Commodore Foote attended the Presbyterian Church.
A large congregation was in attendance, but the preacher did not make his appearance.
A general impatience beginning to manifest itself, the Commodore sought the elder of the church, and urged him to perform the services.
The elder refusing, the Commodore, on the impulse of the moment, took the pulpit, read a chapter in the Bible, prayed and delivered a short discourse from the text: “Let not your hearts be troubled.
Ye believe in God: believe also in me.”
The congregation was delighted.
On coming down from the pulpit, the minister, who had arrived just after the prayer, approached and tendered his thanks, but the Commodore rebuked him for his tardiness of duty, and reproached him for his neglect to take the pulpit immediately on his arrival.
This incident is illustrative of the Commodore's energetic, earnest character and sincere piety.
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