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Songs of the Rebels.

54. flight of Doodles.

The following was found in the camp of the First Texas Regiment, by a member of Co. G, First Massachusetts Regiment.

I come from old Manassa, with a pocket full of fun--
I killed forty Yankees with a single-barreled gun;
It don't make a niff-a-stifference to neither you or I,
Big Yankee, Little Yankee, all run or die.

I saw all the Yankees at Bull Run,
They fought like the devil when the battle first begun.
But it don't make a niff-a-stifference to neither you or I,
They took to their heels, boys, and you ought to see 'em fly.

I saw old Fuss and Feathers Scott, twenty miles away,
His horses stuck up their ears, and you ought to hear 'em neigh,
But it don't make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I,
Old Scott fled like the devil, boys, root, hog, or die.

I then saw a “Tiger,” from the old Crescent City,
He cut down the Yankees without any pity--
Oh! it don't make a diff-a-bitterence to neither you nor I,
We whipped the Yankee boys and made the boobies cry.

I saw South-Carolina, the first in the cause,
Shake the dirty Yankees till she broke all their jaws--
Oh! it don't make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I,
South-Carolina give 'em h--11, boys, root, hog, or die.

I saw old Virginia, standing firm and true,
She fought mighty hard to whip the dirty crew--
Oh! it don't make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I,
Old Virginia's blood and thunder, boys, root hog, or die.

I saw old Georgia, the next in the van,
She cut down the Yankees almost to a man--
Oh! it don't make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I,
Georgia's sum in a fight, boys, root, hog, or die.

I saw Alabama in the midst of the storm,
She stood like a giant in the contest so warm--
Oh! it don't make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I,
Alabama fought the Yankees, boys, till the last one did fly.

I saw Texas go in with a smile,
But I tell you what it is, she made the Yankees bile--
Oh! it don't make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I,
Texas is the devil, boys. root, hog, or die.

I saw North-Carolina in the deepest of the battle,
She knocked down the Yankees and made their bones rattle--
Oh! it don't make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I,
North-Carolina's got the grit, boys, root, hog, or die.

Old Florida came in with a terrible shout,
She frightened all the Yankees till their eyes stuck out--
Oh! it don't make a niff-a-stifference to neither you nor I,
Florida's death on Yankees, root, hog, or die.

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