Doc. 41.-the battle of Chickamauga.
Message of the President.
I herewith transmit, for your information, a communication from the Secretary of War, covering a copy of the reports of General Bragg and his subordinate commanders, of the battle of Chickamauga.
Confederate States of Ameica, War Department, Richmond, Va., May 19, 1864.
To His Excellency the President:
Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith, for the information of Congress, copies of the reports of General Bragg and his subordinate commanders, of the battle of Chickamauga.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant, To His Excellency the President:
James A. Seddon, Secretary of War.
Report of General Bragg
warm Springs, Georgia, December 28, 1863.
General S. Cooper, Adjutant General C. S. A., Richmond, Va:
Sir: Most of the subordinate reports of the operations of our troops at the battle of Chickamauga, having been received, are herewith forwarded; and for the better understanding of the movements preceding and following that important event, the following narrative is submitted:
On the twentieth of August it was ascertained certainly that the Federal army from Middle Tennessee, under General Rosecrans, had crossed the mountains to Stevenson and Bridgeport.
His force of effective infantry and artillery amounted to fully seventy thousand, divided into four corps.
About the same time, General Burnside advanced from Kentucky towards Knoxville, East Tennessee, with a force estimated by the General commanding that Department at over twenty-five thousand.
In view of the great superiority of numbers brought against him, General Buckner concluded to evacuate Knoxville, and, with a force of about five thousand infantry and artillery, and his cavalry, took position in the vicinity of Loudon.
Two brigades of his command, Frazier's, at Cumberland Gap, and Jackson's, in Northeast Tennessee, were thus severed from us. The enemy having already obtained a lodgment in East Tennessee by another route, the continued occupation of Cumberland Gap became very hazardous to the garrison, and comparatively unimportant to us. Its evacuation was accordingly ordered, but on the appeal of its commander, stating his resources and ability for defence, favorably endorsed by Major-General Buckner, the orders were suspended on the thirty-first of August.
The main body of our army was encamped near Chattanooga, whilst the cavalry force, much reduced and enfeebled by long service on short rations, was recruiting in the vicinity of Rome, Georgia.
Immediately after crossing the mountains to the Tennessee, the enemy threw a corps by way of Sequatchie Valley to strike the rear of General Buckner's command, whilst Burnside occupied him in front.
One division already ordered to his assistance proving insufficient to meet the force concentrating on him, Buckner was directed to withdraw to the Hiawassee with his infantry, artillery and supplies, and to hold his cavalry in front to check the enemy's advance.
As soon as this change was made, the corps threatening his rear was withdrawn, and the enemy commenced a movement in force against our left and rear.
On the last of August it became known that he had crossed his main force over the Tennessee River, at and near Carpenter's Ferry, the most accessible point from Stevenson.
By a direct route he was now as near our main depot of supplies as we were, and our whole line of communication was exposed, whilst his was partially secured by mountains and the river.
By the timely arrival of two small divisions from Mississippi our effective force, exclusive of cavalry, was now a little over thirty-five thousand, with which it was determined to strike on the first favorable opportunity.
Closely watched by our cavalry, which had been brought forward, it was soon ascertained that the enemy's general movement was towards our left and rear, in the direction of Dalton and Rome, keeping Lookout Mountain between us. The nature of the country and the want of supplies in it, with the presence of Burnside's force on our right, rendered a movement on the enemy's rear with our inferior force extremely hazardous, if not impracticable.
It was, therefore, determined to meet him in front whenever he should emerge from the mountain gorges.
To do this and hold Chattanooga was impossible, without such a division of our small force as to endanger both parts.
Accordingly our troops were put in position on the seventh and eighth of September, and took position from Lee and Gordon's Mill to Lafayette, on the road leading south from Chattanooga and fronting the east slope of Lookout Mountain.
The forces on the Hiawassee and at Chickamauga Station took the route by Ringgold.
A small cavalry force was left in observation at Chattanooga, and a brigade of infantry, strongly supported by cavalry, was left at Ringgold to hold the railroad and protect it from raids.
As soon as our movement was known to the enemy, his corps nearest Chattanooga, and which had been threatening Buckner's rear, was thrown into that place, and shortly thereafter commenced to move on our rear by the two roads to Lafayette and Ringgold.
Two other corps were now in Will's Valley, one nearly opposite the head of McLemore's Cove, a valley formed
by Lookout Mountain and a spur of the main ridge called Pigeon Mountain, and the other at or near Colonel Winston's, opposite Alpine.
During the ninth, it was ascertained that a column, estimated at from four thousand to eight thousand, had crossed Lookout Mountain into the cove, by way of Stevens' and Cooper's Gaps.
Thrown off his guard by our rapid movement — apparently in retreat, when, in reality, we had concentrated opposite his centre — and deceived by the information from deserters and others sent into his lines, the enemy pressed on his columns to intercept us, and thus exposed himself in detail.
Major-General Hindman received verbal instructions on the ninth to prepare his division to move against this force, and was informed that another division from Lieutenant-General Hill's command, at Lafayette, would join him. That evening the following written orders were issued to Generals Hindman and Hill: General S. Cooper, Adjutant General C. S. A., Richmond, Va:
headquarters army of Tennessee, Lee and Gordon's Mill, 11 3/4 P. M., Sept. 9, 1863.General: You will move with your division immediately to Davis' Cross-roads, on the road from Lafayette to Stevens' Gap. At this point you will put yourself in communication with the column of General Hill, ordered to move to the same point, and take command of the forces, or report to the officer commanding Hill's column, according to rank. If in command, you will move upon the enemy, reported to be four thousand or five thousand strong, encamped at the foot of Lookout Mountain, at Stevens' Gap. Another column of the enemy is reported to be at Cooper's Gap — number not known. I am, General, &c.,
Major-General Hindman, commanding Division:Kinloch Falconer, Assistant-Adjutant-General.
headquarters army of Tennessee, Lee and Gordon's Mill, 11 3/4 P. M., Sept. 9, 1863.General: I enclose orders given to
Lieutenant-General Hill, commanding Corps: