43. war song. Dedicated to the Massachusetts regiments.
by W. W. Story.1
Up with the Flag of the Stripes and the Stars!Gather together from plough and from loom!
Hark to the signal!--the music of wars
Sounding for tyrants and traitors their doom.
March, march, march, march!
Brothers unite — rouse in your might,
For Justice and Freedom, for God and the Right!
Down with the foe to the land and the laws!
Marching together our country to save,
God shall be with us to strengthen our cause,
Nerving the heart and the hand of the brave.
March, march, march, march!
Brothers unite — rouse in your might,
For Justice and Freedom, for God and the Right!
Flag of the Free! under thee we will fight,
Shoulder to shoulder, our face to the foe
Death to all traitors, and God for the Right!
Singing this song as to battle we go: [48]
March, march, march, march!
Freemen unite — rouse in your might,
For Justice and Freedom, for God and the Right!
Land of the Free — that our fathers of old,
Bleeding together, cemented in blood--
Give us thy blessing, as brave and as bold,
Standing like one, as our ancestors stood--
We march, march, march, march!
Conquer or fall! Hark to the call:
Justice and Freedom for one and for all!
Chain of the slave we have suffered so long--
Striving together, thy links we will break!
Hark! for God hears us, as echoes our song,
Sounding the cry to make Tyranny quake:
March, march, march, march!
Conquer or fall! Rouse to the call--
Justice and Freedom for one and for all!
Workmen, arise! There is work for us now;
Ours the red ledger for bayonet pen;
Sword be our hammer, and cannon our plough;
Liberty's loom must be driven by men.
March, march, march, march!
Freemen, we fight! roused in our might,
For Justice and Freedom, for God and the Right!