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68. the war slogan. Dedicated to Captain M'Mullen's Rangers.

McGregor's Gathering.”

Columbia is calling her sons to the border,
     Rouse, rouse, ye brave hearts, to conquer or die;
Revenge on the Southron, and death to the traitor--
     Our Union forever, the slogan we cry.
Then gather! gather! gather!
     Then gather! gather! gather!
While leaves on the forest, or foam on the river,
     Our Union, despite them, shall flourish forever!

They trample her banner, and murder her freemen;
     They curse us as cowards, and swear we shall fly;
Give their homes to the flames and their flesh to the ravens,
     Our arms, keen and gory, shall answer the lie.
Then gather! gather! gather!
     Then gather! gather! gather!
While leaves on the forest, or foam on the river,
     Our Union, despite them, shall flourish forever!

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