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Another Graphic battle picture.--the Southern panic.--The following is from the battle-field correspondence of the Charleston Mercury:--

Suddenly an order comes, borne, I believe, by Gen. McGowan, for the Second and Eighth Palmetto regiments to hasten to the assistance of the left wing. Couriers are despatched to Capt. Perryman, out scouting, and Capt. Rhett, on picket guard, to march across the fields to the left, and join their regiment, the Second, which is on the march, to aid the left wing. This regiment, to which was attached Kemper's battery, followed by the Seventh, Col. Cash, hurried to the scene of action. It was met along the way by numbers of the wounded, dying, and retiring, who declared the day had gone against us; that Sloan's regiment, the Fourth, were cut to pieces; that Hampton's Legion, coming to the rescue, and the Louisiana battalion, were annihilated; that Gen. Bee and Col. Hampton were mortally wounded, and Col. Ben. Johnson killed; and that the Confederate forces were outflanked and routed, and the day lost. This was the unvarying tenor of the words that greeted us from the wounded and dying, and the fugitives who met us during the last mile of our approach to the field of battle. To the sharp cry of the officers of the Second regiment, “On, men, on! these fellows are whipped, and think everybody else is!” the troops responded nobly, and closing up their columns, marched rapidly and boldly forward.

The fast flying cannon shot now cut down several of our number before we got sight of the foe. Presently they became visible, with banners insolently flaunting, and driving before them the remains of our shattered forces. But the Second, undaunted by the sight, deployed column, and, with a shout, charged up the hill at the double quick. The Yankees could not stand the shock, and fell back into a wood on the west of the hill, pouring into us a galling fire. Driven through this wood, they again formed on a brigade of their men in a field beyond, and for half an hour a severe struggle took place between this regiment, with Kemper's battery attached, unsupported, and an immense force of United States troops. We poured in a steady and deadly fire upon their ranks. While the battle raged, the Eighth South Carolina regiment came up, and Col. Cash, pointing to the enemy, says, “Col. Kershaw, are those the d — d scoundrels that you wish driven off the field? I'll do it in five minutes, by God!” “Yes, Colonel,” says Kershaw; “form on our left, and do it if you can.” In a few moments the Eighth got close up on the left, and poured in a murderous fire, under which the enemy reeled and broke.

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