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Among the men whose names should never be forgotten, until they have been duly punished for the atrocious crimes in which they have involved themselves at Baltimore, Ross Winans, Thomas Winans, Abel of the Baltimore Sun, Kane, the Police Marshal, S. Teakle Wallis, and some others, are already known to the country. They are all traitors of the blackest dye, and amply merit the traitor's doom. We now learn the name of another of these conspirators to destroy the Union and ruin Maryland. It is signed to the following order served upon a peaceful citizen of Baltimore on Tuesday last:

Baltimore, April 23.
Mr. John T. Burgess:--You are hereby notified to leave the State of Maryland within twenty-four hours [60] after receipt of this note from date, by authority of the Regulators' Committee of the State.

When the final settlement of accounts takes place at Baltimore, Mr. W. G. H. Ehrman, of the Regulators' Committee of the State, need not fear that he will be overlooked or forgotten.--N. Y. Tribune, April 29.

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