Doc. 51.-battles of Pocotaligo and Yemassee.
Report of Brigadier-General W. S. Walker.1
headquarters Third Military District, S. C., Pocotaligo, November 4, 1862.
Brigadier-General Thomas Jordan, Chief of Staff and A. A. G.:
Sir: I have the honor to report, that about nine o'clock, on the morning of the twenty-second of October, I was informed by my pickets that the enemy were landing in force at Mackey's Point, from twelve gunboats and transports.
I was notified, at the same time, that they were ascending the Coosawhatchie River with four transports.
The command was immediately ordered under arms, to march to Old Pocotaligo.
I moved in advance to the telegraph office; and made the following disposition of my forces: The Lafayette artillery, four pieces, under Lieutenant LeBleur, and a section of the Beaufort volunteer artillery, under Lieutenant N. M. Stuart, were ordered to Coosawhatchie, a town two miles distant from my headquarters in McPhersonville, and five from Old Pocotaligo.
Captain Wyman's company, stationed near Coosawhatchie, and five other companies of the Eleventh regiment of infantry, from Hardeeville, were ordered to support this artillery.
Colonel Colcocke's command of five companies of cavalry, and two companies of sharpshooters, had been recently notified to expect an attack at Coosawhatchie, and in that event were instructed to move to its support.
Major Jefford's command, of three companies of cavalry, were ordered from Green Pond to the Saltkehatchie Bridge.
With the blessings of a good Providence, these combinations of my forces, scattered over an extent of sixty miles, were effected in time to foil the enemy.
I also telegraphed to General Beauregard's headquarters to Brigadier-General Hagood, commanding Second Military District, and to Brigadier-General Mercer, at Savannah, for reinforcements, requesting those from Charleston to disembark at Pocotaligo, and those from Savannah at Coosawhatchie.
Captain W. L. Trenholm, who was in command of the outposts, consisting of two companies — his Rutledge mounted riflemen and Captain Kirk's partisan rangers — was ordered to withdraw the main body of the pickets, only leaving a few important posts guarded.
The force with which I first engaged the enemy consisted of two sections of the Beaufort volunteer artillery and the Nelson light artillery, eight pieces, under the command of Captain Stephen Elliott; the Charleston light dragoons, Captain B. W. Rutledge; First battalion cavalry, Major Morgan; Captain D. B. Heyward's company of cavalry; Captain Kirk's partisan rangers; Captain Allston's company of sharpshooters; Captain Izard's Company I, of the Eleventh regiment of infantry, Lieutenant W. L. Campbell commanding; number in all four hundred and seventy-five (475).
As one-fourth of the cavalry were horse-holders, the force actually engaged was reduced to four hundred and five (405) men.
The force of the enemy was represented by prisoners, and confirmed by the statement of negroes who had crossed Port Royal Ferry to the main land on that day and been captured, to be seven regiments, one of which I judge went to Coosawhatchie.
I sent in advance a section of the Beaufort volunteer artillery, supported by Captain Allston's sharpshooters and two companies of cavalry under Major Morgan to skirmish with the
enemy, while I took position on the Mackey's Point road, near Dr. Hutson's residence, at a salt marsh skirted by woods on both sides and crossed by a causeway.
After a short encounter with the enemy, in which Major Morgan, while at the head of his command, was severely wounded in the ankle, my advance force retired in good order to the main position.
The Beaufort artillery was posted in and near the road commanding the causeway, and the Nelson artillery in an open field in the rear of the line of skirmishers and screened from the enemy by the trees in front.
A dropping fire of infantry first commenced, which was soon swelled by their artillery.
Owing to the close proximity of the trees fringing the other side of the swamp, I found that my artillery were suffering severely in men and horses, and, accordingly, after holding my ground for three-quarters of an hour, I determined to withdraw to a second position two miles and a half in rear.
This was done in good order, Captain Allston's sharpshooters and part of Company 1, Eleventh infantry, covering our retreat and behaving for the most part with great spirit.
At the head of the road I was joined by Captain Trenholm with the larger portion of his company and Captain Kirk's. I assigned the command of the cavalry to him, and ordered my whole force to move back across Pocotaligo Bridge and take up a position among the houses and scattered trees of the hamlet.
The artillery was placed in position to command the bridge and causeway — the Charleston light dragoons being held in reserve.
The bridge was ordered to be torn up; and this was scarcely done when the enemy appeared in sight and commenced a continuous and rapid fire of musketry and rifled guns.
Lieutenant Massie, of the Nelson artillery, could bring only one piece of his battery into action, owing to the original smallness of his company, now greatly reduced by deaths and wounds.
Two pieces of the Beaufort artillery were silenced by the disabling of the gunners; the remaining two kept up a fire to the close of the fight.
The enemy's artillery was entirely silenced and withdrawn early in the action.
One piece of the Beaufort Artillery was most judiciously withdrawn during the battle and posted three hundred yards on my right under Sergeant-Major Fuller.
It was retired by a crossroad unseen by the enemy, and had all the effect of a reinforcement from its new and unexpected position.
It fired spherical case, and the practice was excellent
At the crisis of the fight I ordered up the Charleston Light Dragoons.
That gallant corps came forward with an inspiriting shout and took position on my left which wanted strengthening.
I had been notified by telegraph that reinforcements were on the way from Charleston and Savannah and Adams' Run.
The Nelson battalion of two hundred men, Captain Slight commanding, was the only reinforcement that arrived in time for the fight, about an hour and a half before its close.
As soon as this corps made its appearance near the field, I ordered one-half to a position commanding a causeway some six hundred yards on my right, to protect my flank; and the remainder was deployed to the front to relieve my exhausted men. The arrival of this battalion gave me assurance of victory; I felt perfectly certain of success.
The two companies sent to my right under Captain Brooks were well handled; one was deployed as skirmishers and subjected to a scattering fire.
Their appearance threatened the enemy's flank, and no doubt hastened his retreat.
The enemy continued their fire until six o'clock P. M., when it slackened and ceased.
I then sent a squad of six men of the Rutledge Mounted Riflemen over the bridge to ascertain the position of the enemy.
The bridge was in so damaged a condition that it was some time before the infantry could cross.
The cavalry were obliged to make a circuit of five miles to reach the head of the road by which the enemy had retreated.
This enabled them to retire unmolested.
As soon as the cavalry arrived, I sent two companies, Rutledge Mounted Riflemen, Lieutenant L. I. Walker commanding, and Captain Kirk's Partisan Rangers, to follow up the retreat.
I was reluctant to send a larger force, as I did not know the result of the contest at Coosawhatchie, and from the telegraph wire being cut, was fearful it was disastrous to our arms.
A locomotive was despatched from Pocotaligo Station by my Aid, Mr. R. M. Fuller, and two couriers by myself to that point to reconnoitre, while I held my force at the junction of the Mackey's Point and Coosawhatchie roads, ready to operate either way. The cavalry had proceeded but two and a half miles in pursuit when they were stopped by a bridge completely torn up and destroyed by the enemy in their flight.
This could not be repaired until morning.
There were abundant evidences that the retreat of the enemy was precipitate and disordered.
One hundred small arms were picked up and a considerable amount of stores and ammunition.
The road was strewn with the debris of the beaten foe. Forty-six of the enemy's dead were found on the battle-field and roadside.
Seven fresh graves were discovered at Mackey's Point.
I estimated their total killed and wounded at three hundred.
The fight, from the first fire of our advance to the final retreat of the enemy, lasted from half past 11 o'clock A. M. to six o'clock P. M. We have ample reason to believe that our small force not only fought against great odds, but against fresh troops brought up to replace those first engaged.
The entire command had been earnestly warned in orders not to waste their fire.
This caution was urged upon them during the action by the commanding officer, his aids, and the company officers.
I am satisfied, from my own observation, they fired with care and
judgment; and yet some of our men expended eighty rounds of cartridges in the battle.
The close vicinity of the ordnance train under its energetic chief, Captain W. W. Elliott, enabled me to keep up the supply.
I beg to express my admiration of the remarkable courage and tenacity with which the troops held their ground.
The announcement of my determination to maintain my position until reinforcements arrived seemed to fix them to the spot with unconquerable resolution.
The rapid and continuous volleys of the enemy's musketry were only intermitted while fresh troops were brought up and while those engaged retired.
The Beaufort volunteer artillery fought with great courage, and their pieces were admirably served.
Captain Stephen Elliott, whose name is identified with the history of the defence of this coast by many a daring exploit, behaved with his accustomed coolness, skill, and determination.
Captain Trenholm, in command of the cavalry, again exhibited high qualities as a soldier on the same ground where he had won his first laurels.
Captain Edwards, Company “B,” First battalion cavalry, showed good conduct in the command of his company.
Lieutenant Walker, commanding the Rutledge Mounted Riflemen, displayed judgment and daring.
His company were as steady as veterans, using their rifles with great precision and effect.
When the battle was hottest I ordered Lieutenant Walker to take a squad of his men and assist the Beaufort artillery to remove one of their pieces further to the rear.
This was most gallantly done under a severe fire.
Lieutenant Massie, of the Nelson Light Artillery, was active and energetic in the service of his guns.
Captain Rutledge, of the Charleston Light dragoons, was cool and collected in both fights.
His gallant corps was held in reserve, and when they took up their position, came with a most inspiriting cheer, which the men engaged returned, thus giving the impression to the enemy of decided reinforcements.
The government is greatly indebted to Captain Sligh and his brave battalion for their timely aid. Captain Sligh behaved with marked coolness and courage.
Captain2--------and Lieutenant3--------who came immediately under my notice, showed zeal and bravery.
I have again to commend the conduct of Lieutenant R. M. Skinner, acting adjutant of the First battallion cavalry.
He was among the foremost on the field until disable by a severe wound in the arm.
Enclosed is Colonel Colcocke's report of the engagement at Coosawhatchie; it will be seen that his command behaved with spirit and success.
The most important point to defend was the raiload bridge over the Coosawhatchie river.
From this the enemy were very quickly driven by our artillery fire, but they succeeded in penetrating to a point on the railroad west of the bridge, before the cavalry arrived; one or two rails only being torn up and the telegraph wire cut, the damage was repaired in a few minutes.
After the enemy had retired to their gunboats, the cavalry under Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson, fired with effect upon their crowded decks.
To the following gentlemen, acting as my personal staff, I desire to express my thanks for their zeal, gallantry, and intelligent discharge of duty: Captain Hartstene, C. S. N., Naval Aid, Captain W. W. Elliott, Ordnance Officer, Captain George P. Elliott, Captain John H. Screven, Corporal D. Walker, and privates Tripp and Martin, of the Rutledge Mounted Riflemen, and private E. B. Bell, of the Seventeenth Battalion, S. C. V. Privates F. F. Davant and Ion Simmons, of the Charleston Light Dragoons, had their horses shot, and afterwards fought with their company on foot.
My Aid, Mr. R. M. Fuller, rendered valuable service by the intelligent discharge of his duty at the telegraph office.
The Messrs.
Cuthbert, father and son, gave me useful assistance.
Privates Tripp and Bell were seriously, and private Martin slightly wounded.
Captain Hartstene's horse was wounded, and Captain Walker's killed.
The judgment, coolness, and gallantry displayed by Captain Hartstene, were as conspicuous on land as he has hitherto shown on sea. I must express my indebtedness to Mr. Buck-halter of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, for valuable services, and for the resolution and courage with which he urged a train filled with troops, after the engineer had been killed, through an ambuscade of the enemy to Coosa-whatchie.
When the engagement was over, ample reinforcements arrived from Savannah and Charleston.
The enemy's gunboats remained in a commanding position off Mackay's Point on the twenty-third, covering their embarkation.
My force could not be moved nearer than two miles without being exposed to a destructive fire.
A detachment of cavalry under Captain Trenholm closely watched their operations, occasionally saluted by their shells.
On the night of the twenty-third, Sergeant Robinsons of the Rutledge Mounted Riflemen, made a reconnoissance up to the extreme point, and discovered that the enemy had abandoned the main land.
Early on the morning of the twenty-fourth, their gunboats disappeared.
I enclose a list of the casualties, and a sketch of the positions at which the different conflicts took place.
I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant, Brigadier-General Thomas Jordan, Chief of Staff and A. A. G.:
W. S. Walker. Brigadier-General, commanding.
[624] List of Casualties in the Battle of Pocotaligo, October 23, 1862.
killed. | wounded. | missing. | |
Company I, Eleventh Infantry | 2 | 8 | 2 |
Captain Allston's Sharpshooters | 1 | 7 | 2 |
Nelson's Battalion | 4 | 17 | |
Beaufort Volunteer Artillery | 1 | 13 | |
Nelson Light Artillery | 4 | 14 | |
Company A, First Battalion Cavalry | 1 | ||
Company B, First Battalion Cavalry | 1 | 9 | |
Company C, First Battalion Cavalry | 1 | 1 | |
Company D, First Battalion Cavalry | 1 | 2 | |
Rutledge Mounted Riflemen | 2 | ||
Charleston Light Dragoons | 8 | ||
Partisan Rangers | 1 | 2 | |
Marion Men of Combahee | 6 | 1 | |
Aggregate | 15 | 90 | 6 |
Report of Colonel C. J. Colcocke.
headquarters Third regiment cavalry, S. C. V., Grahamville, November 4, 1862.
Lieutenant Ed. H. Barnwell, A. A. A. General:
Sir: A little after nine o'clock on the morning of the twenty-second of October, it was reported to me unofficially that about daylight that morning the Abolition fleet, consisting of fourteen steamers, with numerous barges attached, had proceeded up Broad River.
Prostrated by a protracted spell of fever, from which I had just began to convalesce, I was too weak to take the field, but resumed the command of my post.
I ordered Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson to take command of the small force at my disposal, which consisted, as you are aware, of five companies of cavalry and two companies of sharpshooters, of Major Abney's battalion, who was in command, and to proceed with the least possible delay towards Coosawhatchie, to which point I was informed that a portion of the enemy's fleet were advancing.
On arriving at Bee's Creek, still four miles from Coosawhatchie, Colonel Johnson was informed that a portion of the Abolition forces were landing at Seabrook's Island, in his rear, a point indicating an attack upon this place.
To meet this he had to divide his command, and put three companies in the vicinity of Bee's Creek Hill.
This information was subsequently ascertained to be incorrect, but too late to make use of these forces in the defence of Coosawhatchie.
Proceeding with three companies of cavalry towards that point, upon arriving within two miles of it he ascertained that the enemy had already landed from a gunboat and barge lying a little below the Ocean Landing, and was advancing his column towards the direction of Bee's Creek Hill.
He immediately dismounted his men, and formed them as skirmishers to meet the expected attack.
This movement, however, was only a feint, as they soon “about faced” and advanced towards Coosawhatchie.
The ground being unfavorable for a charge, the effect of which would have necessarily been attended with severe loss to the cavalry, with a prospect of little injury to the enemy, Colonel Johnson very judiciously made a detour to the left, hoping to cut them off before they reached Coosawhatchie.
About this time the train, with a portion of Colonel Ellis' regiment and Captain Chisholm's company, of Major Abney's battalion, which had been taken up within a short distance of Coosawhatchie, as they were marching along the railroad track towards that point, passed by. The enemy hearing their approach for some distance (the two roads here running parallel and very close to each other), availed themselves of the opportunity to ambuscade and fire into the train.
The particulars of this disastrous affair I will not refer to, as I suppose a full report of all the circumstances will be made up by the officer in command of that detachment, who succeeded the late unfortunate Major Harrison.
It seems, that on arriving near Coosawhatchie, the enemy divided into two detachments, one of which ambuscaded thet rain as above referred to, and the other advanced to the river, for the purpose of destroying the railroad and turnpike bridges.
With timely forethought, you had fortunately
despatched at an early hour that morning, for their protection, the Lafayette artillery, Lieutenant Le Bleux commanding, and a section of Captain Elliott's battery, Lieutenant Stuart commanding.
These, supported by Captain Wyman's company of infantry, most gallantly repulsed the enemy in their attack on the bridges, and drove them in confusion towards their other detachments, which, beyond the range of our artillery, had succeeded in cutting the telegraph wire and displacing a couple of rails on the track.
About this time the cavalry, which had to make a considerable detour over very unfavorable ground, made its appearance, and the enemy beat a hasty retreat, the cavalry pursuing.
Unfortunately, the enemy had taken the precaution, in advancing, of destroying all the bridges, which so retarded the progress of the cavalry as to prevent their cutting off their retreat to their gunboat and barges.
Disappointed in this object, Colonel Johnson dismounted his men, and, deploying them as skirmishers, advanced to within about one hundred and thirty yards of the gunboats, where, under the protection of a few trees, they poured three volleys from their rifles into the crowded decks and barges of the enemy, which must have done considerable execution.
The companies composing this detachment consisted of Captains J. H. Howard's, A. B. Estes', under the immediate command of Lieutenant Peebles, and Captain George C. Heyward's. Recovering from their surprise, the enemy opened a terrific fire of grape, shell, and musketry, in which they were assisted by two of their gunboats stationed a half mile lower down the river, under whose enfilading fire our small force had to fall back.
In this affair I regret to inform you we lost private Thomas B. Fripp, of Captain Heyward's company, who fell mortally wounded, shot in three places — as gallant a soldier and true-hearted gentleman as ever fell a martyr in defending the cause of liberty.
First-Lieutenant T. G. Buckner, of Captain Heyward's company, was also severely, but I hope not mortally, wounded in the abdomen, and Corporal Thomas Farr, of the same company, received a flesh wound in the thigh, from which, I am happy to say, he is rapidly recovering.
That the casualties were not greater, I can only attribute to the interposition of a merciful Providence, who protects those fighting in a righteous cause.
For casualties occurring in Major Abney's command, I refer you to that officer's report, which you will find herewith enclosed.
Two hours after this train passed Grahamville another train arrived from Savannah with the Thirty-second and--------Georgia regiments, under the command of the gallant Colonel Harrison.
Unfortunately, they arrived at Coosawhatchie after the enemy had retired, and thus were denied the pleasure which they seemed earnestly to desire, of having a brush with the Abolitionists.
The enemy's boats retired immediately after the skirmish, leaving in their hasty retreat one of their splendid barges, capable of transporting seventy or eighty men.
The next morning not a sign of the Abolition fleet was to be seen in the upper waters of Broad River.
I have the honor to remain,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant, Lieutenant Ed. H. Barnwell, A. A. A. General:
C. J. Colcocke, Colonel, commanding.
headquarters Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, Charleston, S. C., December 12, 1863.
Report of the Casualties in the command of Brigadier-General W. S. Walker in the affair with the Abolitionists at Pocotaligo and Yemassee, October twenty-second, 1862.
name. | rank. | Company. | killed, wounded, and missing. |
C. Peters | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Killed. |
John F. Fulcher | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Killed. |
Wm. A. Thacker | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Killed. |
Thomas J. Allen | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Killed. |
E. E. Jefferson | 1st Lieutenant | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded slightly |
F. T. Massie | 2d Lieutenant | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded slightly |
George C. Eggleston | Sergeant | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded severely |
J. W. Eggleston | Sergeant | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded severely |
C. W. Coffey | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded severely |
W. W. Wright | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded severely |
B. W. Wright | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded slightly. |
B. W. Golsby | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded severely. |
E. W. Thacker | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded severely. |
G. W. Pugh | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded severely. |
John Allen | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded severely. |
C. T. Bowling | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded slightly. |
Sam Wood | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded slightly. |
Salath Wood | Corporal | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded slightly. |
R. W Campbell | Private | Nelson Va. Battery | Wounded slightly. |
S. Fenbril | Corporal | Co. C, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Killed. |
F. Turnipseed | Private | Co. C, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded, since died. |
S. F. Tolson | Private | Co. F, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Killed. |
G. Hale | Private | Co. F, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Killed. |
G. Bruce | Private | Co. F, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded, since died. |
G. McGougan | Private | Co. F, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded, since died. |
S. Sinclair | Private | Co. A, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in thigh. |
W. D. Hill | Sergeant | Co. C, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in arm. |
F. Davis | Sergeant | Co. C, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in leg. |
R. Y. Neil | Corporal | Co. C, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in chest. |
John Hawkins | Private | Co. C, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in leg. |
J. A. Davis | Private | Co. C, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in mouth. |
G. Evans | Private | Co. C, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in shoulder. |
C. Faust | Corporal | Co. E, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in shoulder. |
A. Ammond | Private | Co. E, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in eye. |
H. Dees | Private | Co. E, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in eye. |
R. Turner | Private | Co. F, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in shoulder. |
B. Turner | Private | Co. F, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in side. |
G. W. Horton | Private | Co. F, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in neck. |
J. Hopkins | Private | Co. F, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in head. |
G. Smith | Private | Co. G, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in arm. |
M. Gibrom | Private | Co. G, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in thigh. |
A. F. Hughes | Private | Co. G, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in thigh. |
Wm. Gustice | Private | Co. G, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in chest. |
W. R. Tiller | Private | Co. G, 7th Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded in thigh. |
J. A. Miles | Corporal | Charleston Light Dragoons | Wounded slightly. |
E. C. Holland | Private | Charleston Light Dragoons | Wounded slightly. |
G. E. Manigault | Private | Charleston Light Dragoons | Wounded slightly. |
M. B. Pringle | Private | Charleston Light Dragoons | Wounded slightly. |
James Hopkins | Private | Charleston Light Dragoons | Wounded severely. |
J. J. H. O'Neill | Private | Charleston Light Dragoons | Wounded severely. |
J. M. Prioleau | Private | Charleston Light Dragoons | Wounded severely. |
J. D. Porcher | Private | Charleston Light Dragoons | Wounded slightly. |
Skinner | Lieutenant | Co. A, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded painfully. |
A. S. Dukes | Private | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Killed. |
P. D. Rush | Lieutenant | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
J. P. Dautzler | Private | Co. A, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
J. S. Funches | Private | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
B. A. Trick | Private | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
S. B. Nias | Private | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
J. D. Rickenbacker | Private | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
J. W. Thomas | Private | Co. A, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
R. H. Wannamaker | Private | Co. A, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
H. E. Crisee | Private | Co. C, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded mortally. |
A. O. Banks | Lieutenant | Co. C, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Missing. |
J. G. Reaphart | Corporal | Co. C, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Missing. |
H. P. Hyser | Private | Co. C, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Missing. |
Thomas Fleckley | Private | Co. C, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Missing. |
J. J. Richardson | Private | Co. D, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Killed. |
W. W. Willis | Private | Co. D, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded painfully. |
R. N. W. Harkag | Private | Co. D, 1st Bat. S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
W. T. Speaks | Lieutenant | Kirk's Co. Par. Rangers | Wounded slightly. |
P. E. Terry | Lieutenant | Kirk's Co. Par. Rangers | Wounded painfully. |
B. W. Davis | Sergeant | Kirk's Co. Par. Rangers | Wounded in thigh. |
Jasper Johns | Private | Co. F, 3d S. C. Cavalry | Wounded in thigh. |
John Adams | Private | Co. F, 3d S. C. Cavalry | Wounded severely. |
L. Ritter | Private | Co. F, 3d S. C. Cavalry | Wounded in thigh. |
W. T. Remley | Private | Co. F, 3d S. C. Cavalry | Wounded in arm. |
W. D. Jordan | Private | Co. F, 3d S. C. Cavalry | Missing. |
J. J. Tripp | Private | Rutledge Mounted Rifles | Wounded severely. |
Sanders Glover | Private | Rutledge Mounted Rifles | Wounded slightly. |
T. G. Buckner | Lieutenant | Co. K, 3d S. C. V. Cavalry | Wounded severely. |
J. J. Harrison | Major | Co. K, 11th S. C. V. | Killed. |
G. W. Monroe | Private | Co. C, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
C. Rush | Private | Co. B, 11th S. C. V. | Crushed by railroad train, dead. |
C. Cook | Sergeant | Co. D, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
G. E. Stanley | Private | Co. D, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
F. E. Grant | Sergeant | Co. I, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded. |
J. P. Campbell | Private | Co. I, 11th S. C. V. | Killed. |
A. J. Smoke | Sergeant | Co. I, 11th S. C. V. | Killed. |
S. Crosley | Private | Co. I, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded. |
Wm. O. Began | Private | Co. I, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded. |
H. Valentine | Private | Co. I, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded. |
G. W. Way | Private | Co. I, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded. |
James Warren | Private | Co. I, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded. |
G. P. Warren | Private | Co. I, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded. |
James Yarley | Private | Co. I, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
E. B. Loyless | Lieutenant | Co. I, 11th S. C. V. | Missing. |
R. Riller | Private | Co. I, 11th S. C. V. | Missing. |
J. Hiers | Corporal | Co. H, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded in shoulder. |
J. M. Hickman | Private | Co. H, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded in shoulder. |
J. Polk | Private | Co. H, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded severely. |
W. J. Carter | Private | Co. H, 11th S. C. V. | Wounded slightly. |
P. B. McDaniel | Private | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S. | Killed. |
J. B. Allston | Captain | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S. | Wounded slightly. |
M. Stuart | Lieutenant | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S. | Wounded slightly. |
Capers | Lieutenant | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S. | Wounded slightly. |
J. B. Attaway | Private | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S. | Wounded slightly. |
W. Broun | Private | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S. | Wounded slightly. |
E. Bootwright | Private | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S. | Wounded severely. |
S. M. Smith | Private | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S. | Wounded. |
W. W. Lang | Private | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S. | Missing. |
J. Walden | Private | Co. B, 1st Bat. S. C. S. S. | Missing. |
J. F. Chapin | Sergeant | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded slightly. |
Wm. Thompson | Sergeant | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded severely. |
N. B. Fuller | Corporal | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded severely. |
E. E. Burban | Corporal | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded severely. |
J. J. Brown | Corporal | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded severely. |
J. E. Tripp | Private | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded since died. |
R. F. Sams | Private | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded severely. |
John Jenkins | Private | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded slightly. |
Daniel Jenkins | Private | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded slightly. |
A. Budden | Private | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded slightly. |
E. B. Trescott | Private | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded slightly. |
T. E. Cuthbert | Private | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded severely. |
S. A. Sams | Private | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded slightly. |
J. D. Richardson | Private | Beaufort Light Artillery | Wounded slightly. |