Doc. 2.-General Burnside's order.
headquarters Department of Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 3, 1863.
General order no. 90.
the General Commanding directs that General N. C. McLean, Provost-Marshal General, at once institute an investigation into the cases of all citizen prisoners now confined in this department, and in all such cases as do not clearly show premeditated disloyalty on the part of the accused, or when a desire is manifested to atone for past faults by future good conduct, the prisoners will be released on taking the oath of allegiance and giving bonds for a strict observance thereof.
The General Commanding is convinced that a large majority of the men arrested have been misled by dishonest and designing politicians, and he prefers to strike at the sources of the evil, and allow those who have been led astray to return to their loyalty and allegiance, if they have seen the folly and sin of opposing the Government.
The United States, in striving to put down a rebellion unparalleled in history, requires that every man, at home or in the field, shall each in his sphere be enlisted in the cause.
The necessity demands a sacrifice from all. In responding to this call, the devotion of the citizen soldier stands foremost, and his sacrifice is the greatest.
He gives up all that is dear to the citizen — his home, his freedom of speech and action, the prospect of gain, and often gives his life.
He exacts no conditions, but surrenders himself wholly to his country, as represented by the constituted authorities placed over him.
But while he thus yields up his civic rights so entirely to his country, he is none the less a citizen; he waives them temporarily to give greater
efficiency to his efforts, and looks forward to the time when, the authority of the Government restored, he shall again exercise the rights he has patriotically laid down.
While the duties of a citizen are of a more peaceful and less exacting character, he is none the less a soldier, and it becomes him to appreciate the grandeur and entireness of the devotion of his brethren in the field, and to remember that he too has sacrifices to make; but the country's demand upon him is comparatively but small.
The country requires from him no physical sacrifice, no personal hardships; it merely asks that he shall imitate the loyal example of the soldiers in the field, so far as to abate somewhat of that freedom of speech which they give up so entirely.
The citizen would be unjust to the soldier, as well as unfaithful to his country, if, while enjoying the comforts of home, he were unwilling to give up a portion of a privilege which the soldier resigns altogether.
That freedom of discussion and criticism which is proper in the politician and the journalist in time of peace, becomes rank treason when it tends to weaken the confidence of the soldier in his officers and his Government.
When this insidious treason, striking at the very root of that military power which is for the time being the country's protection, makes its appearance, it is the bounden duty of the Commanding General to expel it from his lines, with a heavier hand than he would drive from his camp the villain who would scatter a material poison that would enervate and decimate his soldiers.
The General Commanding desires to again call the attention of all officers, Provost-Marshals, and others in authority to the necessity of great care in the making of arrests, which should in all instances be founded on full affidavits sustaining distinct charges, except when the exigencies of the case demand instant action.
Carelessness in this respect is only less censurable than negligence in the detection and punishment of crime.
With the exercise of scrupulous care and sound discretion on the part of officers, and a candid consideration on the part of all citizens of the relations of the people and the army to each other as above set forth, the General Commanding is full of hope that mutual cooperation in putting down the rebellion will become more hearty and effective.
The necessity for arrests will be diminished, and the tendency to factious opposition to the Government, and hurtful criticisms of its measures be removed.
By command of Major-General A. E. Burnside. Lewis Richmond, Assistant Adjutant-General.
Official: W. P. Anderson, Assistant Adjutant General.
Official: W. P. Anderson, Assistant Adjutant General.