Abbott, Lieut. H. C., 124.
Abercrombie, Gen. J. J., in
Virginia, 240, 241 ;
Fair Oaks, 379.
Abert, Capt. W. S., 123.
Acquia creek,
Va., 106, 493-496, 500, 506, 508, 509, 529-531.
Administration, unfitness, 175, 176.
Alexander, Col. B. S., 119, 124.
Alexandria, Va., 80, 89, 96, 239, 509-527, 536.
Allen's Field, Va.--see Savage's Station.
Anderson, Gen. J. R., 347, 351, 371, 374.
Anderson, Gen., Richard, at
Williams burg, 324, 325;
South Mountain, 561, 573.
Lieut.-Col. Robert, 580.
Annandale, Va., 515-519.
Antietam, Md., battle of, 584-613.
Arlington Heights, Va., 67, 68, 73, 80.
Army, Confederate, discipline, 72 ; entrenchments, 75 ; advantages, 253 ; at
Yorktown, 257, 260, 267, 272, 285-291, 311, 312, 319;
Williamsburg, 324-326, 333;
West Point 337 ; Hanover C. H., 369-372;
Fair Oaks, 378-384 ; in Union rear, 390-393 ;
Gaines's Mill, 416-418 ; Savage's Station, 426-428 ; Charles City road, 431, 432:
Glendale, 430-433;
Malvern Hill, 436, 437 ; Crampton's Gap, 562, 563;
South Mountain, 572-579 ;
Antietam, 584-606.
Army, Union, discipline, demoralized, 40; 68, 71, 87, 200.
Army of Potomac, under
composition, 67 ; reorganized, 69. 70, 198; deficient in officers, 73, 97 force, 75-79, 85. 163; divisions, 61, 114 ; mutinies, 86, 99 ; results of reviews, 98.
Organization: staff, 83. 112, 114, 120-135 ; brigades, 112, 114 ; divisions, 114; artillery, 114-118; cavalry, 118, 119 : engineers.
119, 124, 125 ;
adj.-gen.‘s dept., 122; personal staff, 123;
insp.-gen.‘s dept.
124; medical dept., 126; commissary dept , 130 ; ordnance dept., 131 ; dept.
of justice, 134; signal corps, 134 ; telegraph dept., 135. Medical record of, at
Washington, 126 ; lack of stores, 128; provisioning, 130 ; artillery plenty, infantry arms needed, 131, 132.
In Peninsula : artillery, 116; cavalry, 119;
engineer officers, 124 ; troops withdrawn, 155, 163, 165, 261 ; advance, 222, 228; route, 227 ; transportation, 235, 237. 251 cost 238; maps, 253, 264;
Yorktown, 272-288; lack of food, 301, 302, 340 ;
Williamsburg, 319-333 ; in pursuit, 338 ; new corps, organization, 342 ;
Mechanicsville, 363 ;
Hanover C. H 368-376;
Fair Oaks, 377-384, 398;
Gaines's Mill, 410-421, 442; Savage's Station, 426-428 ;
White Oak Swamp, 428, 430 ; Charles City road, 431, 432 ;
Glendale, 430, 433;
Malvern Hill, 433-437, 484 ;
Harrison's Landing, 444-468, 481-507 ; to
Acquia creek, 464, 469-471, 493. 494-505.
Pope, 508-547 ; Fairfax C. H., 518, 519, 526.
Maryland campaign : exhausted, 551 ; Crampton's Gap, 558-565;
South Mountain, 572-583 ;
Antietam, 584-613 ; material needed, 629-640,
Meigs's, and
Myers's reports 633, 636, 637.
Army of Virginia, 552,
Army corps, formation, 222, 342.
Army organization : infantry, 108 ; artillery, 108 ; cavalry, 109 ; engineers, 110: staff, 110-112.
Aspinwall, W. H., 451, 655.
Astor. Jr.,
Col. J. J., 123. 251.
Averill, Gen. W. W., at
Washington, 222.
In Peninsula, 239 ;
Yorktown, 260 ;
Williamsburg, 339 ;
White Oak Swamp, 494. In
Maryland campaign, 647, 659.
Ayres, Capt., 301, 430.
Babcock, Lieut. O. E., 124.
Bache, Prof., 87, 125, 177, 280.
Bailey, Col. G., 380.
Baker, Col., 81 ; at Ball's Bluff, 171, 183-187, death 185, 190.
Ball's Bluff, Va., battle of, 181-190.
Balt. and O. R. R., 50, 102, 190-192.
Banks, Gen. N., in Shenandoah Valley, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 88, 94, 106, 146, 240, 241, 270, 294, 350, 368 ; Ball's Bluff, 183-188;
Pope's campaign, 509 ;
South Mountain, 574, 579;
Washington, ‘62, 551, 622.
Cross-roads, Va., 647.
Barhamsville, Va. 319, 320, 324, 334.
Barker, Capt., 320, 321.
Barlow, Col., 596, 597.
Barnard, Gen. J. G., at
Washington, ‘61, 83, 124.
In Peninsula, 246-248;
Yorktown, 272, 274, 281, 289 ;
Malvern, 433 ;
Harrison's, 483.
Washington, ‘62, 518, 523, 525, 541.
Barney, Hiram, advised to leave
Washington, 542.
Barry, Gen. W. F., 83, 113, 114, 116; at
Yorktown, 279.
Bartlett, Gen. W. F., 563, 600.
Bayard, Gen. G. D., 647, 648.
Baylor, Lieut. T. G., 132.
Beauregard, Gen. P. G., in
Virginia, 83-85, 88-90 ; in Peninsula, 387.
Beckwith, Col. A., 130.
Lieut.-Col. G., 130.
Bell, Capt. W., 130.
Benjamin, Capt., in
Maryland, 576, 589, 609.
Benson, Capt., 321, 370.
Berdan, Col., 170.
Berry, Gen. H. G., 379, 380.
Beverly, W. Va, 58, 61, 64.