having on board a cargo of medicines, wines, saddles, and other stores.--A cavalry skirmish occurred near Franklin, La., between the Union troops under Colonel Davis, and the rebels commanded by Captain Squires. The rebels were defeated at the first fire, Squires being mortally wounded. Colonel Davis captured one piece of artillery.

October 3.

McMinnville, Tenn., was captured by the rebels under General Wheeler. Major Patterson, who was taken prisoner with a portion of the Fourth Tennessee infantry, relates the following history of the capture: He had with him seven companies, mostly fragments. On the second instant he sent out scouts, who returned and reported no enemy. On the next day he sent Lieutenant Farnsworth with twenty scouts, who were cut off. He then sent out Lieutenant Allen, who passed the pickets a quarter of a mile and returned, reporting the rebels in force. Major Patterson drew up his command, four hundred and four in all, and fifty convalescents from the hospital. Skirmishing followed for an hour and a quarter, during which the rebels were repulsed in three charges. Wheeler then sent in a flag of truce, with a verbal demand for a surrender, which Major Patterson refused, saying he would not surrender until he was compelled to do so. In half an hour Colonel Hodge of the Kentucky brigade brought a demand for surrender in writing.

Major Patterson, after consulting with his officers, deeming it useless to contend against an enemy so greatly superior in numbers, surrendered. Wheeler had four divisions of cavalry, artillery, and ten brigades, and said he had ten thousand men. The Union loss was seven killed and thirty-one wounded and missing. The rebels admitted a loss of twenty-three killed and wounded. After the surrender Major Patterson's trunk was broken open, and one hundred and fifty dollars stolen out of it, while his men were generally robbed of their money, watches, knives, and other valuables. The prisoners were all paroled. While two of them were going on the Carthage road they were halted by a Dr. Fain, who drew his pistol on them, and cocking it, ordered one of them to pull off his boots and give them up. Protestation and pleas of sore feet and a long journey were of no avail, and the valiant highway robber rode off with the boots which he had taken from a defenceless paroled prisoner.

President Lincoln issued a proclamation designating the twenty-sixth of November as a day of general thanksgiving.--(Doc. 182.)

October 4.

The steamers Chancellor, Forest Queen, and Catahoula, were destroyed by rebel incendiaries at St. Louis, Mo.--information having reached Colonel William L. Utley, commanding the Union forces at Murfreesboro, Tenn., that that post would soon be attacked by the rebels, the following order was issued:

Non-combatants, women, and children will, immediately on the approach of the enemy, repair to the fortifications or elsewhere for safety. All that portion of the city lying adjacent to the railroad will be shelled immediately upon the occupation of the city by the rebels. The remainder of the city will be shelled at the expiration of five (5) hours after the entrance of the enemy. Every possible facility will be afforded the citizens to get to a place of safety. It is to be hoped that there will be no unnecessary alarm, as every precaution will be taken against false rumors, and the citizens will be warned in time.

A slight skirmish took place near Newtown, La., between a party belonging to the Union forces under General Banks, and a body of rebels, who had ambushed themselves until they had fired one volley upon the Union advance; they then fell back, being pursued. National loss was one killed and four wounded.

October 5.

Great excitement prevailed at Nashville, Tenn., in consequence of the rebel General Forrest, with a force of over three thousand mounted men, having made a descent upon the railroad between that place and Bridgeport. Skirmishing occurred in the neighborhood of Murfreesboro, a railroad bridge at a point south [60] of that place being destroyed by the rebels.--A band of guerrillas, under the chief White, of Loudon County, Va., made a raid into Langley, six miles above Georgetown, D. C., driving in the pickets, without any casualty.--Colonel Cloud, in a message to General Blunt, dated at Fort Smith, Ark., said he had just returned from a raid in the Arkansas Valley. Near Dardanelles he was joined by three hundred “mounted Feds,” as the Union Arkansians are called, and with them and his own force routed the rebels, one thousand strong. They fled in confusion leaving tents, cooking utensils, wheat, flour, salt, sugar, and two hundred head of beef cattle behind. They reported as they ran that “Old Blunt, with his whole army, was after them.” Several hundred Union men offered their services as a home guard regiment. Colonel Cloud authorized them to enrol and offer their services to the Military Governor, when appointed. He left garrisons there and at Clarksville.--the batteries on Lookout Mountain, and at points all along the rebel lines, opened fire upon Chattanooga. The Unionists under Rosecrans, replied from their works on Moccasin Point, the Star Fort, and other works. The Tennessee River rose rapidly during the day.--A party of Captain Bean's cavalry on a scouting expedition near Harper's Ferry, Va., encountered a number of rebel cavalry belonging to the command of Colonel Imboden. A skirmish ensued, when the Union forces were repulsed, with a loss of one killed, three wounded, and ten captured. Two of the Unionists cut their way out and returned to camp, although severely wounded.

October 6.

General Blunt and his escort were attacked at Baxter's Springs, near Fort Scott, Mo., and nearly all of them were massacred.--(Doe. 190.)

General Mitchell, with a body of National troops, overtook the rebels below Shelbyville, Tenn., and attacked them with great spirit, putting them to a complete rout. They did not stop for their wounded, and left over one hundred dead upon the field.--an attempt was made to blow up the United States iron-plated frigate Ironsides, in Charleston Harbor, by means of a torpedo. The instrument of destruction was suspended from the bow of a small cigar-shaped steamer, which was driven against the Ironsides at full speed. A tremendous explosion followed, which threw a large body of water on the deck of the Ironsides, but did no serious damage to the vessel. Lieutenant Glassett, the commander of the rebel steamer, was taken prisoner, having been thrown overboard by the force of the explosion. On board the Ironsides, Ensign Charles Howard was killed by a musket-shot fired by Glassett, as his steamer was approaching the frigate.

October 7.

Colonel Harrison's force of West Tennessee cavalry were attacked at Como, Mississippi, by rebel guerrillas, under Colonels Faulkner and Wilson, and was forced to retreat after an engagement of two hours, with a loss of thirty-seven men. The rebel loss was large, Colonel Wilson being among the killed.--A fight took place at Farmington, Tenn., between the Union forces under General Crook and the rebels commanded by General Wharton.--(Docs. 181 and 191.)

Acting volunteer Lieutenant James P. Couthouy, having received information that a rebel steamer was tied up to the bank on Red River, fitted out an expedition, under charge of Acting Chief-Engineer Thomas Doughty, with twenty men and Mr. Hobbs, who crossed over from the Mississippi to Red River, and after great labor in getting through the entanglements of the bushes and other undergrowth, got a sight of the steamer lying at the bank. They managed to get up to her and capture her. A few moments afterward they were enabled to capture another one, and found themselves in possession of two steamers and nine prisoners. One of the prisoners was an aid to the rebel General Taylor, who had been sent up expressly for the last steamer.--Admiral Porter's Despatch.

October 8.

Last night the garrison at Harper's Ferry, Va., were alarmed by an attack, and the cavalry and two regiments of infantry started out to meet the enemy. Near Charlestown a force of between three hundred and four hundred cavalry, commanded by Imboden, were posted. The rebels had a large portion of their force dismounted and in ambuscade. Captain Somers, with his company of cavalry, had advanced to hunt up the enemy. He met a company of rebel cavalry, who charged upon him and were repulsed. They purposely retreated, Captain Somers and his company pursuing until they entered the fatal ambuscade. At the first fire Captain Somers and ten men were killed, as many more wounded, and nearly all the others captured. The few who escaped carried the information into camp, and the rest of the cavalry started


[61] in pursuit, but were unable to come up with the rebels.--the following order was issued at Richmond, Va., by the rebel Adjutant-General Cooper: “The Chief of the Nitre and Mining Bureau is directed, through the officers of his bureau, to impress copper, coal, and such other minerals as may be needed for the use of the government.” --A fight occurred near Salem, Miss., between four thousand rebels, under General S. D. Lee, and five thousand Nationals, under McCullis and Phillips, resulting in the defeat of the rebels with a loss of fifteen killed and wounded.--A mob at Jackson, N. H., burned the hotel where the Deputy Provost-Marshal was stopping while serving notices on drafted men.--Carthage, Mo., was burned by the rebel troops.--A party of one hundred guerrillas, under command of Captain Richardson, at two o'clock this afternoon, placed obstructions on the track of the Lebanon Branch Railroad, at New Hope, Ky., twenty miles from the junction, threw the train off the track, and fired into it, but did no damage to the passengers. They then captured the train, burned two passenger-cars, baggage and express cars, destroyed the locomotive, robbed the passengers of money and clothing, and decamped.

October 9.

Two iron-plated rams, built on the Mersey, England, by the Lairds for the use of the rebel government, were seized by order of the British government, upon a charge of an intention to evade the neutrality laws.--Major-General J. G. Foster sent the following despatch to the National War Department: “I have the honor to report that the expedition sent out on Sunday, under General Wistar, to break up or capture the guerrillas and boats' crews organized by the enemy in Matthews County, has returned, having in the main accomplished its object. Four rebel naval officers, twenty-five men, and twenty-five head of cattle belonging to the Confederacy, together with horses, mules, and arms, are the results. A large number of rebel boats were destroyed. Our loss was one man killed. General Wistar reports the Fourth United States infantry (colored) making thirty miles in one day, with no stragglers.”

Fort Johnson, in Charleston harbor, S. C., was again silenced. A well-directed shot from the Union batteries entered an embrasure and dismounted the gun.--one of the two-hundred pounder batteries on Morris Island, that had been silent for a week, opened on Fort Sumter and the other rebel forts.

October 10.

Early this morning one of General Kilpatrick's cavalry brigades, consisting of four regiments, attempted a reconnoissance on the south side of Robertson's River, when they were met by a large body of Stuart's rebel cavalry. A fight ensued, which lasted about an hour, when the Union cavalry fell back upon the infantry reserves. Another severe conflict ensued, which resulted in the giving way of the Union infantry and the capture of a considerable number of them. A detachment of the cavalry afterward made a dash upon the rebels and recaptured all, excepting fifteen or twenty, of the infantry. The entire National force were then pushed back toward Culpeper, skirmishing all the way.--(Doc. 196.)

Zollicoffer, Tenn., was captured by the Union forces under General Shackelford.--(Doc. 198.)

Lieutenant-Colonel G. W. Lee has recently returned from his deserter-hunting trip into the mountains of North-Carolina. He has captured between three hundred and four hundred deserters and tories. Their leader, Colonel Busty, notorious for his daring outrages, was said to have about six hundred men under him. They were not, however, in a body, but scattered through the country, engaged in their treasonable work of stealing and destroying the property of the people, and carrying off cattle fattening for the army. With two hundred men, Colonel Lee pursued and drove him to Loudon, and captured fifty prisoners, among them two Yankee recruiting officers, and about seventy-five fine beef cattle.--Richmond Whig, October 10.

A large and enthusiastic meeting of mechanics was held in Richmond, Va., at which the following resolution, among others, was adopted:

Resolved, That, awakened to a sense of the abject posture to which labor and we who labor have been reduced, and to the privileges which as citizens and people the institutions of our country rest in us, we will not sleep again until our grasp has firmly clenched the rights and immunities which are ours as Americans and men, until our just demands have been met by the concessions of all opposing elements.

The National forces under General Burnside defeated the rebels at Blue Springs, Tenn.--(Doc. 192.)

October 11.

The English steamer Spaulding was captured by the steam transport Union [62] whilst attempting to run the blockade of Charleston, S. C.--the blockade-running steamer Douro was run ashore and afterward burned by the National gunboat Nansemond, under the command of Lieutenant Lamson.--A battle occurred near Culpeper, Va., the rebels losing four hundred, and the Nationals one hundred and fifty in killed, wounded, and missing.--(Doc. 196.)

October 12.

Jefferson Davis, accompanied by General Bragg and staff, visited the battle-field of Chickamauga. He complimented the General in the highest terms, remarking that “his soldiers were entitled to the gratitude of the country for their heroism, and promising them that the green fields of Tennessee would shortly again be theirs.” --the Union cavalry, under Colonel Hatch, in pursuit of the rebels, who were retreating from the battle-field of Colliersville, overtook them at Ingham's Mills, a point on Coldwater River, three miles from Byhalia, Miss. The rebels were posted in a strong position, but were compelled to retreat after a fight of two hours, with a loss of over fifty in killed and wounded.

October 13.

A fight took place at Wyatts, a town on the Tallahatchie River, Miss., between a party of rebels retreating from Colliersville, Tenn., and the National cavalry under Colonel Hatch. The place had previously been fortified and was surrounded by a deep trench. By the aid of pontoon-bridges the rebels had succeeded in crossing their horses and stores, so that their whole force was rendered available for repelling the Union troops. They had upward of three thousand men, with nine pieces of artillery, and were sheltered by the log-houses of which the town was composed; the Union force was less than two thousand five hundred, with eight pieces of artillery. The fight commenced at three o'clock in the afternoon, by the enemy attempting to force back the Union left. In this they failed. They next massed their forces to break the centre, but were driven back. Slowly Colonel Hatch advanced his line, driving the enemy back step by step. Thus the afternoon wore away, till night, dark and rainy, closed the scene. The rebels, taking advantage of the darkness, succeeded in crossing by means of their bridges, though many of them were killed by the artillery. The Union loss in the engagement was less than forty in killed and wounded. It was impossible correctly to estimate the loss of the confederates, as they succeeded in carrying off all of their wounded and many of their dead. Fifteen dead rebels were found and buried. Colonel Hatch captured seventy-five prisoners, among whom was a rebel chief of artillery.

A rebel force, under the command of Colonel William L. Jackson, attacked the outpost of General B. F. Kelley's army, at Bulltown, Braxton County, Va., this morning, and after a severe fight were compelled to retreat with heavy loss. They were pursued by the Union cavalry. The Union force in the engagement consisted of detachments of the Sixth and Eleventh Virginia regiments, numbering about four hundred, commanded by Captain William H. Mattingly, of the former regiment. He was dangerously wounded. The other casualties were slight. The rebel loss was sixty wounded and nine killed.--General Kelley's Despatch.

A fight took place near Merrill's Crossing, Mo., between the Union troops under General Brown and the rebels under Shelby, in which the latter was defeated.--(Doc. 195.)

October 14.

Jefferson Davis issued an address to the soldiers of the army of Tennessee, thanking them for the “glorious victory on the field of Chickamauga.” --A fight took place at Salt Lick, Va., between the rebels under Colonel William M. Jackson, who were retreating from the battle-field of Bulltown, and a party of Virginia cavalry under Major Howe and Captain Harrison, resulting in a complete rout of the rebels.--an expedition to the interior of Mississippi left Vicksburgh, under the command of General McPherson.

The battle of Bristoe Station, Va., was fought this day.--(Doc. 188.)

October 15.

A fight took place at McLean's Ford, on Bull Run, Va., between the rebels and the New Jersey brigade of the Third corps of the army of the Potomac, in which the former lost sixty in killed and wounded, and the latter two killed and twenty-five wounded.--Philadelphia Inquirer, October 22.

Canton, Miss., was captured by the Union forces under General McPherson, after a severe engagement, in which the rebels lost two hundred in killed, wounded, and prisoners.

At a special meeting of the Richmond, Va., City Council this evening, a report was adopted appointing a board, consisting of five members of the Council and three citizens, to purchase articles for sale at cost, under their direction, at [63] depots to be established by them, one in each ward. The Council also made an appropriation of fifty thousand dollars for the relief of the poor, and authorized the Finance Committee to sell that amount of confederate State bonds in the city treasury.--the British steamer Mail, having on board a large quantity of cotton and other merchandise, was captured by the United States steamer Honduras, in latitude 27° 57′, longitude 83° 9′.--an entire company of thirty-seven men and three officers, belonging to Gillmore's rebel battalion,was captured near Hedgesville, Va. Day before yesterday, Colonel L. D. Pierce, commanding the forces at Martinsburgh, was informed that Gillmore and his battalion were in the habit of holding frequent picnics through Back Creek Valley, principally for the object of plunder. He accordingly detailed a picket of six men, supplied them with a fieldglass, and stationed them upon a prominent point of lookout in the mountains, there to watch, and advise him of any movement that this force might make in that direction. This morning one of the pickets came in and reported the enemy in sight, and a citizen immediately afterward reported a force, numbering from forty to sixty, concealed in the mountains, some two miles from Hedgesville — their intention being to remain there during the day, and burn Back Creek bridge, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, to-night. Colonel Pierce at once despatched a detachment of forty men of the Twelfth Pennsylvania cavalry, under Captain George W. Henrie, on the Pughtown road, and another of fifty, of the First New York, under Captain Richard Pendegrass, on the Hedgesville road; the one to flank them on the right, the other on the left. This they did, forming a junction, and very cunningly arranging their lines so as to form two sides of a triangle; while, in the mean time, a company of the One Hundred and Sixteenth Ohio infantry were sent out from North Mountain Station, with orders to attack the enemy directly in front and drive them into the trap so ingeniously laid by the cavalry.

The whole scheme worked charmingly. Upon reaching the woods, the infantry deployed as skirmishers and advanced. They proceeded but a short distance before they came upon the enemy's camp, and, finding them all napping, with their horses tied to the trees, broke in upon their peaceful slumbers with a very unceremonious volley of musketry, that started a gymnasium among the “rebs,” such as is rarely witnessed in ordinary country shows, the principal feat performed being one known among the chivalry as “right smart git.” They scattered in all directions, leaving their horses behind them, and, in many cases, their hats and arms. The moment the infantry commenced firing, the cavalry closed in upon them, and the whole party permitted themselves to be captured, offering scarcely any resistance. Lieutenant Pierson, of the Twelfth Pennsylvania cavalry, captured nine, including one lieutenant, with no other assistance than that of his sabre.

The officers captured gave their names as Captain William Digges, First Lieutenant John Blackford, and Second Lieutenant Eugene Reed. The prisoners frankly admitted that it was a portion of their programme to burn Back Creek bridge, and do such other damage to the railroad as might come under the head of their mission. No casualties occurred on the Union side. The enemy reported from three to four killed and two wounded.--Baltimore American.

October 16.

General Bragg, in command of the rebel army of the Tennessee, issued the following General Orders from his headquarters at Missionary Ridge, Ga.:

In order to augment the strength of the army, and to give to our brave soldiers an opportunity to visit home and provide for their families during the coming winter, the following rule is adopted:

1. A furlough of not exceeding forty days will be granted to every non-commissioned officer and private who secures a recruit for his company.

2. The recruit must be received and mustered into service, and be doing duty in the company before the application for furlough is forwarded.

3. In all applications made in pursuance of section first, the commanding officer of the company will certify that the applicant has obtained an approved recruit who has been mustered into the service, and is present with the company, doing duty.

October 17.

This morning a squad of guerrillas made a descent on the Alexandria Railroad at Acotink, Va., and carried off fifteen men belonging to the One Hundred and Twentieth regiment of New York, who were posted at that point.--A party of the Thirteenth New York cavalry stationed at Stuart's, near Chantilly, Va., were surprised and surrounded by Mosby's [64] guerrillas, and six were captured.--General Buford's division of cavalry crossed the Rapid Ann River at Germania Ford on Saturday evening, and, following the river to Hunter's Ford, surprised the enemy in their fortifications, and captured sixty of them. General Buford occupied these works till Sunday morning, when he received orders to return, and recrossed the Rapid Ann, followed by a large force of Stuart's cavalry and some mounted infantry, whom he gallantly fought, although greatly outnumbered, as he fell back through Stevensburgh to Brandy Station, where he joined Kilpatrick's forces. The whole cavalry command then slowly retired across the Rappahannock. This action was one of the most gallant and brilliant in the history of the Union cavalry.--the rebel steamer Scottish Chief, and sloop Kate Dale, were destroyed in Hillsborough River, Fla., by the Union gunboats Tahoma and Adela.--(Doc. 200.)

October 18.

This morning, General Imboden, with a portion of his rebel forces, having surrounded Charlestown, Va., garrisoned by the Ninth regiment of Maryland loyal volunteers, under Colonel Simpson, demanded its surrender. The demand was refused, and soon after another was sent in, informing the Colonel that time would be given to remove the women and children. The rebels then commenced the attack, throwing shells into the town, killing one man and severely wounding the adjutant of the regiment. In a short time the Nationals surrendered and the town was occupied by Imboden's forces. As soon as information of the capture reached General Sullivan, in command at Harper's Ferry, he despatched a force under Colonel G. D. Wells, of the Thirty-fourth Massachusetts, who succeeded in routing and driving the rebels from the town, with a loss of thirty killed and wounded, and twenty-one prisoners. The Union loss was ten killed, three wounded, and three hundred and seventy-nine captured.--(Doc. 188.)

Thirteen officers belonging to General Sedgwick's corps were captured in detail this afternoon, while strolling in the woods near headquarters, by rebels concealed in the undergrowth.--Jefferson Davis arrived at Selma, Ala., this evening and was welcomed by the citizens en masse. “An immense crowd gathered in front of the hotel. The President congratulated the people on meeting them under such favorable circumstances, and spoke in glowing terms of the gallantry of Alabamians on every battle-field. He said if the non-conscripts of Alabama would gather their guns and go to the rescue, by guarding Courtland and other points, thereby relieving regular soldiers, who are now from necessity discharging that sort of duty, such blows would be dealt the enemy as he would find it difficult to recover from. In this way most effective aid could be given the gallant men and officers who are carrying out the plans of the noble Longstreet under the supervision of the heroic Bragg. In this way the President was confident that Rosecrans could be crushed to dust. It was only by force of arms that the Yankees could be brought to reason and their plans for our subjugation defeated. Self-reliance and energy was now our duty. We should not look to Europe for aid, for such is not to be expected now. Our only alternative was to sustain ourselves with renewed energy and determination, and a little more sacrifice upon the part of the people, and the President firmly believed that next spring would see the invader driven from our borders. Then farmers, who are now refugees, could return to their families and pursue their business undisturbed as heretofore. In fact, he believed that the defeat of Rosecrans would practically end the war.” --Mobile Register, October 19.

October 19.

The grand-jury of Twiggs County, Georgia, Supreme Court, requested the Court to order a record, called the “Black roll,” in which the names of all who refuse to take confederate bills, bonds or notes in payment for any debt shall be recorded on this recommendation, and that of each succeeding grand-jury, that the names of such malcontents may be officially handed down to posterity, and their ultimate reward insured.--Major-General W. S. Rosecrans relinquished the command of the Department of the Cumberland, and issued a farewell address to his “brothers in arms.” General George H. Thomas succeeded to the command.--the result of the draft made in July, was made known by Provost-Marshal Fry.

October 20.

Colonel Spencer's expedition into Alabama, which left Corinth, Miss., yesterday, returned to-day on account of high water from heavy rains in the mountains. It penetrated to within fifteen miles of Jasper, over one hundred and fifty from Corinth. The whole cavalry force of Tuscumbia Valley was concentrating to cut him off. While endeavoring to press his command, which was about five hundred strong, between them, Colonel Spencer encountered a force [65] of from one thousand to one thousand three hundred, under General Ferguson, in the south-east corner of Tishomingo County, Mississippi, and wa, quite roughly handled. Colonel Spencer formed a square of three lines of battle. As one position after another was outflanked, and the regiment becoming disordered and surrounded, he led it into the woods, where the rebels were held in check until night, when it broke up into squads, the men being all intimately acquainted with the country, and coming out the best way they could.

Captains Chanler, Pulo, and Stemberg, of Joliet, Ill., were killed; also, Lieutenant Perry, of company I, First Alabama cavalry. Lieutenant Swift, of Ottawa, was mortally wounded, and about ten privates were killed.

The rebel loss was more severe, as they rushed in large numbers upon the Nationals, who were under cover.

The Union forces under Colonel Wolford, were captured at Philadelphia, Tenn.--(Doc. 203.)

October 21.

This morning the United States steamer Nansemond, Lieutenant R. H. Lamson, commanding, captured and destroyed the rebel steamer Venus, from Nassau to Wilmington, with a cargo of lead, drugs, clothing, coffee, and bacon for the rebels. The Venus was one of the very finest and fastest steamers engaged in running the blockade. She was two hundred and seventy feet long, one thousand tons burthen, and had the finest engines of any steamer in this trade, and could run sixteen knots per hour. The Nansemond fired one shell through her foremast, another burst in the centre, a third passed through forward, killing one man, (this is the first man killed running the blockade,) and a fourth struck under the guard, near the waterline, knocking in an iron plate, which forced her to run ashore to keep from sinking. She was boarded so quickly that her captain, officers, and most of her crew were captured. As she could not be got off, she was entirely destroyed, under a heavy fire from the rebel batteries ashore.--(Doc. 204.)

Warrenton, Va., was entered and occcupied by the National cavalry.--an engagement took place at Cherokee Station, Alabama, between the National forces under General Osterhaus, who was moving eastward from Corinth, and the rebels under Generals S. D. Lee, Roddy, and Richardson, numbering over four thousand. The fight lasted an hour, when the rebels were driven back with severe loss.--(Doc. 205.)

Opelousas, La., was entered by General Franklin's column of General Banks's army at noon to-day. The rebels made a stand at a point about five miles in front of the town, with a body of troops composed of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, but they were quickly driven from the field. At Vermillion Bayou, where the rebels held a strong position, an engagement might have been expected; but the threats made on their rear by General Dana's forces compelled the rebel commander to divide his troops, and so weakened the force on the bayou, that it was easily turned.

October 22.

Colonel Gregg, commanding the Second brigade of Gregg's division, sent out the Second Pennsylvania cavalry, under Lieu. tenant-Colonel Brinton, from the vicinity of Fayetteville, Va., to establish the picket-line from Freeman's to Kelly's Ford, the former some miles above and the latter some miles below Rappahannock Station. At Liberty (a few miles from Bealton, on the road between that place and Sulphur Springs) they met the enemy's pickets, and the First Maine cavalry being sent to their support, drove them in and followed them up rapidly along the road leading to the, different fords. The party which took the direction of Rappahannock Crossing turned and made a stand when approaching their infantry supports, and for some time the fighting was quite brisk. In this encounter the Second regiment lost six men wounded, among them Major Taggart, who was struck while gallantly leading a charge on the enemy's line.

October 23.

A supply train which left Nash ville, Tenn., this morning, under a guard of thirty men belonging to the Seventieth Indiana regiment, commanded by Lieutenant Campbell, was thrown from the track, at a point five miles below Tullahoma, the rails having been removed by a band of rebels. The members of the train had but a moment's time to reflect upon the state of things, when the rebels charged upon them with a terrific fire. The assault was bravely met by the guard, and the assailants were compelled to retire in confusion after an engagement of fifteen minutes.--Dr. D. W. Wright, of Norfolk, Va., was executed this morning for the murder of Lientenant Sanborn.


October 24.

An order from the rebel War Department at Richmond went into effect, subjecting to conscription and enrolment all clerks who entered upon clerkships at the several departments, after October 1862.--Adair, Ky., was visited by a band of guerrillas under the chief Dillsbury, who, after plundering the inhabitants, returned into Tennessee.

October 25.

Colliersville, Tenn., was again attacked by the rebels, who were repulsed and driven off.--one hundred and fifty armed guerrillas crossed White River, Ark., going north to operate against steamers at Council Bend.--the battle of Pine Bluff, Ark., was fought this day.--(Doc. 207.)

October 26.

Heavy skirmishing took place near Bealton, Va.--Colonel George E. Spencer, commanding five hundred men of the First Alabama regiment of cavalry, on an expedition. through Northern Alabama and Mississippi, was attacked and defeated by the rebel forces, “in the extreme south-east corner of Tishomingo County, Miss.” --A fight occurred at Tuscumbia, Ala.--(Doc. 209.)

October 27.

A detachment of National troops, under the command of General William F. Smith, surprised and routed a large body of rebels at Brown's Ferry, opening communication with Bridgeport.--(Docs. 96, 210, and 211.)

At Charleston, S. C., four monitors opened fire upon Fort Sumter, at a distance of one mile, and continued the bombardment until late in the afternoon. At eleven o'clock in the morning solid shot were thrown into the city of Charleston, one of which struck the building occupied by the Union Bank.

October 28.

Major-General Benjamin F. Butler, by direction of the President of the United States, was appointed to the command of the Eighteenth army corps, and of the Department of Virginia and North-Carolina.--A heavy fire was kept up on the sea face of Fort Sumter during the whole of last night, by the monitors and two guns at battery Gregg, and this morning the bombardment of the rebel works was renewed with great vigor.--correspondence in relation to the depredation of rebel privateers upon the commerce of the United States, passed between the merchants of New York and Secretary Welles of the National Navy Department.--the battle of Lookout Mountain took place this day.--(Doc. 211.)

October 29.

Major-General George H. Thomas sent the following dispatch to the headquarters of the United States army, from his camp at Chattanooga, Tenn.:

In the fight last night the enemy attacked General Geary's division, posted at Wauhatchie, on three different sides, and broke into his camp at one point, but was driven back in most gallant style by a part of his force, the remainder being held in reserve. General Howard, whilst marching to Geary's relief, was attacked in flank. The enemy occupying in force two commanding hills on the left of the road, he immediately threw forward two of his regiments and took both of them at the point of the bayonet, driving the enemy from his breastworks and across Lookout Creek. In this brilliant success over their old adversary, the conduct of the officers and men of the Eleventh and Twelfth corps is entitled to the highest praise.

--(Doc. 211.)

The flag of truce boat arrived at Annapolis, Md., from City Point, Va., with one hundred and eighty-one paroled men, eight having died on the passage from actual starvation. A correspondent says:

Never, in the whole course of my life, have I ever seen such a scene as these men presented; they were living skeletons; every man of them had to be sent to the hospitals, and the surgeon's opinion is, that more than one third of them must die, being beyond the reach of nourishment or medicine.

I questioned several of them, and all state that their condition has been brought on by the treatment they have received at the hands of the rebels. They have been kept without food, and exposed a large portion of the time without shelter of any kind. To look at these men, and hear their tales of woe and how they have been treated, one would not suppose they had fallen into the hands of the Southern chivalry, but rather into the hands of savage barbarians, destitute of all humanity or feeling. If human means cannot be brought to punish such treatment to prisoners, God, in his justice, will launch his judgments upon the heads of any people who will so far forget the treatment due to humanity.

It seems to be the policy of the South to keep the Union prisoners until they are so far worn out as ever to be unfit for service again, and then send them off to die; while the men captured by the Nationals are returned to them


[67] well clothed and well fed, ready to go into the field the moment they arrive within their lines.

Jefferson Davis sent the following letter to Lieutenant-General Polk, who had been relieved of his command, upon a charge of mismanagement at the battle of Chickamauga:

After an examination into the causes and circumstances attending your being relieved from command with the army commanded by General Bragg, I have arrived at the conclusion that there is nothing to justify a court-martial or court of inquiry, and I therefore dismiss the application.

Your appointment to a new field of duty, alike important and difficult, is the best evidence of my appreciation of your past services and expectation of your future career.

October 30.

Unconditional Unionists, representing twenty counties of Western Arkansas, held a convention at Fort Smith, at which patriotic speeches were made, resolutions adopted, and Colonel----Johnson of the First Arkansas infantry, nominated to represent that district in the Congress of the United States.--the National forces which occupied Loudon, Tenn., retired to the north bank of the river, and established themselves upon the heights commanding the town.

The Richmond Whig of this date contained the following:

Beef ought to be selling now at sixty-five to seventy cents a pound, in accordance with the proposed arrangements between the butchers and the government. It is quoted in yesterday morning's report of the markets at a dollar to a dollar and a half a pound. The butchers say they are unable to get cattle, and may be compelled to close their stalls for want of meat to sell.

October 31.

A. W. Bradford, Governor of Maryland, addressed a letter to President Lincoln, upon the subject of military interference in the election in his State.--the Texas expedition, under the command of General Banks, landed at Brazos.

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Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (3)
Colliersville (New York, United States) (3)
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Charleston Harbor (South Carolina, United States) (2)
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Tuscumbia (Alabama, United States) (1)
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Pocomoke City (Maryland, United States) (1)
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Ottawa, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (1)
Opelousas (Louisiana, United States) (1)
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (1)
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Mississippi (United States) (1)
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Jasper (Alabama, United States) (1)
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Hunter's Ford (Indiana, United States) (1)
Hillsborough River (Florida, United States) (1)
George-Town (United States) (1)
Franklin, La. (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Fort Scott (Kansas, United States) (1)
Farmington, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Europe (1)
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (1)
DeKalb (Illinois, United States) (1)
Dardanelles (Oregon, United States) (1)
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Como (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Columbia, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Coldwater (Mississippi, United States) (1)
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Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Buena Vista (Illinois, United States) (1)
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Brazos River (Texas, United States) (1)
Braxton (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Brandy Station (Virginia, United States) (1)
Blue Springs (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Baxter Springs (Kansas, United States) (1)
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (1)
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