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40. original ode, sung at the Union and State rights celebration, Charleston, S. C., July 4th, 1831.

Hail, our country's natal morn!
     Hail, our spreading kindred born!
Hail, thou banner, not yet torn,
     Waving o'er the free!
While this day in festal throng,
     Millions swell the patriot song,
Shall not we thy notes prolong,
     Hallowed jubilee?

Who would sever freedoms shrine?
     Who would draw the invidious line?
Though by birth one spot be mine,
     Dear is all the rest;--
Dear to me the South's fair land,
     Dear the central mountain-band,
Dear New England's rocky strand,
     Dear the prairied West.

By our altars, pure and free,
     By our Law's deep-rooted tree,
By the past's dread memory,
     By our Washington!
By our common parent tongue,
     By our hopes, bright, buoyant, young,
By the tie of country strong,
     We will still be one.

Fathers! have ye bled in vain?
     Ages! must ye droop again?
maker! must we rashly stain
     Blessings sent by thee?
No! receive our solemn vow,
     While before Thy throne we bow,
Ever to maintain as now,

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