Chapter 19: events in the Mississippi Valley.--the Indians.
- Ohio prepares for War, 454.
-- Indiana makes ready for the conflict, 455.
-- Illinois vigilant and active, 456.
-- last public services of Senator Douglas, 457.
-- Michigan ready
-- position of the Kentuckians, 458.
-- Buckner and the State Guard
-- his treason, 459.
-- effects of Conditional Unionism, 460.
-- Missouri State Convention, 461.
-- the Convention and the Legislature, 463.
-- treason of military and civil officers, 464.
-- Union organizations in St. Louis, 466.
-- an insurgent Camp at St. Louis, 467.
-- capture of Camp Jackson, 468.
-- General Harney, 469.
-- an armistice agreed upon
-- Generals Lyon and Price, 470.
-- the militia of Missouri called out, 471.
-- Cairo fortified and garrisoned
-- its importance, 472.
-- Secession Convention in Arkansas, 473.
-- fraud and violence, 474.
-- rebel emissaries among the Indians, 475.
-- John Ross
-- Indian loyalists overpowered, 476.
-- Ross and the secessionists, 477.
While thousands of the loyal people of
New England and of the other Free-labor States eastward of
the Alleghanies were hurrying to the field, and pouring out their wealth like water in support of the
Government, those of the region westward of these lofty hills and northward of the
Ohio River were equally patriotic and demonstrative.
They had watched with the deepest interest the development of the conspiracy for the overthrow of the, Republic, and when the
President's call for the militia of the country to arrest the treasonable movements reached them, they responded to it with alacrity by thousands and tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands.
The Legislature of
Ohio, as we have observed, had spoken out early,
1 and pledged the. resources of the
State to the maintenance of the authority of the
National Government.
This pledge was reiterated, in substance, on the 14th of March, when that body, by vote, declared its high approval of
President Lincoln's Inaugural Address.
On the day when
Fort Sumter was attacked,
an act of the Legislature, providing for the enrollment of the militia of the
State, became a law; likewise another, for the regulation of troops to be mustered into the
National service.
Provision was also made for the defense of the
State, whose peace was liable to disturbance by parties from the Slave-labor States of
Virginia and
Kentucky, between whom and
Ohio was only the dividing line of a narrow river.
Appropriations for war purposes were made on a liberal scale; and when the twenty days, allowed by the
President in his proclamation for the insurgents to lay down their arms,
2 had expired, a stirring order went out from the
Adjutant-General of the
State (
H. B. Carrington), for the organization of one hundred thousand men as a reserved force; for sagacious observers of the signs of the times, like
Governor Dennison, plainly perceived that a great war was impending.
The people contributed freely of their means, for fitting out troops and providing for their families.
George B. McClellan, who had held the commission of captain by brevet after meritorious services in
Mexico, but was now in civil service as superintendent of the Ohio and Mississippi Railway, was commissioned a major-general by the
Governor, and appointed commander of all the forces of the
Camps for rendezvous and instruction were speedily formed, one of the most important of which was
Camp Dennison, on the line of the
Cincinnati and Columbus Railway, and occupying a position on the pleasant slopes of the hills that skirt
Miami Valley, about eighteen miles from
Ohio began to prepare for the struggle.
The people of
Indiana moved as promptly and vigorously as those of
In March, the vigilant
Governor Morton, seeing the storm gathering,
went to
Washington and procured about five thousand second-class muskets.
These and a few others formed all the means at his command for arming the
State, when the
President's call reached him on Monday, the 15th of April.
The militia of the
State were unorganized, and there was no
Adjutant-General to whom he might turn for aid, for the incumbent of that office refused to act. At that time there was an energetic young lawyer residing at
Crawfordsville, who had served in
Mexico at the age of nineteen years, and was well versed in military affairs.
In the State Senate, of which he had been a member, he had vainly urged the adoption of measures for organizing the militia of the
Fond of military maneuvers, he had formed a company and drilled them in the tactics of the Zouaves, several weeks before the famous corps of “
Ellsworth's Zouaves” was organized.
This lawyer was
Lewis Wallace, who became a
Major-General of Volunteers at an early period of the war that ensued.
Governor Morton called
Wallace to his aid. A dispatch summoning him to
Indianapolis reached him on Monday evening,
while he was trying a cause in
Clinton County.
He reported to the
Governor the next morning.
“The President has called on
Indiana for six regiments to put down a rising rebellion,” said
“I have sent for you to assist me in the business.
I want to appoint
Adjutant-General.” --“Where is the
Adjutant-General's office?”
Wallace.--“There is none,” responded the
Governor.--“Where are the books?” --“There are none.” --“How many independent companies are there in the
State?” --“I know of but three--two
here in
Indianapolis, and your own.” --“Where is the law defining the duties of the
Adjutant-General?” --“There is no law on the subject — nothing pertaining to military organization.” --“Well, then,” said
Wallace, “your immediate business is the raising of six regiments.” --“That is it,” said the
Governor.--“Have you objections to giving me one of them after they are raised?”
Wallace.--“None at all; you shall have one of them,” was the answer.
This brief conversation gives an idea of the absolute want of preparation for war on the part of
Indiana when the rebellion broke out — a State that afterward sent about two hundred thousand troops to the field.
It occurred on Tuesday morning succeeding the attack on
Fort Sumter, and on the following Friday night
Wallace reported to the
Governor the sixty companies for the six regiments, complete, and in “Camp Morton,” adjoining
He reported, in addition, more than eighty surplus companies, organized and ready to move.
With the report he sent in his resignation, and a request for permission to go out and organize his own regiment.
It was given, and within the next twenty-four hours he reported the “Eleventh Regiment Indiana Volunteers” (Zouaves), which did admirable service in
Western Virginia a few weeks later, as organized, armed, and ready for marching orders.
3 Within four days after the
President's call was promulgated from
Washington, more than ten thousand Indianians were in camp.
Indiana, one of the younger States of the
Union, also prepared for the struggle.
Illinois, under the vigorous leadership of
Governor Yates, was early upon the war-path.
At the beginning of April,
Yates saw the clouds of most alarming difficulty surely gathering, while many others perceived nothing but a serene sky. On the 12th he issued a call for an extraordinary session of the Legislature on the 23d.
On receiving the
President's call for troops on the 15th, he issued a stirring appeal to the people, and in less than twenty-four hours afterward, four thousand men reported themselves ready and anxious for service.
The quota of the. State (six thousand) was more than filled by the 20th; and, pursuant to the request of the
General Government,
Yates sent two thousand of these State troops to possess and hold
Cairo, at the confluence of the
Ohio and
Mississippi Rivers, a point of great strategic importance at that time, as we shall observe presently.
The Legislature of
Illinois met at
Springfield on the 23d, and two days afterward it was addressed by the distinguished
United States Senator, Stephen A. Douglas, the rival of
Mr. Lincoln for the Presidency of the
When Treason lifted its arm to strike,
Mr. Douglas instantly offered himself as a shield for his country.
He abandoned all party allegiance,
put away all political and personal prejudices, and, with the spirit and power of a sincere patriot, became the champion of the integrity of the
4 As soon as he was relieved from his senatorial duties at
Washington, he hastened to
Illinois and began battle manfully.
His speeches and conversation on the way had foreshadowed his course.
To the Legislature of his State he addressed arguments and exhortations, powerful and persuasive.
Chicago he did likewise.
Alas! his warfare was brief.
He arrived at his home in
Chicago on the 1st of May, suffering from inflammatory rheumatism.
Disease assumed various and malignant forms in his system, and on the 3d of June he died.
5 His loss seemed to be peculiarly inauspicious at that time, when such men were so few and so much needed.
But his words were living and of electric power.
They were oracles for thousands, whose faith, and hope, and patriotism were strengthened thereby.
6 His last coherent utterances were exhortations to his children and his countrymen to stand by the
Constitution and the
The Legislature of
Illinois appropriated three millions of dollars for war purposes, and authorized the immediate
organization of the entire militia force of the
State, consisting of all able-bodied men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years.
Michigan was equally aroused by the call of the
He asked of her one regiment only.
Ten days afterward she
had five regiments ready for the field, and nine more were forming.
Governor Blair called the Legislature together on the 7th of May, when that body made liberal appropriations for war purposes.
The Legislature of
Wisconsin, under the lead of
Governor Randall, was equally liberal.
That of
Iowa and
Minnesota followed the patriotic example.
The enthusiasm of the people everywhere was wonderful.
Before the close of the year (1861),
Minnesota sent more men to the field than its entire population numbered in 1850.
The position of the inhabitants of
Kentucky, as a professedly loyal State, was peculiar and painful at this time.
We have observed with what insulting words her Governor (
Magoffin) responded to the
President's call for troops,
8 and the fierce denunciations of that call by the
Louisville Journal.
9 These demonstrations in high places against the war policy of the
President, were followed by a great Union meeting in
Louisville on the evening of the 18th of April,
over which
James Guthrie10 and other leading politicians of the
State held controlling influence.
At that meeting it was resolved that
Kentucky reserved to herself “the right to choose her own position; and that, while her natural sympathies are with those who have a common interest in the protection of Slavery, she still acknowledges her loyalty and fealty to the
Government of the
United States, which she will cheerfully render
until that Government becomes aggressive, tyrannical, and regardless of our rights in Slave property.”
They declared that the States were the peers of the
National Government; and gave the world to understand that the latter should not be allowed to use “sanguinary or coercive” measures to “bring back the seceded States.”
They also resolved that they looked to the young men of the “Kentucky State Guard” as the “bulwark of the safety of the
Commonwealth,” and begged those who composed that Guard to remember that they were “pledged equally to fidelity to the
United States and to
This meeting delighted the conspirators, for
conditional Unionism was the best auxiliary they could have in loyal States, in their schemes for destroying the nationality of the
If it could prevail — if it could be made the settled policy of a commonwealth — if it could stifle the enthusiasm of the people, and circumscribe their aspirations and their action within the limits of their own State, and the service of the single dominating class and interest for whose benefit and conservation the conspirators were making war, it would go far toward keeping the sword of the
Republic in its scabbard, and to invite its enemies to plunder and destroy without stint.
The indorsement of the State Guard as the “bulwark of the
Commonwealth,” was a particularly hopeful sign of success for
Governor Magoffin and his friends.
That Guard had been formed under his auspices, for the ostensible purpose of defending the
State against, What?
It was hard to answer.
Simon B. Buckner, a captain in the
National Service, and a traitor without excuse, and then, evidently, in the secret service of the conspirators at
Montgomery, was placed at the head of the Guard, and used his position effectively in seducing large numbers of the members from their allegiance to the old flag, and sending them as recruits to the armies of
Jefferson Davis.
In this work the
Governor gave him all the aid in his power.
He tried to induce the Legislature to appropriate three millions of dollars to be used by himself and
Buckner in “arming the
State” --in other words, as the sequel shows, for corrupting the young men of the
Commonwealth, and preparing the
State for an armed alliance with the conspirators.
Sustained by the declarations of the
Conditional Unionists, and by resolutions of the lower house of the Legislature, which approved of the
Governor's refusal to furnish troops to the
National Government, and declared that the
State should remain neutral during the impending contest,
11 Magoffin issued a proclamation of neutrality, in which he denounced the war as “a horrid, unnatural, and lamentable strife,” and notified “all other States, separate or united, especially the
United States and
Confederate States,” that he not only forbade either of them invading the soil of
Kentucky, but also forbade its own citizens making “any hostile demonstrations against any of the aforesaid sovereignties.”
Notwithstanding the position taken by the Legislature, that body, unwilling to assume so high a stand as the
Governor, refused to indorse his proclamation, or to make the required appropriation of three millions of dollars.
On the contrary, they so amended the militia law as to require the State Guard to swear allegiance to the
National Government as well as to
Kentucky; and
Senator Rousseau (afterward a
Major-General in the
National Army) and others denounced the disunionists and their schemes in unmeasured terms.
12 As
Buckner could not conscientiously allow his guard to take the new oath, it was not long before he led a large portion of them into the camp of the rebellion, and became a major-general in the “Confederate” army.
Then the
Louisville Journal, the organ of the “Conservatives,” as the
Conditional Unionists were called, indignantly cursed him,
saying :--“Away with your pledges and assurances — with your protestations, apologies, and proclamations, at once and altogether!
Away, parricide!
Away, and do
penance forever!--be shriven or be slain — away!
You have less palliation than Attila-less boldness, magnanimity, and nobleness than
You are the
Benedict Arnold of the day!
You are the
Catiline of
Go, thou miscreant!”
And when, in
February, 1862,
Buckner and many of the
Kentucky “State Guard” were captured at
Fort Donelson, and he was sent a prisoner to
Fort Warren, many of those who were deceived by the belief that the Guard was “the bulwark of the
Commonwealth,” demanded his delivery to the civil authorities of
Kentucky, to be tried for treason against the
It has been claimed that the position taken by the
Conditional Unionists in
Kentucky at that time, saved the
State from “drifting into secession.”
The President, estimating the importance of preserving the attachment of the Border Slave-labor States to the
Union, at that crisis, and especially the populous and powerful Commonwealth of
Kentucky, accepted the plea of expediency as sufficient, and acted accordingly for a long time.
It was alleged and believed that a more decided and radical course would alienate the sympathies of the predominating slaveholding class in particular from the
Union, and possibly drive them into alliance with their political and social affinities, the insurgents of the Cotton-growing States; and that only by assuming the attitude of neutrality, in deference to the slaveholders, could the
State be kept out of the vortex of revolution.
On the other hand, it is argued that such a course was not only not necessary; but unwise and mischievous.
That the
Unconditional Unionists in
Kentucky and throughout the Slave-labor States were disheartened by that neutrality of leading politicians, cannot be denied; and that it amazed, disappointed, and perplexed the loyalists of the Free-labor States, is well known.
It is alleged that it hurtfully restrained the patriotism of the great mass of the people of
Kentucky, at the outset of the struggle, who showed their loyalty to the
Union by giving a majority of fifty thousand votes in its favor at an election, in May, for delegates to a Border State Convention.
13 It is alleged that the
Unconditional Unionists had the pledges of the
Governors of
Indiana, and
Illinois, to give them all needful military aid to keep their State out of the hands of its enemies; and that had the patriotic instincts of the people been allowed full play, regiment after regiment of loyal troops would have sprung into existence at the
President's call, shortened the period of the war, and spared the
State the sacrifice of millions of treasure and the more precious lives of thousands of her sons — the flower of her youth.
It is declared that
Conditional Unionists bound the stalwart limbs of her Samson-her National allegiance — while it was reposing its head trustfully in the lap of Delilah — the Slave power; and that they came near being instrumental (though not intentionally) in putting out its eyes, and making it grind ignobly in the prison-house of the “Confederate” Philistines.
Perhaps the records of the war in
Kentucky, that may be found in future pages of this work, may aid us in forming a correct judgment in the matter.
It is certain that the record contains some very instructive lessons concerning the danger to a free people of class legislation and class domination.
Whenever a single interest overshadows all others, and is permitted to shape the public policy of a subordinate commonwealth, or a great nation, the liberties of the people are in danger.
While the zealous loyalists of
Kentucky were restrained and made comparatively inactive by what they deemed an unwise and mischievous policy, those of
Missouri were struggling manfully to keep the
State from revolution and ruin.
We have observed how strongly the people declared for the
Union in their election of delegates to the State Convention, which assembled at
Jefferson City on the 28th of February.
In that Convention there was
not a single openly avowed disunionist, but there were a few secret ones and many Conditional
14 Notwithstanding the slaves in
Missouri were less than one-tenth of the population, and the real and best interests of the
State were in close affinity with free labor, the Slave power, which embraced a large number of active politicians, was potential.
These politicians were mostly of the
Virginia and
South Carolina school, and through their exertions the disloyal
Claiborne F. Jackson was elected Governor of the
On the second day of its session the Missouri Convention adjourned to
St. Louis, where it reassembled on the 4th of March,
in the Mercantile Library
Hall, with
Sterling Price as
President, and
Samuel A. Lowe as
Price, who had been
Governor of
Missouri, and who afterward became one of the most active generals in the “Confederate” service in the
Southwest, had obtained his election to the
Convention under the false pretense of being a Unionist, and hoped, no doubt, to find a sufficient number of disloyal men in that body to enable him and his political friends to precipitate
Missouri into revolution.
He was mistaken, and was
made conscious of the fact at the beginning of the session, not only from conversation with the members, but from the reception given to a communication, written and verbal, from
Luther J. Glenn, an accredited “
Commissioner” from
Georgia, and who was allowed to address the
Convention on the subject of his mission on the first day of its session in
St. Louis.
In his written communication and in his speech he strongly urged
Missouri to join the “Southern Confederacy.”
16 The atmosphere of
St. Louis, in and out of the
Convention, was not congenial to such seditious sentiments.
The population of that city was made up largely of New Englanders and Germans, who were loyal, while immigrants from the Slave-labor States, and especially from
Virginia, composed the great body of the secessionists.
The spectators in the
Convention greeted
Glenn's remarks with hisses and hootings; and subsequently the
Convention itself, through a committee to which the “
Commissioner's” communication was referred, assured him that his views were not acceptable to that body, whose proceedings throughout were characterized by great dignity, and acts and expressions that gave-cheerfulness to the loyal men of the country.
The Committee of the Convention on Federal Relations, through its chairman,
H. R. Gamble, reported at length, on the 9th of March, in a manner to assure the country of the loyalty of the
In that report the great topics of the hour were temperately discussed.
It was declared that “the people of the
Southern States” had a right to complain “of the incessant abuse poured upon their institutions by the press, the pulpit, and many of the people of the
North;” and then enumerated some of the alleged “.aggressions on the rights of the
South,” so commonly found at that time in the newspapers of the Slave-labor States, and the speeches of politicians.
Yet it was declared truly, that “heretofore there has been no complaint against the action of the
Federal Government in any of its departments, as designed to violate the rights of the
Southern States.”
The Slavery question was reviewed, and the possession of the
Government by “a sectional party, avowing opposition to the admission of Slavery into the
Territories of the
United States,” was “deeply regretted,” because it threatened dangerous sectional strife; but, after all, the
Committee thought that the history of the country taught that there was not much to be feared from political parties in power.
The value of the
Union to
Missouri was pointed out, with forcible illustrations; and the report closed with seven resolutions, which declared that there was then no adequate cause to impel
Missouri to leave the
Union, and that she would labor for its security; that
the people of
Missouri were devotedly attached to the institutions of the country, and earnestly desired a fair and amicable adjustment of all difficulties; that the
Crittenden Compromise was a proper basis for such adjustment; that a convention of the States, to propose amendments to the
Constitution, would be useful in restoring peace and quiet to the country; that an attempt to “coerce the submission of the seceding States, or the employment of military force by the seceding States to assail the
Government of the
United States,” would inevitably lead to civil war; and earnestly entreated the
Government and the conspirators to “withhold and stay the arm of military power,” and on no pretense whatever bring upon the nation the horrors of such war.
On the 19th of March the report of the
Committee was considered, and substantially adopted.
An amendment was agreed to, recommending the withdrawal of the
National troops “from the forts within the borders of the seceded States, where there is danger of collision between the
State and Federal troops.”
So the
Convention declared that the
State of Missouri would stand by the
Government on certain conditions; and after appointing delegates to the Border State Convention,
17 and giving power
to a committee to call another session whenever it might seem necessary,
18 the
Convention adjourned to the third Monday in December.
The Legislature of Missouri was in session simultaneously with the
Governor Jackson could not mold the action of the latter to his views, so he labored assiduously to that end with the former.
He determined to give to the secessionists control of the city of
St. Louis, the focus of the
Union power of the
State, and the chief place of the depository of the
National arms within its borders.
He succeeded in procuring an Act for the establishment of a metropolitan police in that city, under five commissioners to be appointed by the
19 This was an important step in the way of his intended usurpation; and he had such assurances from leading politicians throughout the
State of their power to suppress the patriotic action of the people, that when the
President's call for troops reached him he gave the insolent answer already recorded.
20 The
Missouri Republicans a newspaper in
St. Louis, which was regarded as the exponent of the disloyal sentiments of the
State, raised the standard of revolt on the following day
by saying, editorially, “Nobody expected any other response from him. They may not approve of the early course of the
Southern States, but they denounce and defy the action of
Mr. Lincoln in proposing to call out seventy-five thousand men for the purpose of coercing the seceded States of the
Whatever else may happen, he gets no men from the
Border States to carry on such a war.”
Jackson followed up this revolutionary movement by calling
the Legislature to assemble in extraordinary session at
Jefferson City on the 2d day of May, “for the purpose,” he said, “of enacting such laws and adopting such measures as may be deemed necessary and proper for the more perfect organization and equipment of the militia of this State, and to raise the money and such other means as may be required to place the
State in a proper attitude for defense.”
The Governor was acting under.
the inspiration of a disloyal graduate of the Military Academy at
West Point, named
Daniel M. Frost, a native of New York, who was then bearing the commission of a brigadier-general of the
Missouri militia, and was commander of the St. Louis District.
So early as the 24th of January preceding, we find
Frost giving the
Governor assurances, in writing, of his treasonable purposes, and of the complicity with him of
Major William Henry Bell, a native of
North Carolina, who was then commander of the
United States military post at
St. Louis, and having in charge the Arsenal there.
21 On the day when the
President called
for troops,
Frost hastened to remind the
Governor that it was time to take active measures for securing the co-operation of
Missouri in the disunion scheme.
He suggested that the holding of
St. Louis by the
National Government would restrain the secession movement in the
State; and he recommended the calling of the Legislature together; the sending of an agent to
Baton Rouge to obtain mortars and siege-guns; to see that the Arsenal at Liberty should not be held by Government troops; to
publish a proclamation to the people, warning them that the
President's call for troops was illegal, and that they should prepare to defend their rights as citizens of
Missouri, and to form a military camp at or near
St. Louis, whereat the commander might be authorized to “muster military companies into the service of the
State, erect batteries,”
et coetera.
In accordance with
General Frost's advice, the
Governor, on the day when he issued his call for the meeting of the Legislature, caused his
Adjutant-General (
Hough) to send orders to the militia officers of the
State to assemble their respective commands on the 3d of May, and go into encampment for a week, the avowed object being for the militia “to attain a greater degree of efficiency and perfection in organization and discipline.”
In all this the treasonable designs of the
Governor were so thinly covered by false pretense that few were deceived by them.
The intention clearly was to give to the
Governor and his friends military control and occupation of the
State, that they might, in spite of the solemn injunctions of the people, expressed in their Convention, annex
Missouri to the “Southern Confederacy.”
Had evidence of his treasonable designs been wanting, the
Governor's Message to the Legislature on the 2d of May would have supplied it. “Our interests and our sympathies,” he said, “are identical with those of the
Slaveholding States, and necessarily unite our destiny with theirs.
The similarity of our social and political institutions, our industrial interests, our sympathies, habits, and tastes, our common origin and territorial contiguity, all concur in pointing out our duty in regard to the separation which is now taking place between the States of the old Federal Union.”
He denounced the
President's call for troops as “unconstitutional and illegal, tending toward a consolidated despotism.”
He said all that he dared, short of calling the people to arms in set terms, to over-throw the
The Legislature obsequiously acquiesced in
the demands of the
Governor, and he began at once to work the machinery of revolution vigorously.
The capture of the United States Arsenal at
St. Louis, with its large supply of munitions of war, and the holding of that chief city of the
State and of the
Mississippi Valley, formed a capital feature in the plan of the conspirators.
Already an unguarded Arsenal at
Liberty, in Clay County, had been seized
and garrisoned by the secessionists, under the direction of the
Governor, and its contents distributed
among the disloyal inhabitants of that region capable of bearing arms.
The Arsenal at
St. Louis could not be so easily taken.
It was guarded by a garrison of between four and five hundred regular troops, under
Captain Nathaniel Lyon, one of the bravest and best men in the Army, who had lately been appointed commandant of the post, in place of
Major Bell.
Lyon caused earthworks to be thrown up for the protection of this important depository of arms.
For weeks before the
President's call for troops, the secessionists of
St. Louis held secret meetings in the
Bethold Mansion, belonging to one of the oldest French families in the
State, where they were drilled in the use of fire-arms, and were so bold as to fling out a secession flag during a portion of the sittings of the State Convention.
They were furnished with State arms; and many of them there received commissions from the
Governor, and were secretly sworn into the military service of the
They were closely watched from the beginning by a few vigilant
Unionists, who met in secret in the law office of
Franklin A. Dick.
24 There
Captain Lyon frequently met them in consultation; and when it was evident that the secessionists were preparing to seize the Arsenal and the city, they made first
Washington Hall and then Turners' Hall (both belonging to the Germans) places for rendezvous for the Unionists of
St. Louis.
These (who were mostly Germans) were formed into military companies, drilled in the use of fire-arms, and thus were fully prepared to resist the traitors.
Finally, when the
President's call for troops came, they drilled openly, made their hall a citadel with barricaded entrance, established a perpetual guard, and kept up continual communication with the Arsenal.
They were denounced by the secessionists as outlaws, incendiaries, and miscreants, preparing to make war on
Missouri; and it was with the greatest difficulty that they were recognized by the
Government at
They were finally relieved of much anxiety and embarrassment by an order issued by the
President, on the 30th of April, for
Captain Lyon to enroll in the military service of the
United States the loyal citizens of
St. Louis, in number not exceeding ten thousand.
This order was procured chiefly through the instrumentality of
Colonel (afterward
Frank P. Blair, who, within ten days after the call of the
President for troops was received, had raised and organized a regiment of Missourians, and assisted in the primary formation of four others.
On him
Captain Lyon leaned much in this emergency.
In the mean time
General Wool's timely order to
Governor Yates, to send a force from
Illinois to hold the St. Louis Arsenal,
25 had been acted upon.
Yates sent
Captain Stokes, of
Chicago, on that delicate mission.
He found
St. Louis alive with excitement, and, after consultation with
Captain Lyon and
Colonel Blair, it was thought best to remove a large portion of the arms secretly to
This was done between midnight and daylight on the morning of the 26th of April.
They were taken to
Alton in a steamboat, and from thence to
Springfield by railway.
The Governor and the secessionists of
St. Louis were unsuspicious, or at least uninformed, of the removal of so many arms from the Arsenal, and, under orders for the establishment of camps of instruction, they prepared to seize it with its valuable contents.
The Governor's zealous adviser,
General Frost, formed a camp in Lindell's Grove,
26 in the suburbs of
St. Louis, on the designated day,
and there was collected a considerable force of State troops.
He called the place of rendezvous “Camp Jackson,” in honor of the
Governor; and in compliment to the chief civil and military leader of the rebellion, he named two of the principal avenues formed by tents, “
Davis” and “
To deceive the people, he kept the
National flag waving over this camp of disloyalists.
Captain Lyon, in the mean time, had been very watchful.
Under the orders of the
President, of the 30th of April, he enrolled a large number of volunteers.
These occupied the
Arsenal grounds, and some of them, for want of room thereon, were quartered outside of them.
The latter movement brought the metropolitan police into action, and they demanded the return of the troops to the
Government grounds, because they were “Federal soldiers violating the rights of the
Sovereign State of Missouri,” which had “exclusive jurisdiction over her whole territory.”
Lyon saw no force in their argument, and paid little attention to their folly, but continued his preparations to defend and hold the Arsenal.
To make his little force appear stronger than it really was, he sent out squads of soldiers in disguise during the hours of night, while the secessionists slept, with orders to rendezvous at a distant point, and march back to the Arsenal the next morning in uniform, with drums beating and flags flying.
On the morning of the 19th, word came to
Captain Lyon that heavy cannon and mortars in boxes, marked “Marble,”
28 and shot and shell in barrels, had been landed at
St. Louis from the steamer
J. C. Swan, and taken to Camp Jackson on drays.
Reports concerning the matter were contradictory, and the commander resolved to make a personal reconnoissance of the secession camp.
Disguised as a woman closely veiled, he rode in a carriage up to and around the camp unsuspected,
29 and was convinced that the time for vigorous action had arrived.
Frost had become uneasy, and on the morning of the 10th he wrote to
Lyon, saying that he was constantly in receipt of information that an attack on his camp was contemplated, because of the impression that had gone abroad that he was about to attack the Arsenal.
Then, with the most adroit hypocrisy, he solemnly declared that he had no hostile designs against the property of the
United States or its representatives, and that the idea of such hostility had never been entertained by him nor by any one else in the
He was acting, he said, only in accordance with his constitutional duties.
In support of his assertion he pointed to the fact, that he had offered the services of the troops under his command for
the protection of the public property.
He desired to know “personally” from
Captain Lyon whether the rumor of his intended attack on Camp Jackson was true.
Lyon refused to receive
Frost's note, but the traitor was answered by the vigilant commander “personally” that day, in a way to silence all further inquiries.
Early in the afternoon,
Lyon, by a quick movement, surrounded Camp Jackson with about six thousand troops and heavy cannon, so placed as to command the entire grove.
30 Guards were placed so as to prevent any communication between the town and the camp.
Lyon sent a note to
General Frost, demanding an immediate surrender of the men and munitions of war under his command, and giving him only thirty minutes for deliberation.
In the mean time, information of this movement had spread over the town.
Rumors of an attack on Camp Jackson had been exciting the people for two days, and now a portion of the population, who sympathized with the rebellion, were in a state of frenzy, and, armed with whatever weapon they could find — rifles, pistols, knives, clubs — they hurried toward Lindell's Grove to assist the
State troops.
They found the south side of the camp open, and many of them forced their way into it and joined their friends.
They were too late.
Frost perceived by the array of armed men around his camp that resistance with his twelve hundred militia would be useless, and he surrendered before the half hour allowed him for deliberation had expired.
With his men
Frost surrendered twenty cannon, twelve hundred new rifles, several chests of muskets, and large quantities of ammunition.
The most of these materials of war had been stolen from the Arsenal at
Baton Rouge.
Lyon offered to release the
State troops, who were now prisoners, on condition of their taking an oath of allegiance to the
National Government, and promising not to take up arms against it. Nearly all of them declined the offer, and toward sunset they were marched out of the camp between two regiments (
Blair's and
Boernstein's), followed by the excited crowd, who yelled and cursed like madmen, as they were.
They huzzaed for
Jefferson Davis and the Southern Confederacy.
Women waved their handkerchiefs in token of friendship for the prisoners; and upon the
German Unionists in the ranks the most insulting epithets were poured out. At length, just as the last of the prisoners and guard were leaving the camp, some of the rabble in the grove fired upon some of
Boernstein's command.
31 The
Germans returned the attack in kind.
More than twenty of the crowd were wounded, including some women and children, some of them mortally.
Lyon instantly
ordered the firing to cease, and at twilight the.prisoners in hand were conveyed to the Arsenal.
Many had escaped.
The night of the 10th
was a fearful one in
St. Louis.
The secessionists were determined on revenge.
They gathered in excited throngs in the streets, and were alternately inflamed by incendiary speeches, and quieted by judicious harangues by distinguished citizens.
They marched in procession with significant banners; broke open a gun-store, and seized some of the arms in it; and all night long the air was resonant with the shouts of an excited multitude.
Toward dawn, through the exertion of the
Mayor and police, the populace dispersed to their homes, with hearts filled with deep-seated hatred of the
Union troops, especially of the Germans, who formed a greater portion of the “Home-Guard.”
This hatred was violently exhibited toward the evening of the 11th, when some of these troops were entering the town from the Arsenal.
A great crowd had gathered on Fifth Street and showered insults upon them; and at the corner of Fifth and Walnut Streets, a boy in the crowd fired a pistol at the soldiers.
Their rear line turned and fired, and immediately the whole column was broken, and bullets from their guns flew thick among the people on the sidewalk and in the streets.
Several were killed and wounded, and a number of the soldiers themselves suffered from the wild firing of their exasperated comrades.
Mayor Taylor and a heavy police force soon appeared, and quiet was restored.
General William S. Harney, of the
National Army, had arrived at
St. Louis from the
East during the excitement, and on the 12th, he resumed the command of the Department of the West, of which he was the head.
The hot indignation of the populace was smothered, and, with one or two exceptions,
32 the city of
St. Louis (which remained under Union control) was spared from other scenes of bloodshed during the war.
33 When all the facts became known, the conduct of
Captain Lyon was approved by his Government, and by the loyal people of the country.
By his promptness and skill, and with the assistance of hosts of loyal and zealous men, he
saved the Arsenal and the city of
St. Louis from the grasp of the conspirators, and so consolidated and encouraged the
Union sentiment of the
Commonwealth, that
Missouri was saved from the disgrace of being rightfully called a “seceded State.”
The capture of Camp Jackson produced great consternation among the secessionists at
Jefferson City, the capital of the
State, where the Legislature was in session.
A military bill was immediately passed, by which a fund for war purposes was decreed.
The Governor was authorized to receive a loan of five hundred thousand dollars from the banks, and to issue State bonds to the amount of one million dollars. He was also authorized to purchase arms; and the whole military power of the
State was placed under his absolute control, while every able-bodied man was made subject to military duty.
A heavy extraordinary tax was ordered; and nothing was left undone in preparations for actual war.
Soon after
General Harney returned to his command, he issued a proclamation,
in which he characterized this military bill as an indirect secession ordinance, even ignoring the forms resorted to by the politicians of other States, and he told the people of
Missouri that it was a nullity, and should be regarded as such by them.
Yet he was anxious to pursue a conciliatory policy, to prevent war. He entered into a compact
Sterling Price (
President of the late Convention, and then a General of the
State militia), which had for its object the neutrality of
Missouri in the impending conflict.
Price, in the name of the
Governor, pledged the power of the
State to the maintenance of order; and
Harney, in the name of his Government, agreed to make no military movement, so long as that order was preserved.
The loyal people were alarmed, for they well knew the faithlessness to pledges of the
Governor and his associates, and they justly regarded the whole matter as a trick of
Jackson and other conspirators to deceive the people, and to gain time to get arms, and prepare for war. Fortunately for the
State and the good cause, the
National Government did not sanction this compact.
Captain Lyon had been commissioned a brigadier-general
in the mean time, by an order dated the 16th of May, several days before this treaty with
General Harney was relieved of command, and on the 29th he was succeeded by
Lyon, who bore the title of
Commander of the Department of Missouri.
Most of the prisoners taken at Camp Jackson had concluded to accept the parole first offered them, and they were released.
Governor Jackson paid no attention to the refusal of the
National Government to sanction the compact between
Harney and
Price, but proceeded as if it were in full force.
The purse and the sword of
Missouri had been placed in his hands by the Legislature, and he determined to wield both for the benefit of the “Southern Confederacy.”
He issued a proclamation, in which he declared that “the people of
Missouri should be permitted, in peace and security, to decide upon their future course,” and that “they could not be subjugated” Finally, on the 11th of June,
General Lyon,
Colonel Blair,
Major H. A. Conant held a four hours interview with
Governor Jackson,
General Price, and
Thomas L. Smead, the latter being the
Governor's private secretary.
Jackson demanded, as a vital condition of pacification, that throughout the
State the Home-Guards, composed of loyal citizens, should be disbanded, and that no National troops should be allowed to tread the soil of
Lyon peremptorily refused compliance, and
Jackson and his associates returned to
Jefferson City that night.
On the following day
Governor issued a proclamation, calling into active service fifty thousand of the
State militia, “for the purpose of repelling invasion, and for the
protection of the lives, liberty, and property of the citizens.”
In this proclamation he told the people, that while it was their duty to “obey all of the constitutional requirements of the
Federal Government,” it was equally his duty to advise them, that their “first allegiance was due to their own State, and that they were under no obligations whatever to obey the unconstitutional edicts of the military despotism which had enthroned itself at
Washington, nor to submit to the infamous and degrading sway of its minions in this State.”
At the same time two important railway bridges between
St. Louis and
Jefferson City were burnt, and the telegraph wires were cut, under the direction of a son of the
So the disloyal
Chief Magistrate of
Missouri inaugurated civil war in that State; and those movements of troops within its borders immediately began, which continued during almost the entire period of the conflict, with the most disastrous results to the peace and prosperity of the
While the loyalists and disloyalists of
Missouri were grappling in their first struggles for supremacy, the
National Government was busy on the
Southeastern borders of that Commonwealth, in making preparations for securing its capital city,
St. Louis, from the armed occupation of the insurgents, and also from invasion of
southern Illinois and
Indiana, by the banded enemies of the
The possession of the mouth of the
Ohio River, where it pours its tribute into the
Mississippi, was of importance, as that point was the key to a vast extent of navigable waters, whose control would give great advantage to the party who should be allowed to exercise it. Both
Governor Yates and the
Government at
Washington had been early informed of a conspiracy to seize
Cairo, a small village in
Illinois, on the low marshy point at the confluence of those two great rivers, and the lower portion of the Illinois Central Railway, that terminated there.
By this means they hoped to control the navigation of the
Mississippi to
St. Louis, and of the
Ohio to
Cincinnati and beyond; and also to cut off all communication with the interior of
They further hoped that their permanent possession of that point, which gave them absolute control of the navigation of the
Mississippi below, whose stream traversed a Slave-labor territory
exclusively, would cause the
Northwestern States of the
Union to join hands with the insurgents, rather than lose the immense commercial advantages which the free navigation of that great stream afforded.
The scheme was foiled by the vigilance of the
Government and the patriotism of the people in the
Northwest; and, as we have observed,
Governor Yates, under directions from the
Secretary of War, sent
Illinois troops, at an early day, to take possession of and occupy
34 The secessionists, especially of
Kentucky and
Missouri, were alarmed and chagrined by this important movement, and never ceased to lament it.
By the middle of May there were not less than five thousand Union volunteers at
Cairo, under the command of the experienced
B. M. Prentiss, who had just been commissioned a brigadier-general.
They occupied the extreme point of land within the
levee or dike that keeps out the rivers at high water, at the confluence of the
Ohio and
There they cast up fortifications, and significantly called the post, Camp Defiance.
A smaller one, called
Camp Smith, was established in the rear of it; and troops occupied other points near, on the banks o f the two rivers.
Heavy ordnance was forwarded from
Pittsburg, and 42-pounder cannon commanded the two streams, and bade every steamer and other craft to round to and report to the military authorities there.
Before the close of May,
Military position at Cairo. |
the post at
Cairo was considered impregnable against any force the
Confederates were likely to bring.
It soon became a post of immense importance to the
Union cause, as a point where some of those land and naval expeditions which performed signal service in the
Valley of the Mississippi were fitted out, as we shall observe hereafter.
Missouri on the
South was the Slave-labor
State of Arkansas, in which, as we have seen attachment to the
Union was a prevailing sentiment of the people at the beginning of the year.
Unfortunately for them, the
Governor and most of the leading politicians of the
State were disloyal, and no effort was spared by them to obtain the passage of an ordinance of secession by a Convention of delegates who met on the 4th of March.
That Convention was composed of
seventy-five members, forty of whom were regarded as
These were so decided and firm, that no ordinance of secession could be passed.
The conspirators were disheartened, and, for a while, despaired of success.
At length they accomplished by a trick, what they could not gain by fair means.
A self-constituted Committee, composed of “Secessionists” and “Co-operationists,” reported an ordinance providing for an election, to be held on the 17th of August following, at which the legal voters of the
State should decide by ballot for “Secession” or “Co-operation.”
If a majority of the votes then cast should be for “Secession,” that fact was to be considered in the light of instruction to the
Convention to pass an ordinance to that effect; if for “Co-operation,” then measures were to be used, in conjunction with the Border Slave-labor States “yet in the
Union,” for the settlement of existing difficulties.
To this fair proposition the Unionists in the
Convention agreed, and the vote on the question was unanimous.
Taking advantage of the excitement caused by the attack on
Fort Sumter, the
President's call for troops, and the events at
Governor Rector
(whose election had been gained by the influence of the “Knights of the
Golden Circle”
35) and his disloyal associates adopted measures immediately for arraying
Arkansas on the side of the conspirators without consulting the people.
We have already observed the insulting response of the
Governor to the
President's call.
36 This was followed by a high-handed measure on the part of the
President of the
Convention, who professed to be a loyal man. In violation of the pledge of that body, that the whole matter should be submitted to the people in August, he issued a call for the
Convention to reassemble on the 6th of May.
It met on that day. The number of delegates present was seventy.
An Ordinance of Secession, previously prepared,
was presented to it at three o'clock in the afternoon, when the hall in which the delegates met was densely crowded by an excited populace.
It was moved that the “yeas” and “nays” on the question should be taken without debate.
The motion was rejected by a considerable majority, but the
President declared it to be carried.
Then a vote on the Ordinance was taken, and a majority appeared against it. The conspirators were determined not to be foiled.
The President, who seems to have been a plastic instrument in their hands, immediately arose, and in the midst of the cheers of the people, vehemently urged the Unionists to change their votes to “ay” immediately.
It was evident that a large number of that crowd were prepared to compel them to do so, and the terrified
Unionists complied, with only one exception, and that was
Isaac Murphy, who was compelled to fly for his life.
He was rewarded for his fidelity by the Unionists, who elected him
Governor of the
State in 1864.
Thus, by fraud and violence,
Arkansas was placed in the position of a rebellious State.
The Convention then authorized the
Governor to call out sixty thousand men, if necessary, for military duty.
The State was divided into two military divisions, eastern and western.
General Bradley was appointed to the command of the
Eastern Division, and
General Pearce, late of the
National Army, was made commander of the Western Division.
An ordinance was also passed confiscating all debts due from citizens of
Arkansas to persons residing in the Free-labor States, and all the personal property belonging to such persons in
Arkansas at the time of the passage of the Ordinance.
A system of terrorism was at once commenced.
Unionists were everywhere shamefully persecuted.
They were exiled, imprisoned, and murdered.
Confederate troops from
Texas and
Louisiana were brought into the
State to occupy it and overawe the loyalists; and
Arkansas troops, raised chiefly by fraud and violence, were sent out of the
State, for the conspirators would not trust them.
Not content with this usurpation at home,
Governor Rector and his associates, acting under the directions of the arch-conspirators at
Montgomery, took measures to attach to their cause, by persuasion or coercion, the powerful civilized Indians residing in the
Territory adjoining the western boundaries of
Arkansas and
northern Texas.
These were the Cherokees, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, numbering at that time about forty thousand souls.
37 There were also in that region a remnant of the
Creek Nation who formerly inhabited
Alabama, and some Senecas and Shawnoese from the
North, who had lately gone there on a visit.
It was believed that a band of efficient warriors might be drawn from these nations, whose very name would be terrible; and through the resident agents, who were secessionists, and by other means, the work of corruption and coercion was vigorously commenced among them.
A brother of
Governor Rector was then Government agent among the Cherokees, and used all his influence to seduce them from their allegiance.
When, in May,
Jefferson Davis ordered three regiments
of these Indians to be formed, he commissioned Albert Pike,
38 a poet of some pretensions, who was a native of
New England, but had long resided in
Arkansas, to make a treaty with them to that effect.
Pike went into the
Indian country, where he met them in council.
He succeeded with the less civilized Choctaws and Chickasaws, and by virtue of a treaty made with them, they were entitled to the privilege of having two of their number occupy seats as delegates in the “Congress” of the conspirators at
Two regiments of these Indians were raised, and, under Pike, who was commissioned a brigadier-general, they joined
Albert Pike. |
the army of the conspirators.
A third regiment was organized before the close of 1861.
We shall meet Pike and his dusky followers hereafter, among the
Ozark Mountains.
Cherokees and
Creeks were not so easily moved.
The venerable
John Ross, who for almost forty years had been the principal Chief of the Cherokees, took a decided stand against the secessionists, and resisted them so long as he had the power.
On the 17th of May
he issued a proclamation, in which he reminded his people of their treaty obligations to the
United States, and urged them to be faithful in the observance of them.
He exhorted them to take no part in the exciting
events of the day, but to attend to their ordinary avocations; and not to be alarmed by false reports circulated among them by designing men, but to cultivate peace and friendship with the inhabitants of all the States.
earnestly urged them to observe a strict neutrality, and to maintain a trust that God would not only keep from their borders the desolation of war, but stay its “ravages among the brotherhood of States.”
Ross and his loyal adherents among the Cherokees and Creeks were overborne by the tide of rebellion, and were swept on, powerless, by its tremendous current.
The forts on the frontier of
Texas (
Arbuckle, and
Washita), used for their defense, had, as we have observed, been abandoned by United States troops, in consequence of the treason of
Twiggs, and the Indians were threatened by an invasion from that State.
Fort Smith, on the boundary-line, between
Arkansas and the
Indian Territory,
39 had also been evacuated, and was now in possession of the insurgents.
Their immediate neighbors, the Choctaws and Chickasaws, with wild tribes westward
of them, were rallying to the standard of the conspirators; and the
National troops in
Missouri were unable to check the rising rebellion there.
Isolated and weak, and perceiving no hope for relief by their Government, the chief men of the Cherokees held a mass meeting at
Tahlequah in August,
and with great unanimity declared their allegiance to the “
Confederate States.”
Ross still held out, but, finally yielding to the force of circumstances and the teachings of expediency, he called on the Council, of the
Cherokee Nation to assemble at
Tahlequah on the 20th of the same month, when he sent in a message, recommending the severance of their connection with the
National Government, and an alliance with the “Confederates.”
Four days afterward,
he sent a note
40 to an officer of the insurgent forces, covering dispatches to
Ben McCulloch, under whom the Indians and some Texan troops were to act, informing him that the
Cherokee Nation had espoused the cause of the conspirators.
The wife of
Ross, a young and well-educated woman, still held out; and when an attempt was made to raise a “Confederate” flag over the Council
House, she opposed the act with so much spirit, that the insurgents desisted.
Equally spirited was the
head Chief of the
After fighting the insurgents in the field, he was driven into
Kansas, where he died in 1864.
During the civil war, the Cherokees suffered terribly, at times, from the depredations of guerrilla bands of rebels, who infested the western borders of
Missouri and
Arkansas and
Upper Texas, roaming through the
Indian country, and committing violence and robberies everywhere.
Three of the most noted of the leaders of these robber bands were named, respectively,
Anderson, and
Tod, who gave to the bravest of their followers a silver badge, star-shaped, and bearing their names.
The secessionists would not trust
Chief Ross, Indeed, his loyalty to his country was so obvious that they were about to arrest him, when he fled to the
North with some National troops who penetrated the
Cherokee country in 1862.
About fifty of his relations escaped with him. During the remainder of the war he and his family resided in
Philadelphia, where the writer had a long and interesting interview with him early in 1865.
Mr. Ross had in his possession one of the guerrilla badges just mentioned, of which an engraving, the size of the original, is given below.
He was then seventy-four years of age. He was of medium hight, compactly built, with abundant white hair, and having only one-eighth of Indian blood in his veins, he had every appearance of a purely white man. His life, as principal Chief of the Cherokees during their emergence from Paganism, their persecutions and sufferings while eastward of the
Mississippi, and their settlement and advancement in their new homes westward of the
Father of Waters, had been an exceedingly interesting one.
Tail-piece — Guerilla badge. |