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Doc. 9. regimental reports.

Lieutenant-Colonel Van Voorhees's Report.

headquarters one hundred and Thirty-Seventh New-York volunteers, Savannah, Georgia, December 24, 1864.
Captain: I have the honor to submit the following regimental report of the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh New-York volunteers, commencing with the occupation of Atlanta, Georgia, on the second day of September, 1864; paragraph I. embracing a summary of events while remaining in that city, and paragraph II., a compend, in diary form, of the campaign, commencing on the fifteenth day of November, and. ending on the twenty-first day of December, 1864:

I. On the morning of the third of September, the regiment was encamped in the rear of a fort on the right of the Macon turnpike, on the south side of the city, as a support for a battery planted there. On the tenth of same month, David Ireland, Colonel of this regiment, and commanding Third brigade, Second division, Twentieth corps, died of dysentery. On the twelfth, we moved, and were encamped, with the other regiments of the brigade, on a line, this regiment being third in line. While in this camp, brigade dress-parades were held whenever practicable; also, brigade, battalion, company, and squad drills, officers' schools, etc. ; meanwhile furnishing details for picket and fatigue, ranging in number from forty (40) to seventy-five (75) men daily. On the twenty-fifth, were reviewed by Major-General Slocum, General Sherman being present. On the twenty-ninth of September, also on the first of October, we took part in division-drills, conducted by Brigadier-General Geary. October tenth, started on a foraging expedition, which proved highly successful; returning on the thirteenth, having marched about forty (40) miles. On the nineteenth, in company with the brigade, we embarked on a train for East-Point; after reaching which place, we marched about two miles on the West-Point Railroad, where we stood guard while the track was torn up by a negro gang, the iron being loaded on the train to be sent to repair the track on the Chattanooga Railroad near Resaca. On the two following days, were employed similarly taking up the iron also on the Macon road, four (4) miles below East-Point. On Sunday, October twenty-fourth, the regiment was hurriedly ordered out with the brigade, to march toward East-Point to support the Second brigade, Second division, who, being in that vicinity after railroad iron, were reported to have been attacked by a rebel force. After marching in that direction about a mile, we halted and stacked arms. After remaining about three hours, we returned to camp, affairs with the Second brigade having terminated all right. On the twenty-sixth, we again started on an expedition for forage via Decatur. Returned on the twenty-ninth, after having marched about fifty( 50) miles, obtaining an abundant supply of forage. November fifth, pursuant to orders, we struck tents, and at three P. M., formed line and started with the brigade, and marched a little over a mile out of the city on the McDonough road, and encamped for the night, and on the morning of the sixth, marched back to the city and reoccupied our former camps. On the morning of the ninth, a rebel force having attacked our picket-line near the Macon Railroad, we were ordered at once to fall in, and took the double-quick to the outer line of breastworks, when the rebels, after throwing a few shells at us, rapidly fell back, and we quietly returned to camp. Nothing further of importance occurred until the morning of

II. Tuesday, November fifteenth, when, in pursuance of orders received previously, we formed line at seven A. M., starting at half-past 7 A. M., moved out of the city on the Decatur road at two P. M., halted near Decatur for dinner. After dinner, resumed the march, which was continued until half-past 4 A. M., on

Wednesday, November sixteenth, when we halted, rested, and breakfasted, resuming the march at fifteen minutes past seven A. M. Camped for the night at fifteen minutes past seven P. M.; marching distance from Atlanta being about twenty-seven (27) miles.

Thursday, November seventeenth, left camp at fifteen minutes past five A. M., marching in a north-easterly direction, the Third brigade in advance, and this regiment as advance-guard. Encamped at five P. M. within three miles of Social Circle, marching this day about twenty (20) miles.

Friday, November eighteenth, took up line of march at half-past 5 A. M., halting soon after in the road to allow wagon-train to pass; started again at half-past 7 A. M., halting in the village of Rutledge for dinner. Encamped within a mile of Madison at half-past 6 P. M., having marched about eighteen (18) miles.

Saturday, November nineteenth, left camp at five A. M.; marched through Madison at daybreak in a moderate rain, which ceased about seven o'clock. Halted near Buckhead for dinner. At four P. M., encamped for the night. After stacking arms, proceeded to tear up track on the Augusta Railroad; working with the division about two hours and a half. Distance marched this day, about fifteen (15) miles.

Sunday, November twentieth, fell in at half-past 7 A. M., and marched south from the railroad, on the west bank of the Oconee River. Encamped at five P. M., after having marched about fifteen (15) miles.

Monday, November twenty-first, left our encampment at eight A. M., marching in a southerly direction; raining hard the greater part of the day. Halted for the night at five P. M.; marched about twelve (12) miles.

Tuesday, November twenty-second, we left camp at forty-five minutes past six A. M., and about noon, crossed Little River on a pontoon-bridge. About half-past 4 P. M., came in sight of Milledgeville. After numerous halts, we at last entered the city, and passing through the city, crossed the Oconee River on a toll-bridge, and encamped about a mile from the river, going [191] into camp at ten minutes past eight P. M., having marched about twenty miles.

Wednesday, November twenty-third, remained in camp until two P. M., when we fell in and marched to the Gordon Railroad depot, and soon after commenced the destruction of the road, burning the ties and bending the rails; also burned a trestle-bridge and the depot. Our work being completed at seven P. M., we returned to our former camp.

Thursday, November twenty-fourth, left camp near Milledgeville at half-past 7 A. M.; halted near the road till ten A. M., when we moved on, marching in a south-easterly direction. At fifteen minutes past six P. M., bivouacked for the night, having marched about ten (10) miles.

Friday, November twenty-fifth, started this morning at half-past 8, marching in rear of wagon-train. Halted atone P. M. for dinner. Did not move until half-past 8 P. M., on account of the destruction by the enemy of bridges, nine (9) in number, over Buffalo Creek. After crossing, we camped for the night, having marched only five (5) miles.

Saturday, November twenty-sixth, marched at half-past 7 A. M., arriving at Sandersville soon after noon. At two P. M., we passed through the town, and struck the Georgia Central Railroad about four P. M., when we immediately began tearing up the road, and continued it until dark, and camped near the road; marched fifteen (15) miles.

Sunday, November twenty-seventh, moved at forty-five minutes past seven A. M., and resumed the destruction of the railroad track, working until noon. After dinner, we joined the wagon-train and marched with it about two (2) miles, when we were ordered to “About face!” and were marched back to the railway, and taking another road to Davisboro, arrived there at half-past 9 P. M., and went on picket. Marched about twelve (12) miles.

Monday, November twenty-eighth, leaving the picket-line at half-past 8 A. M., we struck for the railroad, and marched on it back to the place where we had left off work the day before, the remainder of the brigade having marched around by the turnpike. Commenced work about noon, and at three P. M., the Sixtieth New-York veteran volunteers on our right were fired upon by a squad of rebel cavalry, who dashed out of the woods near by; but after firing a few shots they fled. Our men immediately fell in, and taking arms, were ordered to load the first time since leaving Atlanta. Four men of this regiment were missing here, and were, it is supposed, captured by the enemy. At dark we returned to Davisboro, and camped for the night. Distance marched, fifteen (15) miles.

Tuesday, November twenty-ninth, left camp at half-past 6 A. M. Halted for dinner at Spears's Station; marched at half-past 3; encamped for the night at fifteen minutes past six P. M. Marched about twenty (20) miles.

Wednesday, November thirtieth, leaving camp at forty-five minutes past six A. M., marched almost directly north, crossing the Ogeechee River at half-past 5 P. M.; bivouacked for the night at fifteen minutes past six P. M., having marched nine (9) miles.

Thursday, December first, 1864, left camp at fifteen minutes past seven A. M..; our brigade in advance, marching nearly south-east, crossing numerous swamps and creeks. Went into camp at fifteen minutes past five P. M. Distance marched, about sixteen (16) miles.

Friday, December second, marched this morning at eight o'clock; our brigade in rear of the corps. Weather uncomfortably warm. Encamped for the night at half-past 5 P. M. Marched about ten (10) miles.

Saturday, December third, did not leave camp until forty-five minutes past twelve P. M. Were in rear to-day, and consequently marched very slow. Passed near the rebel stockade in which were confined Union prisoners but a few days before. Crossed the Augusta Railroad after dark, leaving Millen on our right.

Sunday, December fourth, continued the march of yesterday till forty minutes past three A. M.; then halted, resuming the march at eight A. M. During the forenoon heard artillery-firing to our right and rear. Halted at two P. M. for dinner. Started again at half-past 4, and at six P. M. halted for the night, and this regiment went on picket. Marched yesterday and to-day about seventeen (17) miles.

Monday, December fifth, leaving camp at fifteen minutes past nine A. M., marched steadily until forty-five minutes past eight P. M. Distance marched, fifteen (15) miles.

Tuesday, December sixth, started at nine o'clock A. M., marching in rear of brigade wagontrain. Were delayed much during the day by obstructions placed in the roads by the enemy. Went into camp at forty-five minutes past eight P. M., having marched about nine (9) miles.

Wednesday, December seventh, moved at seven A. M., marching through swamps nearly all day. At five P. M., crossed Turkey Branch, and encamped at half-past 6 P. M.; marched nine (9) miles.

Thursday, December eighth, marched at fifteen minutes past seven A. M. in advance of the train. Roads better to-day than usual. Encamped at forty-five minutes past four P. M., after having marched about twelve (12) miles.

Friday, December ninth, left camp at fifteen minutes past eight A. M. Cannonading heard on our right, apparently in the direction of Savannah. Troops of First division had a slight skirmish with the enemy, driving them from two small forks. Marched about six (6) miles.

Saturday, December tenth, left camp at forty minutes past nine A. M., First and Third divisions in advance. Marched on an excellent turnpike road leading directly to Savannah. Artillery-firing heard more or less all day. After having marched about nine (9) miles, at forty-five minutes past three P. M., brigade was formed in two lines of battle, and we encamped for the night. [192]

Sunday, December eleventh, were in line at half-past 7 A. M., and after marching about a mile on the main road, “filed left” on a cross-road, and again filing left from the cross-road, the regiment was deployed as skirmishers. The extreme right and left of the line were well advanced, and the regiment was then advanced with extreme caution toward some negro houses, about a dozen in number, when the line was straightened, and we then found we were in close proximity to the enemy's skirmishers, and shots were exchanged lively. It was not deemed prudent to advance the line further, owing to its exposing the left flank, and on communicating with Colonel Barnum, commanding brigade, he promptly sent the One Hundred and Second New-York veteran volunteers, which deployed and connected on my left. About two P. M., it was deemed advisable to charge, and drive them, if possible, from the ruins of some buildings which afforded them a desirable shelter. One company of the One Hundred and Second started with a yell, which this regiment took up, and advancing rapidly, soon drove them inside their works. Our line was established within about two hundred (200) yards of their works. This regiment lost first sergeant killed, and two (2) privates wounded.

Monday, December twelfth, at one o'clock A. M., we were ordered to fall in, as our brigade were to charge the works in our front. The arrangements were completed at about four A. M., when the order was countermanded. The enemy shelled us at different times during the day. Weather very cold.

Tuesday, December thirteenth, skirmish and artillery-firing was quite brisk by the enemy all day. We were very busy in strengthening our works, and at night established skirmish-pits in our front.

Wednesday, December fourteenth, remained in same position all day. Order received from Major-General Sherman, announcing the capture of Fort McAllister by the Second division, Fifteenth corps, thereby opening communication with the fleet and General Foster.

Thursday, December fifteenth, nothing unusual occurred this day.

Friday, December sixteenth, a rebel gunboat came up the river to-day, and fired several shots very near us. At night a fort was laid out near the bank of the river on our left.

Saturday, December seventeenth, received first mail from the North since leaving Atalanta.

Monday, December nineteenth, fresh hard bread was issued to-day, causing a feeling of general satisfaction among the men. A mail left the brigade.

Tuesday, December twentieth, at dark the regiment was detailed to work on a fort in front of the right of our brigade, called Fort No. 3, where we worked until half-past 1 A. M., on

Wednesday, December twenty-first; when, it being completed, we returned to camp, and soon after noticed signs of the enemy's evacuation of the city, which was ascertained by Colonel Barnum sending a detail of ten (10) men from the One Hundred and Second New-York veteran volunteers across to their works, under command of Captain Samuel B. Wheelock, of this regiment, to be true; when the brigade moved forward, immediately occupying their works, and from thence moved directly into the city, arriving at the City Hall at fifteen minutes past six A. M., when the brigade was formed in column by regiments, and Brigadier-General John M. Geary, commanding division, took formal possession of the city, complimenting our brave brigade and its courteous and thorough commander in a fine speech, and soon after Colonel H. A. Barnum addressed the brigade in a neat and appropriate speech. We were soon after assigned to duty as provost-guard.

Thus closed one of the most gigantic and successful campaigns ever projected, and most certainly ever participated in by this regiment.

The casualties of this regiment during the campaign are as follows: Commissioned officers killed, none; commissioned officers wounded, none; enlisted men killed, one; enlisted men wounded, eight; enlisted men missing, four. Total, thirteen.

Respectfully submitted.

K. S. Van Voorhees, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Regiment.

Lieutenant-Colonel Daboll's Report.

headquarters Fifth regiment Connecticut veteran volunteers, near Savannah, Ga., December 26, 1864.
Captain: I have the honor to submit the following report of movements of this regiment, since the occupation of Atlanta, Georgia, September second, 1864:

October 21.--We received orders to march as a portion of guard to a wagon-train of some eight hundred teams. We moved in the direction of Flat Shoals eighteen miles, assisted in loading the train with corn, and returned to Atlanta on the twenty-fourth.

29th. Moved with the First brigade to Decatur, and formed portion of rear-guard to a forage train, coming in same day.

November 5.--Moved out of the city three miles, encamped for the night, and returned to the city next day.

15th. Regiment marched as advance-guard of Twentieth army corps in direction of Stone Mountain. We continued our march with the main column each day, nothing worthy of note occurring, until November twentieth, when a small party of rebel cavalry made a dash on our rear, capturing some eight stragglers, three of them being members of this regiment.

22d. Reached Milledgeville, the capital of the State.

23d. At work all day destroying the Gordon and Milledgeville Railroad, the regiment tearing up about two and one half miles of track. Moved with the main column until the twenty-Zzz, when we were again at work on the railroad, tearing up about a mile of track and destroying four large warehouses at Tennille Station, on the Macon road. [193]

28th. Again at work destroying railroad.

29th. At work on the railroad all day, reaching a point near the Ogeechee River. We left the railroad here and joined the main column. Nothing of importance occurred until December ninth. The regiment, having the advance of the corps, came upon a small body of rebel infantry, with one piece of artillery, intrenched on the road near Monteith. The regiment was quickly deployed, and, advancing through a deep marsh, soon developed the force of the enemy. The First division, Twentieth corps, making a concentrated movement on them, they retreated at double-quick. Some portion of this regiment, being the first to enter the rebel fort, captured two prisoners. Our casualties were none.

December 10.--The regiment moved at an early hour with four wagons, belonging to First brigade Commissary Department, to General Harrison's plantation; loaded the wagons with sweet potatoes and meat, and obtained some three days rations besides. Lieutenant Kellman, proceeding down a by-road, with two companies, came upon two wagons, loaded with ammunition and supplies, which had been abandoned by the rebels. They were brought in and accounted for. Same day we moved within three and a half miles of Savannah. Brigade formed line of battle on the left of railroad, the regiment in reserve, in close column by division.

The evening of December fifteenth, the regiment was ordered to accompany a train of one hundred and sixty-five wagons to King's Bridge, for the purpose of getting a mail and bringing up supplies. Remained at King's Bridge until the twenty-second. Returned with the train to Savannah.

23d. Took position on the left of the brigade, where the regiment remains at present.

During our march from Atlanta the regiment has mainly subsisted on the country. At no time have the men been without meat or potatoes, articles not furnished by the subsistence department. The animals picked up have all been accounted for by the Quartermaster of the regiment.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Henry W. Daboll, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Regiment.

Lieutenant-Colonel Cresson's Report.

headquarters seventy-Third Pennsylvania veteran volunteers, Savannah, Ga., December 26, 1864.
Captain N. K. Bray, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General:
I have the honor to submit the following record of events connected with this regiment, transpiring from the occupation of Atlanta, Georgia, September second, 1864, to the occupation of Savannah, Georgia, December twenty-first, 1864:

The regiment entered Atlanta the evening of September second, and was posted, September third, on the left of the McDonough road, removing to the right of the road on the fifth, when the regiment went into camp, doing picket, guard, and fatigue-duty on the fortifications, and all duty required of troops at garrison posts; remaining until October sixteenth, when it was ordered out on a forage expedition, under command of Colonel Robinson, commanding First brigade, First division, to the vicinity of Flat Shoals, Georgia; returning and occupying our former camp on the nineteenth, where it remained on duty until the twenty-sixth of the same month, when it was again ordered out on a similar expedition, under General John W. Geary, commanding Second division, Twentieth corps, to the vicinity of Yellow River, Georgia; returning to our previous camp on the twenty-ninth, resuming our regular routine of picket, fatigue-duty, etc.

It remained until November fifth, when it was ordered to strike tents and prepare for marching. Marching about three miles out on the McDonough road, we halted and remained until the day following, (November sixth,) when we were ordered back and occupied our previous camp, in which we remained until November fifteenth, when we again resumed the line of march, having an uninterrupted march with but little variety, subsisting mainly on the country through which we passed, losing no men by straggling or capture, arriving in front of Savannah on December tenth, and were posted on the left of the line, resting on the Savannah River, until the fourteenth of the month, when I was ordered to report with my regiment to Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New-York volunteers, on Harrison's Island, directly opposite, when I crossed my men in small boats and reported about dusk. The regiment remained in this position, throwing up breastworks ar a protection against the shells of the enemy, who, from a gunboat, and a battery on the main line, directed their missiles incessantly toward a mill, around which we were posted. We remained in this position, strengthening our works every night. Owing to our exposed position, the work could not be done during daylight.

The place being held as a point of observation, every exertion was made by me to obtain, by personal observation, as much of the movements of the enemy as possible. On the evening of the twentieth instant, a noise was heard directly after dark, in the direction of the city, sounding much like the laying of a pontoon-bridge. Especial attention was paid to the noise for about two hours, when, feeling confident that the enemy were throwing a body of troops from the Georgia to the South-Carolina shore, my Adjutant, by order of Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson, crossed the river about ten P. M., and reported the fact of the noise and the opinion of those on the island concerning it, to Colonel P. H. Jones, commanding Second brigade, Second division, Twentieth army corps. The following morning, I was ordered across the river to join the brigade. Crossing, we arrived in the city and at the brigade shortly after noon.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Charles C. Cresson, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Seventy-third Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers.


Report of casualties in the Seventy-third regiment Pennsylvania veteran volunteers, since September second, 1864: James Quinn, private, company C, wounded December sixteenth, 1864, at Harrison's Island, near Savannah, Georgia, right leg, severely, since amputated.

Colonel Mindil's Report.

headquarters Thirty-Third New-Jersey volunteers, Savannah, Georgia, December 26, 1864.
Captain N. K. Bray, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Second Brigade:
Captain: I have the honor to submit the following official report of the movements of my regiment, from the second of September to the twenty-first of December, 1864:

Upon entering the city of Atlanta, the regiment was assigned a permanent camp to the right of the McDonough road, about one and one half miles from the court-house. In this camp it remained, devoting the time to drills and parades, and receiving complete outfits of clothing and camp and garrison equipage.

On the fifth of November, camp was broken, and the regiment moved with the brigade at three P. M., out upon the McDonough road, camping two and one half miles from the city. On the sixth of November we returned to our old quarters.

November 15.--Broke camp at seven A. M., moving out upon the Decatur road. Camped at twelve P. M., near Stone Mountain.

16th. Moved at eight A. M.; led the corps. Marched fifteen miles, crossing Yellow River at Rock Bridge, and halting for the night five miles beyond it on the Sheffield road.

17th. Moved at half-past 6 A. M., marching through Sheffield, over the Ulcofauhatchie, and encamped two miles from Social Circle.

18th. Moved at half-past 5 A. M., passing Rudden, and camped at half-past 5 P. M., one mile from Madison.

19th. Moved at five A. M., passing through Madison. Halted for dinner at Buckhead Station, and continuing the march to within one and one half miles of Oconee River, on Georgia Railroad, tore up track afternoon and evening.

20th. Moved at seven A. M. toward Eatonton, passing Park's Bridge and Slade's Cross-Roads. Camped near Dunning's tannery, at six P. M.

21st. Moved at six A. M., toward Eatonton.

22d. Struck Eatonton Branch Railroad, and passing through Milledgeville and over the Oconee River, camped two miles beyond it.

23d. In camp.

24th. Moved at ten A. M., on road to Hebron.

25th. Passed through Hebron.

26th. Entered Sandersville, and passed on to Tennille, on railroad, and camped three miles beyond it.

27th. Moved at seven A. M., and tore up seven miles of railroad, and marched to Davisboro.

28th. Brigade detached to guard the corps headquarters train. Marched to Spears's Station on railroad.

29th. Brigade again detached. Moved by byroad to Station Ten and a Half. Tore up rail road to bridge over Ogeechee River, and

30th. Burned the bridge, and then marched to Louisville, via Watkins's Bridge, reaching camp of division at twelve P. M.

December 1.--Moved at eight A. M., and camped beyond Birdsville.

2d. Moved at six A. M. toward Millen. Camped at Buckhead Creek.

3d. Moved at ten A. M., crossed Augusta and Millen Railroad; camped six miles beyond, on the Sylvania road.

4th. Moved at half-past 7 A. M.; camped at Horse Creek.

5th. Marched fourteen miles and camped, leaving Sylvania to our left.

6th. Continued the march toward Springfield; roads very soft and marshy. Camped after a tedious march of six miles.

7th. Still continued the march toward Springfield, and camped for the night near it.

8th. Passed Springfield and marched twelve miles, camping near Zion's Church.

9th. Moved at ten A. M., and struck Savannah road. First division, Twentieth army corps, on our front, skirmished with the enemy, who had a battery in position covering the road. Camped for the night sixteen miles from Savannah.

10th. Pushing on, passed Harrison's plantation and the Fourteenth army corps. Struck Savannah and Charleston Railroad nine and one half miles from the city, and camped five and one half miles from it that night.

11th. Placed in position as reserves, on banks of Savannah River, opposite Hutchinson's Island, and confronting the enemy's right flank, being in rear of Third brigade.

12th-20th. We remained in the same position.

21st. Entered the city of Savannah at eight A. M., and were assigned to camp on the parade of the city.

During the entire campaign, the troops have subsisted upon the country, and found food of all kinds in abundance; never suffering from scarcity of provisions. In front of Savannah they were unprotected by breastworks, being in the reserve line, and subject to a heavy fire of shrapnel and shell from the opposing batteries of the enemy in our front, and to a heavy and provoking fire from a confederate gunboat in the far channel, round Hutchinson's Island. I am happy to state but one casualty occurred, namely, the slight wounding of private Terence Sweeney, of company D. Those soldiers, reported as deserters in the accompanying schedule, were all troublesome characters, and, despite repeated remonstrances and punishment, and the constant vigilance of officers, succeeded in straggling, and were captured by the enemy. Their absence being wilful, I have marked them as deserters to the enemy, so that, after exchange, they are to be tried for this heinous offence.

Before leaving Atlanta, I received one hundred and thirty-six substitutes, nearly all being raw recruits, many of them foreigners, and unable either to write or speak the English language; [195] and, owing to physical disability caused by the exhaustion attendant upon so severe a campaign to new soldiers, many were compelled to leave the ranks at times, and by becoming separated from the regiment during its night marches, and being unable to intelligibly define their wants and ask the location of their regiment, have as yet failed to return, and are reported absent without leave. The larger part of them, it is to be hoped, are with some of the other corps, and will soon find their way into camp. The command needs a complete outfit of clothing, shoes, etc., and will then be ready for a new campaign, as both health and esprit are excellent.

Subjoined is a list of casualties and desertions:

Terence Sweeney,Priv'teDDec. 14, ‘64Wounded from enemy's battery.
James Dooley,Corp'lCDec. 13, ‘64Deserted to enemy.
--Bennerman,Priv'teCDec. 13, ‘64Deserted to enemy.
John Gardner,Priv'teDDec. 13, ‘64Deserted to enemy.
Charles Chapman,Priv'teIDec. 13, ‘64Deserted to enemy.
Adam Wetzel,Priv'teKDec. 12, ‘64Deserted to enemy.
Francis Mc Carthy,Priv'teKDec. 12, ‘64Deserted to enemy.
John Smith,Priv'teKDec. 12, ‘64Deserted to enemy.
Charles Wagner,Priv'teKDec. 12, ‘64Deserted to enemy.

G. W. Mindil, Colonel Commanding Thirty-third New-Jersey Volunteers.

Major Hoyt's Report.

Report of the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New York Volunteers, from he capture of Atlanta, Ga., September second, 1864, to the twenty-first of December, 1864, when the regiment entered the city of Savannah, Ga.

September 2, 1864.--The regiment, commanded by Captain Otis Griffin, company F, was ordered to march at twelve m. Advanced with the brigade into the city of Atlanta, Georgia.

3d. Took position with the brigade in the outer works of the city.

4th. Were ordered to take a new position further to the right, and bivouacked for the night.

5th. Went into camp in rear of the works. I did its regular picket-duty and fatigue.

11th. Major William H. Hoyt took command of the regiment, and relieved Captain Otis Griffin.

13th. Changed camp. The regiment took a new position in the works, where it remained under command of Major William H. Hoyt, doing its regular picket and fatigue-duty, and participating in the foraging expeditions, until November fifth, 1864, when it was ordered to move with the corps out of the works on the Macon road, and encamp.

November 6.--The regiment returned to its old camp, and remained until November fifteenth, when it moved out of the city of Atlanta, Ga., with the army, on the Savannah campaign. Marched to near Stone Mountain, and encamped at midnight.

16th. Marched at eight A. M. Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Jackson, relieved Major William H. Hoyt, and took command of the regiment.

17th. Broke camp at five A. M., and marched first in line, guarding the train. Passed through Suffolk, crossed Gum Creek. Halted for the night four miles from Social Circle.

18th. Marched at five A. M. Passed through Social Circle, and advanced to within two miles of Madison.

19th. Moved out with the Second division on a separate expedition. No fighting occurred. Joined the corps, in company with the brigade and division, November twenty-second, 1864, and entered the city of Milledgeville, Ga. Went in camp late at night.

23d. Regiment lay still.

24th. Marched until late at night.

25th. Crossed a large swamp, and encamped for the night.

26th. Advanced into Sandstown. One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New-York volunteers formed part of the grand guard of the division.

27th. The regiment assisted in destroying a part of the Georgia Central Railroad.

28th. Assisted the brigade in guarding the corps headquarter train to Station No. Eleven.

29th. Marched about seven miles, and destroyed railroad track the remainder of the day.

30th. Assisted in destroying a railroad-bridge across the Ogeechee River. Marched fifteen miles at night to join the division.

December 1.--Regiment marched in advance of the ordnance train of the division.

2d. Marched to Buckhead Creek, and encamped for the night.

3d. Guarded the train.

4th. Marched with the brigade, and went into camp at nine P. M.

5th. Marched steadily all day.

6th. Marched through a marshy country.

7th. Had difficulty crossing swamps.

8th. Advanced with division toward Savannah. Did not encounter the enemy.

9th. Advanced, with skirmishing in front. First division met the enemy, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New-York volunteers, leading the Second brigade, was ordered to support the First division. Advanced splendidly on the doublequick. The enemy retreated. Regiment went on picket.

10th. Regiment remained on picket until one P. M. Advanced to within six miles of Savannah.

11th. Moved at eight A. M., slowly toward the left. Took a position in range of the enemy's guns. Were relieved, and took a position on the left, on the river-bank, in range of the enemy's guns.

12th. Regiment lay still.

13th. Had one commissioned officer killed and one man wounded. At night regiment crossed the river, and fortified on Hutchinson Island.

14th. Advanced and took possession of rice-mill and settlement, and fortified our position. Held our position under a severe artillery-fire from the enemy, where we had six men wounded and one killed, until December twenty-first, 1864, when the enemy had evacuated the night [196] before, and the regiment advanced into the city of Savannah.

William H. Hoyt, Major Commanding Regiment. C. W. Taylor, First Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant.

Report of Casualties of the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New-York Volunteers for the month ending December 31, 1864.
 2Walter Bond,CorporalAWounded severely in right footDec. 18, 1864Hutchinson Isl'd, Ga. 
  Hiram Gage,PrivateAWounded slightly in right armDec. 18, 1864Hutchinson Isl'd, Ga. 
 3Charles Clute,PrivateCCaptured by the enemyDec. 1, 1864Near Louisville, Ga. 
  John Boneyparte,PrivateCCaptured by the enemyDec. 1, 1864Near Louisville, Ga. 
  George Morris,PrivateCCaptured by the enemyDec. 1, 1864Near Louisville, Ga. 
 3Levi O. Fox,First Serg'tDKilledDec. 15, 1864Hutchinson Is'ld, Ga. 
  John Schram,PrivateDAmputated right legDec. 18, 1864Hutchinson Isl'd, Ga. 
  Reuben Cain,CorporalDWound slightly in left hip by shellDec. 18, 1864Hutchinson Isl'd, Ga.Since ret'd to duty
 1Albert Brown,PrivateEWound slightly in r't knee by shellDec. 13, 1864Near Savannah, Ga. 
 1John Farrell,CorporalFCaptured by the enemyDec. 1, 1864Near Louisville, Ga. 
1 Chas. A. Ahreets,First Lieut.HKilledDec. 13, 1864Near Savannah, Ga. 
 2George Bradt,SergeantHWound in back and r't arm sev'lyDec. 18, 1864Hutchinson Isl'd, Ga. 
  Barton Sherman,PrivateHWounded slightly in left shoulderDec. 15, 1864Hutchinson Isl'd, Ga.Since ret'd to duty

Total captured by the enemy, 4. Total wounded, 7. total killed, 2. Sum total, 13.

Station, Savannah, Georgia. Date, December 31, 1864.

Major Grumback's Report.

headquarters one hundred and Forty-Ninth New-York volunteers, Savannah, Georgia, December 26, 1864.
Captain O. T. May, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General:
Captain: The last report by the commander of this regiment was to the date of September second, 1864, the regiment on that night bivouacking in the streets of Atlanta, Georgia.

September 3.--The regiment and brigade marched to the fortifications on the southern boundaries of the city, and went into camp.

10th. Colonel H. A. Barnum, in consequence of the death of Colonel Ireland, was ordered to the command of the Third bridade, and the command of this regiment devolved upon Major A. Grumback.

12th. The regiment and brigade moved about one half-mile back from the works toward the city, and built winter quarters. The time from this date to October eleventh was occupied in working on the inner line of fortifications, reviews, parades, drills, and the usual routine of duties appertaining to camp life.

October 11.--The regiment and brigade went on a foraging expedition to Flat Rock, and returned on the fourteenth, with train loaded with forage.

19th, 21st, 22d. The regiment guarded railroad-train and were engaged in tearing up rails on East-Point Railroad to and from East-Point.

26th. The regiment, with other troops, went on a foraging expedition to Yellow River, Georgia, and returned the twenty-ninth, having met with good success, and filling five hundred wagons with forage. The intermediate time between October twenty-ninth and November fifth was passed in performing the usual duties of camp.

November 5.--Regiment broke camp at three P. M., and, with brigade and division, moved out on the McDonough road, and bivouacked till

6th. The order to march having been countermanded, the regiment returned to camp at Atlanta at twelve M.

9th. At six A. M., a body of rebel cavalry, estimated at one thousand two hundred, attacked the works in front of us with shell, and were repulsed, leaving three men killed and two wounded. Casualties on our side, none. The time from November ninth to the fifteenth was principally spent in preparing for the grand campaign which was to follow.

15th. The regiment left their camp at Atlanta at seven A. M., with sixteen officers, two hundred and forty-four musket-bearing men, forty-six daily-duty men, musicians, and non-commissioned staff, being an aggregate of three hundred and six men; and marched to near Stone Mountain, and bivouacked at four A. M. of the sixteenth.

16th. Marched at seven A. M. Crossed Yellow River at half-past 12 P. M., and bivouacked at half-past 5 P. M. at Turtle Field.

17th. Marched at five A. M. Bivouacked at half-past 4 P. M., near Ulcofauhatchie River, on Circle road.

18th. Marched at half-past 5 A. M., and cross ed Ulcofauhatchie River. At seven A. M., passed through Social Circle, and halted for dinner at Ridgeway, fifty-seven miles from Atlanta. Regiment and brigade guarding train. Bivouacked at six P. M. one mile from Madison.

19th. Marched at five A. M. Regiment, brigade, and division left the corps, and went on an expedition by themselves. Our brigade was second in line, and halted at two P. M. until the Second brigade, which was in the advance, destroyed a large section of the Augusta Railroad. Bivouacked at half-past 3 P. M., on a large plantation at Blue Springs. Destroyed about eighty rods of the railroad.

20th. Marched at eight A. M., One Hundred and [197] Forty-ninth in advance of division. Reached Oconee River at nine A. M. Halted for the night at Denham's Mills, and regiment went on picket. The regimental headquarters were at the house of Mr. Denham, owner of the mills and plantation. He had previously left, with his family, for Secessia.

21st. Marched at nine A. M., regiment rearguard. As we passed the mills of Mr. Denham, they were burning splendidly. Bivouacked at dark, till

22d. Marched at seven A. M., and rejoined the corps at twelve M. Sighted Milledgeville at four P. M., and passed through the capital city at eight P. M. Crossed the Oconee River, and bivouacked one mile east of the city at eleven P. M.

23d. Remained in camp till one P. M., when regiment and brigade, with one brigade of the First division, went out three miles toward Gordon, and destroyed railroad track. Returned to camp at seven P. M.

24th. Seven A. M., marched into the main road, and halted until the Fourteenth corps passed. Resumed march, and bivouacked at dark one mile south-east of Town Creek.

25th. Marched nine A. M., as far as Buffalo Creek Swamp. Remained until nine bridges, destroyed by rebels, were rebuilt across the swamp. At eight P. M., moved across, and bivouacked at half-past 9 P. M.

26th. Marched at seven A. M., the regiment guarding ammunition-train. Passed through Sandersville at half-past 1 P. M. Marched to Tennille Station, on the Macon and Savannah Railroad, reaching that point at half-past 3 P. M. Our division, with the First, destroyed the depot and about two miles of railroad-track. Bivouacked at seven P. M., in a field beside the railroad.

27th. Our regiment moved on to the railroad again at eight A. M., in advance of the division, and deployed companies B and F as skirmishers. The balance of the regiment was the advance-guard. The rest of the division engaged in destroying the track. Left the railroad at three P. M., and marched to Davisboro, and bivouacked at nine P. M.

28th. The regiment marched at eight A. M. back on to the railroad, to the point at which they left it on the twenty-seventh, and tore up and destroyed the track to the wagon-road leading to Davisboro. About four P. M., a small body of rebel cavalry made a dash at the Third brigade where they were at work, but seeing our strength, skedaddled on double-quick, only wounding one man in the brigade. Returned to Davisboro, and bivouacked at eight P. M.

29th. Marched at six A. M. Bivouacked at seven P. M., six miles east of Spears's Station. Regiment went on picket.

30th. Marched at half-past 6 A. M., and crossed the Ogeechee River at five P. M. Bivouacked at half-past 6 P. M., two miles east of the river, one mile from Louisville, and near the plantation of Herschel V. Johnson.

December 1.--Marched at half-past 6 A. M., brigade in advance. Passed the Fourteenth corps at four P. M., and bivouacked at five P. M. at Stone Cross-Roads.

2d. Marched at seven A. M., regiment and brigade guarding division-train. Crossed Buckhead Creek, and bivouacked at Buckhead Church, four miles from Millen, the junction of the railroads from Augusta and from Macon for Savannah.

3d. Marched at half-past 12 P. M. Passed near the stockade where thousands of our men (prisoners) had been confined. Crossed the Augusta Railroad, and continued our march until four A. M. of the fourth.

4th. Marched at eight A. M. Crossed Horse Creek at twelve M., and halted until dark, for a bridge to be built across a swamp. Resumed march, crossed the swamp, and bivouacked at seven P. M.

5th. Marched at nine A. M., regiment rear-guard. Crossed Little Horse Creek, marched until nine P. M., and bivouacked in the field.

6th. Marched at half-past 8 A. M. Found the roads much obstructed by trees fallen across them — the work of rebels. Bivouacked in the field at eight P. M.

7th. Marched at seven A. M., our brigade in advance of division. Went into camp for the night near Springfield. Regiment on picket.

8th. Pickets recalled at seven A. M., and regiment in rear of division. Marched to near Middleton's Mills, and bivouacked at half-past 4 P. M.

9th. Marched at half-past 7 A. M. Cannonading heard most of the day. At three P. M., our regiment, brigade, and division were formed in line of battle on the west side of a swamp, four miles from Monteith. The road through the swamp was blockaded by the rebels, and was commanded also by a fort. The rebel force was flanked by two regiments crossing the swamp, one on each side of the road, and the rebels were thereby forced to retreat. At four P. M. we advanced, and bivouacked in the swamp until

10th. Marched at half-past 8 A. M., regiment and brigade guarding wagon-train. Passed the fort and obstructions in the road; crossed the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, and moved down on the main road, between the railroad and Savannah River, to within five miles of Savannah, and bivouacked.

11th. At eight A. M. advanced toward the city, and drove the enemy into their works. The siege of Savannah commenced. Our regiment occupied a ditch and formed breastworks of it. Were ordered out at one o'clock in the night, to charge the enemy's works, but the order was countermanded, and the troops returned to our own works. Regiment remained in the works until the fifteenth, without any casualties. On the fifteenth, Ezra Hall, of company H, was wounded by a piece of shell. This was the first and only man wounded during the campaign. Regiment remained in our works, picketing our [198] own front, and under an almost incessant fire of shell from the rebel batteries, until the morning of

21st. At two A. M., it was discovered that the rebels had evacuated their works, and were retreating. Our division advanced at three A. M., toward the city, our regiment the advance-guard. Companies B and F were sent forward as skirmishers, and entered the city at five A. M., closely followed by the rest of the division; and the city was surrendered, and at once taken possession of by our forces. In the haste of the regiment to leave their works and enter the city, the men left every thing behind, except arms and accoutrements, and the One Hundred and Forty-ninth had the proud honor of first entering the city of Savannah.


Total killed, or since died of wounds,none
Total wounded,1
Total taken prisoners,none
Total sent to hospital, sick,4
Total left on the road, sick,2
Total died from disease on march,1
Fell out on march, whereabouts unknown,2

The regiment left Atlanta in excellent spirits and health, and full of confidence of the successful termination of the campaign ; and their conduct throughout the march and while in the trenches before the city, was worthy of the cause for which we are fighting, and was such as commanded admiration from their commanders, and demonstrated that the utmost confidence exists between our generals and the Union soldiers.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

Nicholas Grumback, Major Commanding Regiment.

Lieutenant-Colonel Doane's Report.

headquarters Thirty-Third Massachusetts volunteers, Savannah, Georgia, Dec. 24, 1864.
Lieutenant Pliny E. Watson, Aid-de-Camp:
sir: In accordance with circular received at these headquarters I have the honor to submit the following report:

This regiment entered Atlanta Monday, September fifth, and was immediately assigned to duty as guard at the military prison upon Peachtree street.

Monday, September twelfth, it was relieved from this duty and ordered to report to Colonel W. Cogswell, Second Massachusetts volunteers, Post Commandant, for duty as provost-guard. The regiment was continued upon this duty during the occupation of the city by our forces. During this period no foraging-parties were sent out, but a small detail accompanied two general foraging expeditions, and brought in each time a wagonload of corn-fodder.

November sixteenth, the regiment broke camp and started upon the march with the other regiments of the provost-guard, in the rear of the Fourteenth corps. It moved on the line of the Augusta Railroad as far as Covington, thence south through Eatonton to Milledgeville, reaching the latter place November twenty-third. At this point the regiment joined the brigade, and has since remained with it.

Daily foraging expeditions were sent out, from November eighteenth to December tenth, inclusive. During the march the regiment was supplied almost entirely from the country. The following is as accurate a statement as I am able to give of the supplies so obtained:

Three hundred and thirty (330) bushels potatoes; two thousand eight hundred (2800) pounds fresh pork; ten (10) bushels corn-meal; five (5) barrels sorghum; three (3) barrels beans; three hundred and seventy-five (375) chickens and other poultry; eight thousand two hundred and fifty (8250) pounds corn; also, three thousand two hundred (3200) pounds fresh beef, received from brigade commissary.

The number of horses captured was as follows: Three (3) horses; three (3) mules; nineteen (19) head of cattle.

I have no destruction of railroad to report, not having been detailed for that purpose during the march. The report of the regiment since leaving Milledgeville is simply that of the brigade. I have to report no casualties or skirmishes during the march, or since arriving before this place.

Respectfully yours,

Elisha Doane, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding.

Lieutenant-Colonel Merrill's Report.

headquarters Seventieth Indiana volunteer infantry, Savannah, Georgia, December 24, 1864.
Lieutenant Trego, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General:
sir: I have the honor to report that on the first day of November I resumed the command of the Seventieth Indiana, which, for six weeks previous, had been in charge of Major Z. S. Ragan. At that date the aggregate present of the regiment was four hundred and thirteen, which was increased to five hundred and thirty-two on the fifth by an addition caused by a consolidation with the Twenty-seventh Indiana. On the fourteenth, we left the Chattahoochee River, reaching Atlanta the same day.

On the fifteenth, the time of moving from Atlanta, there were nine animals in my possession, for which, in the fifteen days previous, there had been drawn only three days rations, as the twelve days rations were foraged from the neighboring regions. Thirteen animals were added to the above number, making, in all, twenty-two, for which the Government has furnished no rations, but forage was collected from the country to supply their wants.

The number of rations issued to the men of the command, I have no means of ascertaining.

Since the organization of the regiment, the supply of food has never been so abundant as during the recent campaign.

The health of the command has been excellent, the average number unfit for duty being less than one in one hundred. [199]

The daily report of the regiment has been no casualties.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

S. Merrill, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Seventieth Indiana Vols.

Major Elliott's Report.

History of the Sixtieth regiment New-York veteran volunteers, from September second to December twenty-first, 1864:

First. From the second to the fourteenth of September, the regiment was occupied, in pursuance to orders, with the remainder of the brigade, in constructing quarters and occupying works for defence, south of the city of Atlanta. On the fourteenth, under orders received from the division commander, the regiment proceeded to Chattanooga as an escort to paymasters, awaiting an opportunity to pay the army. Returning on the twenty-third, it took its former position, which was retained without material change, till the eleventh of October, when, with the brigade, it proceeded as a portion of an expedition sent out in the direction of Yellow River, for forage. A large amount of forage was obtained, very fortunately, supplying the command when much needed.

Second. The enemy having destroyed a portion of the railroad in rear of Atlanta, on the twenty-first of October, the regiment forming a portion of the command assigned in replacing it by iron obtained from the road in the vicinity of East-Point, which duty was continued till all railroad iron was removed from East-Point to Atlanta. On the twenty-fourth of October, as a portion of one of the various foraging expeditions, the regiment a second time assisted in procuring a large amount of forage, being absent three days in the direction of Stone Mountain. From the time of returning, nothing of moment transpired in the command to the fifteenth of November, other than ordinary camp duty, with the necessary preparations for an active campaign.

Third. The regiment left Atlanta on the fifteenth of November, and on the twenty-second, was among the first troops that entered the capital of Georgia. During the march to Milledgeville, all public property and matter available to the enemy was either destroyed or appropriated; among the rest, the noted and extensive Dunham tannery and shoe manufactory, near Eatonton, in which duty the regiment participated. On the twenty-third, the command was engaged and assisted in destroying the railroad from Milledgeville, in the direction of Gordon Junction, returning the same night, and leaving Milledgeville on the twenty-fourth. On the twenty-sixth, the Georgia Central Railroad was struck and the work of destruction commenced, which duty was repeated at times through the remainder of the campaign. On the twenty-eighth of November, while engaged in this duty near Davisboro, the regiment was attacked by and became engaged with about two hundred cavalry of the enemy, who were driven from position, and were among the first of the enemy seen since the campaign began. On the thirtieth, after crossing the Ogeechee River, the regiment was assigned to guard and destroy the bridge, which duty was thoroughly performed on the morning of December first. The regiment rejoined the brigade the same day. On the morning of the eleventh, the regiment was assigned to the right of the brigade, and before the day closed, was in line confronting the enemy in front of Savannah. From the first to the eleventh of December, the duty of the regiment has been the usual destruction of public property and the laborious work of crossing Georgia swamps with heavy trains. The position taken by the regiment on the eleventh was retained till the morning of the twenty-first, resulting in the following casualties: Two (2) officers and four (4) enlisted men, wounded. At half-past 3 o'clock, morning twenty-first, the regiment was in line, constituting a portion of the command that entered Savannah at sunrise. The regiment was assigned the duty of guarding approaches to the city near the canal. In performing this duty, a body of the enemy was soon discovered, consisting of two commissioned officers and thirty-four enlisted men, who were guarding an extensive arsenal, which was duly surrendered, with its guard, to a detachment sent out for the purpose. Besides these, a number were captured on the occupation of the city. With the capture of Savannah closes the campaign. History will record the results as a monumental record to the master mind conceiving it.

A grateful nation await with a hearty greeting for the “willing hearts and strong arms that have executed.”

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

Thomas Elliott, Major Commanding Sixtieth Regiment New York Veteran Volunteers.

Lieutenant G. W. Clark's Report.

History of the command of the One Hundred and Ninth regiment Pennsylvania veteran volunteers, from November fifteenth to December twenty-first, 1864:

November 15, 1864.--Left Atlanta, Georgia, at seven o'clock A. M., and encamped near Stone Mountain, Georgia, at half-past 2 A. M., on the Rock Ridge road.

16th. On the march from half-past 8 o'clock A. M., until night.

17th. On the march.

18th. Left camp at half-past 7 A. M., and encamped at night near Madison, Georgia.

19th. Passed through Madison, Georgia, at daylight; regiment in advance of the division, destroying railroad.

20th. On the march, destroying railroad at night, and encamped.

21st. On the march.

22d. On the march. Reached Milledgeville, Georgia, at six P. M.

23d. Lay in camp near Milledgeville, Georgia.

24th. Left camp at seven A. M.; Third regiment in line as train-guard. Encamped at eleven o'clock P. M., near Gum Creek. [200]

25th. On the march at seven A. M., until noon, then halted. At nightfall crossed swamp and Big Buffalo Creek, and encamped.

26th. On the march. Advance-guard of the division passed through Sandersville, Georgia, and encamped at night near the railroad.

27th. Command was engaged in destroying railroad. Encamped at eleven P. M., near Davisboro, Georgia. Rear-guard of division.

28th. On the march; guard on corps headquarter train. Encamped at night at Spears's Turn-out.

29th. On the march at daylight, destroying railroad.

30th. Still destroying railroad, also railroad bridge; then crossed the river and encamped at eleven P. M.

December 1.--On the march.

2d. On the march all day. Encamped at four o'clock P. M., near Buckhead Creek.

3d. On the march; train-guard; swampy country.

4th, 5th, 6th. On the march; making slow progress on account of swamps and poor roads.

7th. On the march at eight o'clock A. M. En, camped at half-past 8 P. M., near Springfield, Georgia.

8th. Passed Springfield, Georgia, and encamped at half-past 3 o'clock P. M.

9th. Arms and accoutrements inspected; then on the march, and encamped at dark.

10th. Left camp at daylight; rear-guard on wagon-train. Marched till dark, and encamped about five and a half miles from Savannah, Georgia.

11th. Took position on river.

12th to 20th. Still lying near the river doing picket-duty, and giving details for foraging expeditions; also engaged in erecting fortifications. Casualties were none.

21st. Left our positions, and entered Savannah, Georgia, at eight o'clock A. M.

Walter G. Dunn, Captain Company C, Commanding One Hundred and Ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. G. W. Clark, Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant.

Captain Clark's Report.

Report of Animals captured and Forage taken up and consumed under direction of Frederick L. Clark, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, during the campaign against Savannah, Georgia.

Date.By whom Captured.Horses.Mules.Corn, pounds.Fodder, pounds.Rice, pounds.
Nov. and Q. M. Department and Dec. Ordnance Supply Train.204095,000175,00015,000
Total captured,204095,000175,00015,000

I certify that the above is a correct report of animals captured and forage taken up and consumed under my direction, during the campaign against Savannah, Georgia.

Frederick L. Clark, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster.

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Savannah (Georgia, United States) (35)
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Milledgeville (Georgia, United States) (13)
Davisboro (Georgia, United States) (8)
Stone Mountain (Georgia, United States) (6)
Ogeechee (Georgia, United States) (6)
McDonough (Georgia, United States) (6)
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (6)
East Point (Georgia, United States) (6)
Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (5)
Social Circle (Georgia, United States) (5)
Oconee (Georgia, United States) (5)
Madison, Georgia (Georgia, United States) (5)
Decatur, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (5)
Yellow River, Georgia (Georgia, United States) (4)
Sandersville (Georgia, United States) (4)
Macon (Georgia, United States) (4)
Eatonton (Georgia, United States) (4)
Savannah River (United States) (3)
Millen (Georgia, United States) (3)
Hutchinson's Island (South Carolina, United States) (3)
Buckhead Creek (Georgia, United States) (3)
Sylvania (Georgia, United States) (2)
Sheffield, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Monteith (Missouri, United States) (2)
King's Bridge (Alabama, United States) (2)
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station (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Tennille (Georgia, United States) (1)
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Springfield, Georgia (Georgia, United States) (1)
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Rutledge (Georgia, United States) (1)
Rock Bridge (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Ridgeway, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Resaca (Georgia, United States) (1)
Paraclifta (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Jonesborough (Alabama, United States) (1)
Horse Creek (Missouri, United States) (1)
Gordon Junction (Texas, United States) (1)
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (1)
Fort McAllister (Georgia, United States) (1)
Covington (Georgia, United States) (1)
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Chattahoochee River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (1)
Buffalo Creek, Newton County, Missouri (Missouri, United States) (1)
Buckhead (Georgia, United States) (1)
Blue Springs (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Big Buffalo Creek (North Carolina, United States) (1)
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