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Doc. 198. the commerce of the Mississippi.

General Curtis' order.

Headquarters St. Louis District, St. Louis, November 27, 1861.
General Orders No. 4:
In obedience to instructions received from the General commanding the Department of the [435] Missouri, a change is proposed in the commerce of the river. To check communication with the enemy, prevent the conveyance of contraband goods, and avoid the recurrence of assaults upon our steamers, the entire commerce of the Mississippi River below this city is assumed, and will be directed, by the military and naval authorities of the United States. Government boats and no others will hereafter be employed, but freight and passengers will be conveyed at current rates, as heretofore. Mail agents will take entire charge of the mails, and boats entering these waters will report at the first military post and stop, to proceed under military orders at the discretion of the military commander. Freight and baggage will be subject to careful inspection; an oath to which no patriot can object, and no traitor forget, shall be taken and subscribed to by all employees and passengers, except such alien friends as may be exempted by commanding generals. The plans of landing and departure will conform as near as may be to the custom of the trade, but all commission and storage business must be transacted with openly avowed and reliable Union men. The officers of boats and officers of the army are directed, and those of the navy are requested, to cautiously but vigorously carry out the purpose and policy of this command.

By order of Brigadier-General Curtis.

N. P. Chipman, Major and A. A. A.-General.

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