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The Confederate Army.

Forces at Kernstown, March 23d, 1862. Major-General Thomas J. Jackson.

Garnett's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. R. B. Garnett: 2d Va., Col. J. W. Allen; 4th Va., Lieut.-Col. Charles A. Ronald, Maj. A. G. Pendleton; 5th Va., Col. William H. Harman; 27th Va., Col. John Echols (w), Lieut.-Col. A. J. Grigsby; 33d Va., Col. Arthur C. Cummings; Va. Battery (Rockbridge Art'y), Capt. William McLaughlin; Va. Battery (West Augusta Art'y), Capt. James H. Waters; Va. Battery, Capt. Joseph Carpenter. Brigade loss: k, 40; w, 168; m, 153=361. Burks's Brigade, Col. Jesse S. Burks: 21st Va., Lieut.-Col. John M. Patton, Jr.; 42d Va., Lieut.-Col. D. A. Langhorne; 1st Va. (Irish) Battalion, Capt. D. B. Bridgford; Va. Battery, Lieut. James Pleasants. Brigade loss: k, 24; w, 114; m, 39=167. Fulkerson's Brigade, Col. Samuel V. Fulkerson: 23d Va., Lieut.-Col. Alex. G. Taliaferro; 37th Va., Lieut.-Col. R. P. Carson; Va. Battery (Danville Art'y), Lieut. A. C. Lanier. Brigade loss: k, 15; w, 76; m, 71=162. Cavalry, 7th Va., Col. Turner Ashby; Va. Battery, Capt. R. P. Chew. Cavalry loss: k, 1; w, 17 =18.

Total loss (March 22d and 23d): killed, 80; wounded, 375; missing, 263 = 718.

General Jackson, in his report ( “Official Records,” XII., Pt. I., p. 383), says: “Our number present on the evening of the battle was, of infantry, 3087, of which 2742 were engaged; 27 pieces of artillery, of which 18 were engaged. Owing to recent heavy cavalry duty and the extent of country to be protected, only 290 of this arm were present to take part in the engagement.”


Forces at McDowell Va., May 8th 1862. Major-General Thomas J. Jackson.

Army of the Valley: Second Brigade, Col. John A. Campbell: 21st Va., Lieut.-Col. R. H. Cunningham; 42d Va., Maj. Henry Lane; 48th Va., Maj. James C. Campbell (w), Lieut. Samuel Hale; 1st Va. (Irish) Battalion, Capt. B. W. Leigh. Brigade loss: w, 9. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William B. Taliaferro: 10th Va., Col. S. B. Gibbons (k), Lieut.-Col. E. T. H. Warren; 23d Va., Col. A. G. Taliaferro; 37th Va., Col. Samuel V. Fulkerson. Brigade loss: k, 12; w, 89 == 101.

Army of the North-West, Brig.-Gen. Edward Johnson (w), in command on the field. Staff loss: w, 1.

First Brigade, Col. Z. T. Conner: 12th Ga., Maj. Willis A. Hawkins; 25th Va., Col. George H. Smith (w); 31st Va., Lieut.-Col. Alfred H. Jackson, Col. John S. Hoffman. Brigade loss: k, 43; w, 223 == 266. Second Brigade, Col. W. C. Scott: 44th Va., Maj. Norvell Cobb; 52d Va., Col. Michael G. Harman; 58th Va., Lieut.-Col. F. H. Board. Brigade loss: k, 20; w, 102 == 122.

Total loss: killed, 75; wounded, 424 == 499.

The strength of the Confederate forces is not officially stated. Colonel Allan ( “Campaign in the Valley of Virginia, 1861-62,” p. 78) estimates it at about 6000.

Forces in the operations of May 20th-June 10th, 1862. Major-General Thomas J. Jackson.

Jackson's division. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Charles S. Winder: 2d Va., Col. J. W. Alien; 4th Va., Col. Charles A. Ronald; 5th Va., Col. W. S. H. Baylor, Lieut.-Col. J. H. S. Funk; 27th Va., Col. A. J. Grigsby; 33d Va., Col. John F. Neff. Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 10; w, 27-37. Port Republic, k, 13; w, 154; m, 32==199. Second Brigade, Col. J. A. Campbell (w), Col. John M. Patton: 21st Va., Col. John M. Patton, Lieut.-Col. R. H. Cunningham; 42d Va., Maj. Henry Lane (w), Capt. John E. Penn, Lieut.-Col. William Martin; 48th Va., Captain Samuel Hale (w), Maj. J. B. Moseley, Lieut.-Col. Thomas S. Garnett; 1st Va. (Irish) Battalion, Capt. B. W. Leigh, Maj. John Seddon. Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 2; w, 14 == 16. Cross Keys and Port Republic, k, 4; w, 16 == 20. Third Brigade, Col. Samuel V. Fulkerson, Brig.-Gen. William B. Taliaferro: 10th Va., Col. E. T. H. Warren; 23d Va., Col. A. G. Taliaferro, Lieut.-Col. George W. Curtis; 37th Va., Maj. T. V. Williams, Col. Samuel V. Fulkerson. Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 2; w, 34==36. Port Republic, w, 3. Artillery, Col. S. Crutchfield (chief of artillery of Jackson's entire command): Va. Battery, Capt. Joseph Carpenter; Va. Battery, Capt. William H. Caskie; Va. Battery (joined at Port Republic), Capt. James McD. Carrington; Va. Battery, Capt. W. E. Cutshaw (w), Lieut. John C. Carpenter; Va. Battery, Capt. William T. Poague; Va. Battery, Capt. George W. Wooding. Artillery loss: Winchester, k, 3; w, 21==24. Port Republic, w, 9; m, 1 == 10.

Ewell's division, Major-General Richard S. Ewell.

Second Brigade, Col. W. C. Scott, Brig.-Gen. George H. Steuart (w), Col. W. C. Scott: 1st Md. (assigned to brigade June 6th), Col. Bradley T. Johnson; 44th Va., Col. W. C. Scott; 52d Va., Lieut.-Col. James H. Skinner; 58th Va., Col. Samuel H. Letcher. Brigade loss: Cross Keys, k, 7; w, 65 == 72. Port Republic, k, 30; w, 169 == 199. Fourth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Arnold Elzey (w), Col. J. A. Walker: 13th Va., Col. J. A. Walker; 31st Va., Col. John S. Hoffman; 25th Va., Lieut.-Col. Patrick B. Duffy; 12th Ga., Col. Z. T. Conner. Brigade loss: Cross Keys, k, 5; w, 62==67. Port Republic, k, 15; w, 80; m, 4==99. Seventh Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Isaac R. Trimble: 21st N. C., Col. W. W. Kirkland (w); 21st Ga., Col. J. T. Mercer; 15th Ala., Col. James Cantey; 16th Miss., Col. Carnot Posey (w). Brigade loss: Winchester, k, 22; w, 75 == 97. Cross Keys, k, 23; w, 109; mn, 6==138. Eighth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Richard Taylor: 6th La., Col. Isaac G. Seymour; 7th La., Col. H. T. Hays (w), Maj. David B. Penn; 8th La., Col. H. B. Kelly; 9th La., Col. Leroy A. Stafford; La. Battalion, Maj. C. R. Wheat. Brigade loss: Front Royal and Winchester, k, 21; w, 109; m, 3 == 133. Cross Keys, k, 1; w, 8 == 9. Port Republic, k, 33; w, 256; m, 9 == 298. Maryland Line (attached to Second Brigade June 6th), Brig.-Gen. George H. Steuart (assigned to command of the cavalry May 24th): 1st Infantry, Col. Bradley T. Johnson; Co. A, Cav., Capt. Ridgely Brown; Baltimore Battery, Capt. J. B. Brockenbrough. Artillery: Va. Battery, Lieut. J. W. Latimer, Captain A. R. Courtney; Va. Battery, Capt. John A. M. Lusk; Va. Battery, Capt. Charles I. Raine; Va. Battery. Capt. William H. Rice. Artillery loss: Cross Keys, k, 8; w, 20; in, 8==36.

cavalry, Col. Thomas S. Flournoy, Brig.-Gen. George H. Steuart, Brig.-Gen. Turner Ashby (k), Col. Thomas T. Munford: 2d Va., Lieut-Col. James W. Watts; Col. Thomas T. Munford; 6th Va., Col. Thomas S. Flournoy; 7th Va., Col. Turner Ashby (promoted Brig.-Gen. May 23d); Va. Battery, Capt. R. P. Chew. Cavalry loss: Front Royal and Winchester (partial report), k, 11; w, 15 == 26. (Other casualties in the cavalry during the campaign are not specifically stated.)

General Jackson reported his losses at Front Royal, Winchester, etc., from May 23d to 31st, as 68 killed, 329 wounded, and 3 missing == 400. At Cross Keys and Port Republic the casualties were 139 killed, 951 wounded, and 60 missing == 1150. As nearly as can be ascertained from the “Official Records,” the loss in the campaign was 230 killed, 1373 wounded, and 232 captured or missing == 1878.

The strength of Jackson's command is nowhere authoritatively stated. Colonel William Allan says in his “Jackson's Valley campaign,” p. 146: “Jackson had moved against Banks, on May 19th, with a total effective force of 16,000 or 17,000 men. . . . His effective force [at Cross Keys] could not have exceeded 13,000, even if it reached that amount.”

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Thomas J. Jackson (12)
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Alexander G. Taliaferro (6)
George H. Steuart (6)
John M. Patton (6)
Turner Ashby (6)
E. T. H. Warren (4)
James A. Walker (4)
William B. Taliaferro (4)
Charles A. Ronald (4)
Official Records (4)
Thomas T. Munford (4)
B. W. Leigh (4)
Henry Lane (4)
Bradley T. Johnson (4)
John S. Hoffman (4)
Samuel Hale (4)
A. J. Grigsby (4)
Thomas S. Flournoy (4)
Richard S. Ewell (4)
R. H. Cunningham (4)
Z. T. Conner (4)
R. P. Chew (4)
Joseph Carpenter (4)
John A. Campbell (4)
Jesse S. Burks (4)
William Allan (4)
George W. Wooding (2)
Charles S. Winder (2)
T. V. Williams (2)
C. R. Wheat (2)
James W. Watts (2)
James H. Waters (2)
Isaac R. Trimble (2)
Richard Taylor (2)
Leroy A. Stafford (2)
George H. Smith (2)
James H. Skinner (2)
Isaac G. Seymour (2)
John Seddon (2)
William H. Rice (2)
Charles I. Raine (2)
Carnot Posey (2)
William T. Poague (2)
James Pleasants (2)
John E. Penn (2)
David B. Penn (2)
A. G. Pendleton (2)
John F. Neff (2)
John B. Moseley (2)
J. T. Mercer (2)
William McLaughlin (2)
James McD (2)
William Martin (2)
John A. M. Lusk (2)
Samuel H. Letcher (2)
J. W. Latimer (2)
A. C. Lanier (2)
D. A. Langhorne (2)
W. W. Kirkland (2)
Henry B. Kelly (2)
Edward Johnson (2)
Alfred H. Jackson (2)
Harry T. Hays (2)
Willis A. Hawkins (2)
William H. Harman (2)
Michael G. Harman (2)
S. B. Gibbons (2)
Thomas S. Garnett (2)
Richard B. Garnett (2)
R. B. Garnett (2)
J. H. S. Funk (2)
Arnold Elzey (2)
John Echols (2)
Patrick B. Duffy (2)
W. E. Cutshaw (2)
George W. Curtis (2)
Arthur C. Cummings (2)
S. Crutchfield (2)
A. R. Courtney (2)
Norvell Cobb (2)
William H. Caskie (2)
R. P. Carson (2)
Henry A. Carrington (2)
John C. Carpenter (2)
James Cantey (2)
James C. Campbell (2)
Ridgely Brown (2)
J. B. Brockenbrough (2)
D. B. Bridgford (2)
W. S. H. Baylor (2)
Nathaniel P. Banks (2)
J. W. Allen (2)
J. W. Alien (2)
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