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59. a Poe M.

by C. F.
The morning sun shone brightly o'er a brave and noble band,
Who gathered there to bleed and die for their beloved land;
They fought against a foreign power who strove, but strove in vain,
To bring America's free soil beneath Oppression's chain.
Then bravely rose her gallant sons,--they felt their cause was right,--
And the Stars and Stripes waved over them throughout the deadly fight;
And foremost in the fearful strife there rode a mighty one,
Whose name we reverence and love — our own George Washington.

'Tis over, and our freedom won — while glorious and fair,
Above us the bright Stars and Stripes are floating high in air;
No more we bow and tremble 'neath Old England's haughty sway;
America stands nobly forth, a nation from that day.
And God hath ever smiled upon our own, our blood-bought land,
And blessings and prosperity we meet at every hand;
Our Washington hath laid him down, and quietly doth rest,
But he liveth in his people's hearts, in the broad lands of the West.

But lo! a darker cloud appears! the sound of war once more
Is ringing through the land we love — is heard upon our shore;
It is not now a foreign power that biddeth us to strife--
A brother seeks a brother's blood — would take a brother's life;
A brother seeks to break the bonds of mutual love and trust;
And lo! the Banner we revere, lies trampled in the dust!
The sunny South is up in arms, and wishes to divide
The Union we have owned so long — for which our fathers died.

And shall we quietly submit, and see our country's laws
Lie trampled 'neath a traitor's foot — shall we forsake our cause? [46]
Shall we allow our Banner, revered through all the world,
From its proud height of glory, by traitors to be hurled?
No, never — though our blood be shed! our eagle stoops not so;
His haughty mien is still untamed, his head not yet brought low;
He still is soaring proudly above the Northern land;
He finds no fitting resting-place upon the Southern strand.

Then let us rally round our Flag, nor rest until again
The dove of peace unfolds her wings o'er forest and o'er plain;
Until again we meet in love a noble brother-band,
And sheathe the sword which now is drawn in terror o'er our land;
Until the glorious Stars and Stripes triumphantly once more
Shall wave o'er a united land, the country we adore!
Oh, may we yet, Americans, in freedom take our stand,
And battle bravely for the right!--God for our native land!

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