all the dates of births, &c., recorded in the first volume of the town-records, being all previous to the year 1718, have been incorporated in the preceding Register.
The second volume, covering the period between the years 1718 and 1809, contains many dates of which the limits of this work forbid the insertion.
For the assistance of any who may have traced their genealogy to a Medford stock, a list is here inserted of the names not previously mentioned, which are to be found in the second volume of the town-records, and the dates of their appearance thereon.
Adams, 1757;
Allen, 1757;
Andriesse, 1799;
Attwood, 1718;
Auld, 1750;
Austin, 1752.
Bacon, 1749;
Bailey, 1806;
Ballard, 1721:
Binford, 1757;
Blodgett, 1752;
Blunt, 1748;
Boutwell, 1753;
Bradish, 1745;
Brattle, 1747;
Bucknam, 1766; Budge, 1762; Burdit, 1761;
Burns, 1751;
Bushby, 1735;
Butterfield, 1785.
Calif, 1750;
Chadwick, 1756;
Cook, 1757; Cousins, 1755; Crease, 1757;
Crowell, 1752.
Davis, 1804; Degrusha, 1744;
Dexter, 1767;
Dill, 1734;
Dixon, 1758;
Dodge, 1749;
Durant, 1787.
Earl, 1781;
Easterbrook, 1787;
Eaton, 1755;
Edwards, 1753;
Erwin, 1752.
Farrington, 1788;
Faulkner, 1761;
Fessenden, 1785;
Fitch, 1785;
Floyd, 1750;
Fowle, 1752;
French, 1755.
Galt, 1757;
Gardner, 1721; Garret, 1732;
Giles, 1719;
Gill, 1738;
Goddard, 1745;
Gowen, 1773; Grace, 1779;
Greatton, 1718;
Green, 1785.
Hosmer, 1746;
Hunt, 1751.
Kendall, 1752; Kettle, or
Kettell, 1740.
Lathe, Laithe, and
Leathe, 1738; Learned, 1793;
Le Bosquet, 1781.
Mack, 1790;
Mallard, 1753;
Mansfield, 1759; May, 1759; MacCarthy, 1747; MacClinton, 1750;
Mead, 1757; Melendy, 1732;
Morrill, 1732.
Newell, 1767;
Newhall, 1751;
Nutting, 1729.
Oakes, 1721-75.
Page, 1747; Pain, 1767;
Parker, 1754;
Penhallow, 1767;
Polly, 1748;
Poole, 1732; Powers, 1797;
Pratt, 1791.
Rand, 1789;
Reed, 1755;
Richardson, 1796;
Robbins, 1765;
Rouse, 1770; Rumril, 1750; Rushby, 1735; Russul, 1733.
Sables, 1758;
Sargent, 1716;
Scolly, 1733;
Semer, 1719;
Simonds, 1773;
Souther, 1747;
Sprague, 1763;
Stocker, 1763;
Storer, 1748.
Tebodo, 1757;
Teel, 1760;
Tidd, 1746;
Tilton, 1764;
Tompson, 1718;
Trowbridge, 1787;
Turner, 1729;
Tuttle, 1729; Tyzick, 1785.
Wait, 1725;
Waite, 1785;
Wakefield, 1751;
Walker, 1779;
Ward, 1718; Waters, 1721;
Watson, 1729;
White, 1749;
Whitney, 1768; William, 1762;
Williston, 1769;
Winship, 1772; Witherston, 1798;
Wright, 1795.
As to the strangers who are mentioned on our records, I find that
Adrian Lubert Andriesse, of
Batavia, was born in
Boston, Feb. 9, 1799, and baptized at
Medford, July 7, 1805.
Charles Dabney's child, which
Mr. Albree had to nurse, was baptized July 4, 1742, and named Charles.
Of those not of American birth or parentage, I find, besides the slaves and their children, that
Jacob Auld, one of the “Scotch-
Irish,” had, by wife Ann, a daughter, Margaret, born Mar. 19, 1750.
There seems to have been some Irish families as early as 1745; but these are named in the foregoing list.
There remains one class of unwilling settlers in our town,--the Acadians; or French Neutrals, as they are called on our records.
Of these exiles from Grand Pre, three are mentioned on the records, as follows:--
Eunice, wife of
John Degrusha, was bapt.
Feb. 12, 1744.
John Le Bosquet, and Sarah, his wife, had--
Joseph, b. Jan. 12, 1781.
Rebecca, b. Jan. 19, 1783.
John Tebodo had, by Ann his wife,--
Ann, b. July 4, 1757.
Elizabeth, b. Nov. 1, 1759.
Joseph, b. Feb. 24, 1762.
The name of
Le Bosquet, preserved in recollection by the
Le Bosquet House, has been corrupted into
Of the others, I know not whether they removed from town, or whether any descendants yet remain.