The opposing forces in the Seven days battles.
June 25th--July 1st, 1862.
The composition, losses, and strength of each army as here stated give the gist of all the data obtainable in the
Official Records.
K stands for killed; w for wounded; m w for mortally wounded; m for captured or missing; c for captured.
The Union forces.
General headquarters:
Provost Marshal's and Hdq'rs Guard, Brig.-Gen. Andrew Porter: 2d U. S. Cavalry (7 co's), and
McClellan (Ill.) Dragoons (2 co's),
Maj. Alfred Pleasonton; 93d N. Y. (4 co's), and
Sturges (Ill.) Rifles,
Maj. Granville O. Haller; 8th U. S. Inf. (2 co's),
Capt. Royal T. Frank and
Lieut. Eugene Carter.
Escort: 4th U. 8.
Cav. (2 co's), and
Oneida (N. Y.) Cavalry,
Capt. James B. McIntyre.
Volunteer Engineer Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Daniel P. Woodbury: 15th N. Y.,
Col. J. McLeod Murphy; 50th N. Y.,
Col. Charles B. Stuart.
Brigade loss: m, 12.
Battalion U. S. Engineers, Capt. James C. Duane.
Loss: w, 2; m, 9==11.
Casey's Command (at
White House),
Brig.-Gen. Silas Casey: 4th Pa. Cav. (squadron),
Capt. William Shorts; 11th Pa. Cav. (5 co's),
Col. Josiah Harlan; F, 1st N. Y. Arty.,
Capt. Wm. R. Wilson; 93d N. Y. (6 co's),
Col. Thos. F. Morris.
Second Corps,
Brig.-Gen. E. V. Sumner. Staff loss: w, 1,
Cavalry: D, F, H, and K, 6th N. Y.,
Lieut.-Col. Duncan McVicar.
first division,
Brig.-Gen. Israel B. Richardson.
First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John C. Caldwell: 5th N. H.,
Lieut.-Col. Samuel G. Langley,
Capt. Edward E,,
Sturtevant; 7th N. Y.,
Col. George W. von Schack; 61st N. Y.,
Col. Francis C. Barlow; 81st Pa.,
Col. Charles F. Johnson (w),
Lieut.-Col. Ell T. Conner (k),
Maj. H. Boyd McKeen.
Brigade loss: k, 61; w, 356; m, 137 == 554.
Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Thomas F. Meagher,
Col. Robert Nugent,
Brig.-Gen. Thomas F. Meagher: 29th Mass.,
Col. Ebenezer W. Peirce (w),
Lieut.-Col. Joseph H. Barnes; 63d N. Y.,
Col. John Burke (w),
Lieut.-Col. Henry Fowler,
Capt. Joseph O'Neill; 69th N. Y.,
Col. Robert Nugent; 88th N. Y.,
Col. Henry M. Baker,
Maj. James Quinlan.
Brigade loss: k, 34; w, 227, In, 232==493.
Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William H. French: 2d Del.,
Lieut.-Col. William P. Baily,
Capt. D. L. Stricker; 52d N. Y.,
Col. Paul Frank; 57th N. Y.,
Col. Samuel K. Zook; 64th N. Y.,
Col. Thomas J. Parker; 66th N. Y.,
Col. Joseph C. Pinckney; 53d Pa.,
Col. John R. Brooke.
Brigade loss: k, 3; w, 43; m, 162==208.
Artillery, Capt.
George W. Hazzard (m w): B, 1st N. Y.,
Capt. Rufus D. Pettit; A and C, 4th U. S.,
Capt. George W. Hazzard,
Lieut. Rufus King, Jr. Artillery loss: w, 19; m, 10==29.
Second division,
Brig.-Gen. John Sedgwick.
First Brigade, Col. Alfred Sully: 15th Mass.,
Lieut.-Col. John W. Kimball; 1st Minn.,
Lieut.-Col. Stephen Miller; 1st Co. Mass. Sharp-shooters,
Capt. John Saunders; 34th N. Y.,
Col. James A. Suiter; 82d N. Y.,
Col. Henry W. Hudson; 2d Co. Minn. Sharp-shooters,
Capt. William F. Russell. Brigade loss: k, 12; w, 82; in, 152==246.
Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William W. Burns (w): 69th Pa.,
Col. Joshua T. Owen; 71st Pa.,
Lieut.-Col. William G. Jones; 72d Pa.,
Col. De Witt C. Baxter; 106th Pa.,
Col. Turner G. Morehead.
Brigade loss: k, 40; w, 193; m, 172==405.
Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. N. J. T. Dana: 19th Mass.,
Col. Edward W. Hinks (w),
Capt. Edmund Rice,
Lieut.-Col. Arthur F. Devereux; 20th Mass.,
Col. William R. Lee; 7th Mich.,
Col. Ira R. Grosvenor; 42d N. Y.,
Col. Edmund C. Charles (w and c),
Lieut.-Col. James J. Mooney.
Brigade loss: k, 51; w, 262; m, 153==466.
Artillery, Col. Charles H. Tompkins: A, 1st R. I.,
Capt. John A. Tompkins; I, 1st U. S.,
Lieut. Edmund Kirby.
Artillery loss: w, 12; m, 4==16.
reserve artillery: G, 1st N. Y.,
Capt. John B. Frank; B, 1st R. I.,
Capt. Walter O. Bartlett; G, 1st R. I.,
Capt. Charles D. Owen. Reserve artillery loss: w, 6; m, 2==8.
Third Corps,
Brig.-Gen. S. P. Heintzelman.
Cavalry: 3d Pa.,
Col. William W. Averell.
Loss: k, 6; w, 2; mi, 3==11.
Second division,
Brig.-Gen. Joseph Hooker.