Doc. 172.-the mob in Concord, N. H.
Destruction of the office of the “Democratic standard.”
A correspondent of the Boston Journal gives the following account of this affair:[492]Concord, N. H., August 8, 1861.A very serious riot took place in this city this afternoon, which resulted in the total destruction of the printing office of the Democratic Standard. This paper has been too well known to require much comment in this connection. For the past few weeks it has reflected [491] quite severely upon the character and conduct of our soldiers, until they could endure it no longer, and concluded to take the matter into their own hands. Early this afternoon several soldiers of the First regiment went to the printing office, and asked for some of the papers, with the intention of purchasing them, and it is reported that the publishers refused to sell them. The soldiers afterward went into the street and by some means procured several copies; these were read to an excited and increasing multitude. In one article the editor spoke of the premium which Congress had offered to induce the three months men to reenlist for three years. The writer then went on to state that the men would be allowed to change from one company or regiment to another in order to get clear of obnoxious or incompetent officers, and closed by stating that--This may be the case with a certain Northern New England regiment, a portion of which actually mutinied against the abolition Colonel who commands it, before leaving for the seat of war. A number of his men, having demanded a furlough to visit their friends over Sunday, were refused. Whereupon they formed into line and charged bayonets on the recusant commander, who made sudden tracks for the nearest fence. This movement the men greeted with shouts of derisive laughter, and “ three cheers for Jeff. Davis.” They were subsequently granted the required furlough, and “order reigned in Warsaw.” After reaching Washington, it was found necessary to divide this regiment, and station portions of it at different points.There is no question but what the above refers to our regiment. The following are other specimens of the matter which the edition of the paper referred to contained:Our Southern papers are filled with heart-sickening accounts of the murders and robberies which individuals in Old Abe's Mob are perpetrating on the Southern people. Innocent women and children are shot on their own doorsteps, for wearing what is called secession bonnets. No wonder the Northern people run, when the honest men of the South march toward them. Missouri will not be Marylandized.--Gens. McCulloch and Price are reported to be marching on Springfield with thirty thousand men, with a view of attacking Siegels forces, and driving them from their soil. The people of Maryland cannot be held in subjection many weeks longer. Many of their wealthy citizens are confined in jail without cause, and are treated shamefully. The mob of Lincoln continues to annoy the people on every corner of the streets, and it seems to us that humanity calls loudly for some method of redress for its citizens.We could quote others equally obnoxious, but we have not the room. The excitement to which I referred previous to this digression continued to increase until a frantic collection had surrounded the building, and were filling the air with loud shouts and imprecations. At this time, several persons went up to the printing rooms, which were in the third story of Low's block, and found the doors locked. Immediately after a revolver was fired, and the ball passed through the floor into the second story, into a room occupied by Tailor Stewart's sewing women, causing, of course, great consternation. From the direction of the ball, it is evident that the weapon was fired for the simple purpose of intimidating the crowd. Soon after the publishers, four in number, appeared at the windows armed with revolvers, guns, and axes. One of them very impudently reached forth a Colt's revolver, shook it, and told the crowd they were well prepared and should defend themselves to the last extremity. Those who composed the mob answered with ejaculations like these following: “fire, you traitor” --“you rebel and secessionist” --“fire, if you dare.” At this time the City Marshal appeared and read the riot act, and with great difficulty prevented the soldiers from ascending the stairway. John M. Hill, Esq., and several prominent citizens endeavored to calm the excited populace, but with no effect; they then went up to the office and told the publishers that if they would give up their arms they would endeavor to protect their persons and property. They agreed to this, but before any thing could be done the soldiers were at the head of the stairs and all parleying was at an end. The rioters attempted to enter, but the door was bolted, and they commenced staving out the panels; firearms were then freely used inside, and several of the crowd were wounded--one in the arm, another in the hand, while bullets passed through the clothes of a number. The firing was distinctly heard in the street, and thousands filled the way to a long distance above and below the building. The soldiers were unable to procure their muskets, and we believe they had no weapons excepting dirks. The publishers escaped into the attic by a ladder, and the rioters took possession. The work of demolition was now commenced in good earnest; types, desks, paper of all kinds, and in fact every thing which is used about a printing office, came tumbling down on to the sidewalk in a fearful manner. Bonfires were immediately kindled, and the relics of the secession press were thrown upon the burning pile, while the soldiers gathered around the smoldering ruins, and gave vent to their joy in the wildest acclamations. After the fires had somewhat abated, and nearly every thing had been consumed, the City Marshall went into the office and prevailed upon the rioters to go into the street. As I close, the excitement is intense, and diligent search is being made for those connected with the paper. It is feared their lives will be taken in case they are found.
7 o'clock P. M.
Mob law is again triumphant; the soldiers discovered the hiding-places of the publishers and seized their unfortunate victims, but the citizens rescued them, and with great difficulty carried them to the police-station.
Their preservation from death was a very remarkable circumstance, and had it not been for a few brave men their lives would have paid the penalty of their deeds.
Among those who displayed the most commendable bravery in rescuing them, I would mention John Foss, Esq., the Warden of the Prison.
The victims were hurried to the police-station on the full run, the crowd following after, and shouting “Lynch them!”
“lynch them!”
The citizens are endeavoring to calm the rioters, but are fearful of another outbreak before morning.
As I close I learn that the publishers have been secretly carried to the State Prison, in order to render them as secure as possible; they are considerably bruised, but not seriously injured.
A flag has been suspended across the street in front of the office, bearing the words, “The doom of traitors.”