The opposing forces in Arkansas, April 20, 1864.
The Union Army.
Department of Arkansas,
Maj.-Gen. Frederick Steele.
Third division,
Brig.-Gen. Frederick Salomon.
First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Samuel A. Rice: 50th Ind.,
Lieut.-Col. Samuel T. Wells; 29th Iowa,
Col. Thomas H. Benton, Jr.; 33d Iowa,
Col. Cyrus H. Mackey; 9th Wis.,
Col. Charles E. Salomon.
Second Brigade, Col. William E. McLean: 43d Ind.,
Maj. Wesley W. Norris; 36th Iowa,
Col. C. W. Kittredge; 77th Ohio,
Col. William B. Mason.
Third Brigade, Col. Adolph Engelmann: 43d Ill.,
Lieut.-Col. Adolph Dengler; 40th Iowa,
Col. John A. Garrett; 27th Wis.,
Col. Conrad Krez.
Artillery: Ill. Battery,
Capt. T. F. Vaughn; 3d Iowa,
Lieut. M. C. Wright; K, 1st Mo.,
Capt. James Marr; E, 2d Mo.,
Lieut. Charles Peetz.
frontier division,
Brig.-Gen. John M. Thayer.
First Brigade, Col. John Edwards: 1st Ark.,
Lieut.-Col. E. J. Searle; 2d Ark.,
Maj. M. L. Stephenson; 18th Iowa,
Capt. William M. Duncan; 2d Ind. Battery,
Lieut. Hugh Espey.
Second Brigade, Col. Charles W. Adams: 1st Kan. (colored),
Col. James M. Williams; 2d Kan. (colored),
Col. Samuel J. Crawford; 12th Kan.,
Lieut.-Col. Josiah E. Hayes; 1st Ark. Battery,
Capt. Denton D. Stark.
Third Brigade (cavalry),
Col. Owen A. Bassett: 2d Kan.,
Maj. Julius G. Fisk; 6th Kan.,
Lieut.-Col. William T. Campbell; 14th Kan.,
Lieut.-Col. John G. Brown.
cavalry division,
Brig.-Gen. Eugene A. Carr.
First Brigade, Col. John F. Ritter: 3d Ark.,
Maj. George F. Lovejoy; 1st Mo.,
Capt. Miles Kehoe; 2d Mo.,
Capt. William H. Higdon; 13th Ill. and 3d Iowa (detachment),
Capt. Adolph Bechaud.
Third Brigade, Lieut.-Col. Joseph W. Caldwell: 1st Iowa,
Capt. James P. Crosby; 10th Ill. (detachment),
Lieut. R. J. Bellamy; 3d Mo.,
Maj. John A. Lennon.
independent cavalry Brigade,
Col. Powell Clayton: 1st Ind.,
Maj. Julian D. Owen; 5th Kan.,
Lieut.-Col. Wilton A. Jenkins. Effective force (estimated), 13,000; total loss about 2,500.
District of
Maj.-Gen. Sterling Price.
Escort: Mo. Battalion,
Maj. R. C. Wood.
Fagan's cavalry division,
Brig.-Gen. J. F. Fagan.
Cabell's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. L. Cabell: 1st Ark.,
Col. J. C. Monroe; 2d Ark.,
Col. T. J. Morgan; 4th Ark.,
Col. A. Gordon; 7th Ark.,
Col. John F. Hill; Ark. Battalion,
Lieut.-Col. T. M. Gunter;
Blocher's Battery,----.
Dockery's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. T. P. Dockery: 18th Ark.,----; 19th Ark.,
Lieut.-Col. H. G. P. William; 20th Ark.,----; Ark. Battalion,----.
Crawford's Brigade, Col. W. A. Crawford: 2d Ark.,
Capt. O. B. Tebbs;
Crawford's Reg't,----;
Wright's Reg't,
Col. John C. Wright;
Poe's Battalion,
Maj. J. T. Poe; Ark. Battalion,
Maj. E .
L. McMurtrey.
Artillery: Ark. Battery,
Capt. W. M. Hughey.
Marmaduke's cavalry division,
Brig.-Gen. John S. Marmaduke.
Greene's Brigade, Col. Colton Greene: 3d Mo.,
Lieut.-Col. L. A. Campbell; 4th Mo.,
Lieut.-Col. W. J. Preston; 7th Mo.,----; 8th Mo.,
Col. W. L. Jeffers; 10th Mo.,
Col. R. R. Leather; Mo. Battery,
Shelby's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Joseph O. Shelby: 1st Mo., Battalion,
Maj. Benjamin Elliott; 5th Mo.,
Col. B. F. Gordon; 11th Mo.,
Col. M .
W. Smith; 12th Mo.,
Col. David Shanks;
Hunter's Reg't,
Col. D. C. Hunter; Mo. Battery,
Capt. R. A. Collins.
Maxey's cavalry division,
Brig.-Gen. Saml. B. Maxey.
Gano's Brigade, Col. Charles De Morse: 29th Tex.,
Maj. J. A. Carroll; 30th Tex.,
Lieut.-Col. N. W. Battle; 31st Tex.,
Maj. M. Looscan;
Welch's Co.,
Lieut. Frank M. Gano; Tex. Battery,
Capt. W. B. Krumbhaar.
Choctaw Brigade, Col. Tandy Walker: 1st Regiment,
Lieut.-Col. James Riley; 2d Regiment,
Col. Simpson W. Folsom.
Walker's division,
Maj.-Gen. John G. Walker.
Brigade Commanders: Brig.-Gens. T .
N. Waul,
W. R. Scurry, and
Col. Horace Randal.
Arkansas division,
Brig.-Gen. Thomas J. Churchill.
Tappan's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. J. C. Tappan: 24th and 30th Ark.,
Lieut.-Col. W. R. Hardy; 27th and 38th Ark.,
Col. R. G. Shaver; 33d Ark.,
Col. H. L. Grinsted.
Hawthorn's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. A. T. Hawthorn: . . .
Gause's Brigade, Col. L. C. Gause: 26th Ark.,
Lieut.-Col. Iverson L. Brooks; 32d Ark.,
Lieut.-Col. William Hicks; 36th Ark.,
Col. J. M. Davie.
Missouri division,
Brig.-Gen. M. M. Parsons.
First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John B. Clark, Jr.: 8th Mo.,
Col. Charles S. Mitchell; 9th Mo.,
Col. R .
H. Musser; Mo. Battery,
Capt. S. T. Ruffner.
Second Brigade, Col. S. P. Burns: 10th Mo.,
Col. William Moore; 11th Mo.,
Lieut.-Col. Thomas H. Murray; 12th Mo.,----; 16th Mo.,
Lieut.-Col. P. W. H. Cumming; 9th Mo. Battalion Sharp-shooters,
Maj. L. A. Pindall; Mo. Battery,
Capt. A. A. Lesueur.
Maximum effective strength (estimated), 14,000; total loss (estimated), 1200.