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Page 41.Samuel Cradock was clerk of Thissleton, not elder of Chapleton.
Page 502.There is evidently an error in the record of George Blanchard's death. The date probably refers to his father, or other relative.
Page 506.Thomas Brooks had lot assigned 1634, not 1631.
Page 506.Hannah, second wife of Caleb Brooks (No. 1-3), was born March 5, 1644.
Page 518.John Hall (No. 2-10) married Jemima, daughter of Captain Joseph Sill.
Page 519.Percival Hall was not representative to Provincial Congress, as he died twenty-two years previously.
Page 538.Mr. Savage declines the responsibility of more than the early part of the record of the Royalls.
Page 538.The wife of Isaac Royall (No. 2-5) was buried from the house of Dr. Oliver, at Dorchester; which strengthens the probability of her first marriage. He had a daughter Elizabeth, born 1741; died July 9, 1747.
Page 538.Colonel Royall (No. 5-11) had a daughter, who married George Erving, of Boston. He (Colonel R.) died 1781; and his wife died 1770.
Page 542.Rev. Zechariah Symmes had twelve children: names as given in their place.
Page 550.There is no probability, considering the dates, that James (No. 246) was son of Peter (No. 1).
Page 555.Lydia, wife of Daniel Turell (No. 1), died June 23, 1659.
Page 555.Daniel was captain 1683, not 1646.
Page 556.Hezekiah Usher (No. 1) married, first, Frances----. Hannah (No. 5) was daughter by second wife, and was born Dec. 29, 1653. He married his second wife, Nov. 2, 1652.
Page 556.Hezekiah (No. 1-2) married Bridget Hoar, 1686, and had no children. All those under that record — viz., Nos. 15, 16, 17--belong to Hezekiah No. 1.
Page 556.John Usher married Elizabeth Slidgett, not Sidgett.
Page 558.Jonathan Wade (No. 1) had Mary, baptized October, 1663, who married William Symonds; also daughter Sarah. Prudence (No. 5) married, second, Rev. Seaborn Cotton.
Page 558.Jonathan (No. 1-2) had Deborah, baptized March 24, 1667; Prudence, June 6, 1669; Catharine, Aug. 27, 1671,--died soon; Catharine, June 22, 1673; Susanna, June 10, 1677; Dorothy, July 10, 1681; all before Dudley (No. 2-8).
Page 563.Technically, Bedford was a precinct of Billerica when John Whitmore resided there.
Page 568.I am authorized to say that John Willis was very probably the same as No. 3-11.

note.--The compiler desires to offer his thanks to the following gentlemen for valuable aid in pursuing his investigations: to Dr. Booth and Dean Dudley, Esq., for the Tufts; to Rev. A. H. Quint, for the Halls; to T. B. Wyman, jun., for the Wymans, and others; and, finally, to Hon. James Savage, for very many facts and corrections throughout the whole extent of this Register.

Boston, Oct. 8, 1855.

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