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Rebels reports and Narratives.

General Bragg's report.

Murfreesboro, December 8, 1862.
An expedition sent under acting Brigadier-General John H. Morgan, attacked an outpost of the enemy at Hartsville, on the Cumberland, yesterday morning, killed and wounded two hundred, captured eighteen hundred prisoners, two pieces of artillery, and two thousand small arms, and all other stores at the position. On the previous day a small foraging train was captured by General Wheeler, near Nashville, with fifty prisoners, and on the fifth Colonel Reddy's Alabama cavalry also captured a train near Corinth, with its escorts and a number of negroes. Our loss at Hartsville about one hundred and twenty-five killed and wounded. None at either of the above places.

General Bragg's order.

headquarters Department no. 2. Murfreesboro, December 12, 1862.
General order no. 156.
With pride and pleasure, mingled with gratitude to the Supreme Source of all our victories, the General Commanding has the satisfaction of announcing to his troops the signal triumph of our arms at Hartsville, Tennessee, on the seventh instant.

This brilliant exploit was achieved by a portion of Morgan's cavalry brigade, together with detachments from the Second and Ninth Kentucky regiments of infantry, under Col. Hunt--the whole under Brig.-Gen. Morgan. After a remarkable march of more than forty miles through snow and ice, they forded the Cumberland under cover of darkness, and at daylight precipitated themselves upon the enemy. Our success was complete. With a force of not more than one thousand two hundred men in action, we inflicted a loss upon the enemy of five hundred killed and wounded, and captured eighteen hundred prisoners, with all their arms, munitions, and other stores. Our own loss was small, compared with the result — not exceeding one hundred and twenty-five in killed and wounded. The memory of the gallant men who fell to rise no more, will be revered by their comrades, and forever honored by their country.

To Brigadier-General Morgan and to Colonel Hunt, the General tenders his thanks, and assures them of the admiration of his army. The intelligence, zeal, and gallantry displayed by them, will serve as an example and an incentive to still more honorable deeds. To the other brave officers and men composing the expedition, the General tenders his cordial thanks and congratulations. He is proud of them, and hails the success achieved by their valor as but the precursor of still greater victories.

Each corps engaged in the action will in future bear upon its colors the name of the memorable field.

By command of General Bragg. Geo. G. Garner, Assistant Adjutant-General.

Murfreesboro “rebel banner” account.

The more that we learn of the battle of Sun day last, the greater is our astonishment at the wonderful success that attended this daring exploit. It is another evidence of the superior sagacity and military skill of General Morgan, who projected the expedition and carried it to a successful issue. His plans were well matured, and though there were delays of an unavoidable character, every detail was promptly and faithfully executed. There has been, we dare say, no feat of arms so brilliant or so completely triumphant in the Western department as this; indeed, we doubt if the annals of the war can present another instance of equal daring.

The forces engaged in the affair on our side were the Ninth and Second Kentucky infantry, commanded by Col. Thomas H. Hunt, numbering six hundred and eighty men, and the cavalry regiments of Chenault, Cluke, Bennett, and Huffman, with Cobb's Kentucky battery. All told, our forces were about one thousand three hundred. The enemy was the Thirty-ninth brigade of Dumont's division, composed of three regiments, one battalion, a squadron of cavalry, and section of artillery. It was commanded by Col. Abraham B. Moore, of Peru, Lasalle County, Illinois, whose commission, we are authorized to say, is now in possession of Corporal Whelan, company K, Second Kentucky. [245]

The attack was made just after sunrise, but instead of surprising the Yankees, they were found strongly posted on the top of a steep hill, and in perfect line of battle. Our line was formed under the fire of the enemy, but it was done with great precision and perfect accuracy. After our boys had commenced the forward movement there was no delay or hesitancy. The abolitionists were driven from their position, then through their camps, then their battery of fine Parrott guns captured, and finally hemmed in on the riverbank, where they surrendered. The fight lasted for one hour and twenty minutes; but in that brief period the firing was rapid and the contest severe. Many gallant spirits fell on our side, but we heaped the field with thrice the number of Yankee slain.

Cobb's battery sustained an important part in the fight, and lost severely. Lieut. Gracey was, as he is on all similar occasions, conspicuous for his gallantry and good conduct. It was the ninth engagement in which he has participated, and out of all he has escaped unharmed, save at Shiloh. David Watts, a private of this battery, who was killed, was an intelligent and promising young man, the son of the well-known merchant of Paducah.

The town of Hartsville and some four hundred of the enemy were captured by Colonel Bennett's command.

To John Blazer, of company C, Ninth Kentucky regiment, belongs the honor of capturing the battery flag of the enemy. It is a beautiful piece of silk bunting, with the letter B upon it.

The Ninth regiment also had the flag of the One Hundred and Fourth Illinois regiment.

The Second regiment brought off the colors of the One Hundred and Sixth Ohio, which, before reaching town, were, by order of Major James W. Hewitt, reversed, the Union down — a signal of distress.

But the most remarkable fact connected with the expedition was the endurance of the infantry troops. They marched, on a bitter night, over fifty miles, fought a splendid battle, captured twice their numbers, crossed the Cumberland River twice, and yet there was no complaints heard and straggling witnessed. The losses of the cavalry regiments engaged were trifling.

--Rebel Banner, December 11.

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