

Academies, 291.

Adams, 42, 231, 323.

Albree family, 499.

Albree, 103, 334, 393, 483, 507, 508, 536.

Alms-houses, 347.

Andrews, 41.

Angier family, 501.

Angier, 36, 110, 213, 231.

Apple, Baldwin, 19.

Auld, 48.

Authors, 310.

Avey, 43.

Baldwin, 19, 20.

Ballard family, 501.

Baptist Society, 271.

Bellevue, 54.

Berry, 36, 43.

Betts, 37.

Bigelow, 249, 308.

Birdue family, 501.

Bishop family, 501.

Bishop, 36, 49, 54, 95, 110, 336.

Blanchard family, 502.

Blanchard, 36.

Blaney, 44.

Boylston, 506.

Bradbury, 36.

Bradshaw family, 504.

Bradshaw, 36, 65, 103, 329, 335, 431, 478, 526.

Bradstreet, 28, 37, 97, 103, 482, 504, 544, 558.

Brickmaking, 355.

Bridges, 59, 72.

Brook, Whitmore's, Marble, &c., 9.

Brooks family, 506.

Brooks, 19, 29, 34, 36, 43, 49, 51, 53, 55, 65, 72, 106, 109, 112, 114, 126, 127, 161, 164, 185, 197, 225, 255, 265, 285, 307, 315, 411, 545, 563, 569, 570.

Brown, 509.

Brude, 87.

Buel, 51.

Bugbe, 36.

Bunker, 43.

Burden, 36.

Burgess, 441.

Burying-grounds, 425.

Call, 36.

Chadwick, 509.

Chairmen, Board of Selectmen, 126.

Child, 315.

Chubb, 509.

Clark, 509.

Cleaveland, 509.

Clough, 509.

Collins, 34, 36, 41, 42, 43, 93.

Colman, 208, 221, 232, 304.

Communion-plate, 265.

Converse, 3, 36.

Cooke, 36.

Crackers, Medford, 388.

Cradock family, 509, 510.

Cradock, 2, 3, 14, 33, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 59, 83, 87, 88, 92, 410, 431, 480.

Crimes and Punishments, 431.

Crisp, 36, 43.

Cummings, 510.

Currency, 401.

Curtis family, 511.

Dady, 37, 44.

Danforth, 36.

Davidson, 37, 42, 59, 74.

Daustin, 36.

Deane, 36.

Degrusha, 109.

Dexter family, 510.

Dexter, 36, 44, 139.

Dill, 511.

Diseases, 449.

Distilleries, 390.

Dix, 36.

Dudley, 14, 30, 31, 33, 77.

Edes, 511.

Education, 275, 278.

Eliot, 37, 511, 538, 562.

Endecott, 30, 32, 83. [574]

Erving, 176, 570.

Expenses, 117.

Farwell, 511.

Faulkner, 49.

Felt, 36.

Ferry, Penny, 6.

Fillebrown family, 511.

Fillebrown, 97, 417.

Fire-department, 471.

First Settlers, 36.

First House, 39.

Fisheries, 381, 386.

Fitch, 36.

Forests, 13, 14.

Fox, 36, 512.

Francis family, 512.

Francis, 36, 37, 194, 231, 258, 313, 326, 355, 388.

Freeman's Oath, 98.

Frost, 44.

Frothingham, 44.

Fulton, 514.

Gardner, 4, 574.

Garrett, 36, 42.

Gibons, 37, 43, 73, 74.

Gilchrist, 514.

Gillegrove, 515.

Glover, 41.

Goodnow, 36.

Goodwin, 44.

Grace Church, 277.

Graduates, 301.

Graves, 13.

Greatton, 515.

Greene, 32, 36, 44.

Greenland, 15, 36.

Greenleaf family, 515.

Greenleaf, 106.

Gregg family, 516.

Groves, 44, 517.

Hall family, 517.

Hall, 36, 51, 52, 96, 158, 317, 351, 501, 502, 570.

Hammond, 44.

Hancock, 202, 213, 527.

Harris, 527.

Hathaway, 527.

Haywood, 36.

Higginson, 12.

Hill, 36.

Historical Items, 478.

History, Civil, 93.

------Ecclesiastical, 200.

------Military, 181.

------Natural 21.

------Political, 143.

Hobart, 37.

Holden, 52.

Hosmer, 293, 302.

Howard, 17.

Howe family, 528.

Hutchinson, 31, 200.

Hutton, 538.

Indians, 72, 80.

Ingraham, 439.

Johnson, 6, 15, 31, 44, 67.

Josselyn, 1.

Justices of the Peace, 169.

Kenrick, 528.

Kidder family, 528.

Kidder, 112, 225, 483.

Knox, 529.

Labor in Vain, 7.

Lands unappropriated, 105, 107.

Laribee, 530.

Lawrence family, 529.

Lawrence, 104, 233, 302.

Lawyers, 308.

Leathe, 265, 530.

Le Bosquet, 485.

Letter, 495.

Lexington Fight, 151.

Libraries, 294.

Light Infantry, 189.

Lightering, 392.

Lincoln, 30.

Locke, 530.

Lyceums, 295.

Lynde, 44.

Magoun, 48, 360.

Manners and Customs, 452.

Manning, 36.

Mansor, 530.

Map, 421.

Markham, 36, 42.

Martin, 36.

Mather, 205.

Mayhew, 36.

Maverick, 2.

McClure, 49.

Medford a Town, 119.

Melvin, 44.

Methodist Society, 270.

Michelson, 42.

Middlesex Canal, 295.

Mills, 392.

Moore, 36.

Mystic Church, 273.

Mystic River, 6.

Name, 1.

Newell, 36, 44. [575]

Norton, 74.

Nowell, 3, 7, 9, 14, 37, 43.

Noyes, 36, 97, 121.

Nutting, 531.

Oakes, 36.

Oldham family, 531.

Oldham, 89, 100.

Oliver, 538, 570.

One Hundred Laws, 101.

Osgood, 236, 240, 531.

Oysters, 387.

Palmer, 37.

Parker, 51, 52, 531.

Patch family, 532.

Paterson, 533.

Patten family, 533.

Pauperism, 441.

Peirce family, 533.

Pemberton, 36.

Pepperrell, 538.

Perkins, 534.

Perry, 534.

Physicians, 302.

Pierpont, 262, 312.

Polly, 151, 534.

Ponds, 5.

Population, 451.

Post Office, 421.

Porter family, 534.

Porter, 36, 49, 51, 52, 211, 309.

Pounds, 449.

Prices Current, 400.

Pritchard, 36.

Productions, 12.

Putnam, 151, 306.

Public Buildings, 325.

Pynchon, 4.

Quincy, 4, 73.

Railroads, 57.

Raleigh, Sir, Walter, 17.

Raymond family, 535.

Real Estate, Sales of, 44.

Records, Town and Church, 28, 29.

Reed, 535.

Reeves family, 535.

Reeves, 36, 106, 449, 560.

Register of Vessels, 368, et seq.

Representatives, 168.

Revil, 31.

Richardson, 537.

Roads, 50.

Rowse, 44.

Royall family, 538.

Royal, 4, 9, 49, 87, 170, 176, 224, 265, 355, 482, 570.

Russell, 34, 36, 41, 42, 43, 44.

Sagamore John, 14, 32, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78.

Samson. 539.

Sargent, 36.

Savage, 38, 570.

Savel, 539.

Schoolhouses, 345.

Seccomb family, 539.

Seccomb, 39, 49, 51, 106, 110, 332,486.

Senators, 168.

Settlement, First, 29, 33, 96.

Sewall, 8, 207, 213, 436.

Shadwell, 44.

Shed, 540.

Shephard, 3, 36, 42, 541.

Ship-building, 357, 366.

Simonds, 36.

Slaves, 434.

Smith, 4, 12, 36, 54, 75, 295.

Societies, 476.

Soldiers, 165.

Sprague, 8, 32, 107.

Squa Sachem, 43, 73.

Stearns, 306.

Stilman, 37.

Storms and Freshets, 446.

Stower, 9.

Swan family, 541.

Swan, 36, 307.

Symmes family, 542.

Symmes, 2, 4, 37, 42, 74, 353.

Tainter, 543.

Taverns, 422.

Taxes, 408.

Thompson, 19, 543.

Touro, 493.

Town incorporated, 119.

Town-clerks, 127.

Town Hall, 346.

Tornado, 444.

Trade, 349.

Tufts family, 543.

Tufts, 37, 42, 43, 44, 49, 51, 144, 196, 297, 303, 306, 484, 495, 570.

Tufts College, 297.

Turell family, 555.

Turell, 29, 49, 221, 310, 319.

Universalist Church, 269.

Usher family, 556.

Usher, 36, 168, 169, 170, 178, 188, 193, 345, 419, 538, 570.

Wade family, 558.

Wade, 8, 28, 34, 36, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 97, 100, 327, 425.

Waite, 36, 51, 439, 560.

Warren family, 560.

Warren, 225. [576]

Washington, 69, 161.

Waterman, 87.

Watson, 36.

Weber family, 560.

Wellington, 37, 55.

Wheeler, 34, 43.

Whitefield, 226, 233.

Whitmore family, 561.

Whitmore, 9, 36, 68, 69, 97, 103, 106, 109, 126, 209, 216, 217, 265, 331, 332, 334, 353, 411, 412, 414, 415, 438, 507, 511, 513, 553, 560, 570.

Wier, 49, 565.

Wigglesworth, 8.

wild family, 566.

Willard, 105.

Willis family, 566.

Willis, 28, 36, 42, 96, 99, 101, 102, 103, 106, 218, 241, 265, 328.

Wilson, 2, 3, 14.

Winthrop, 2, 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 20, 25, 30, 31, 33, 35, 37, 38, 45, 74.

Winslow, 268.

Woodbridge, 203, 313.

Woodward, 36.

Wolcott, 15.

Wyman family, 569.

Wyman, 112.

Sicut Patribus, sit Deus Nobis.

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John Whitmore (3)
John Willis (2)
Isaac Warren (2)
Jonathan Wade (2)
John Usher (2)
Daniel Turell (2)
Simon Tufts (2)
Zechariah Symmes (2)
Samuel Swan (2)
Thomas Seccomb (2)
Samuel Reeves (2)
Jonathan Porter (2)
Jonathan Oldham (2)
Daniel Lawrence (2)
Samuel Kidder (2)
Stephen Hall (2)
Isaac Greenleaf (2)
John Fillebrown (2)
Timothy Dexter (2)
Samuel Cradock (2)
Caleb Brooks (2)
John Bradshaw (2)
George Blanchard (2)
Samuel Angier (2)
John Albree (2)
T. B. Wyman (1)
Joseph Wyman (1)
Daniel Woodward (1)
William Woodbridge (1)
Charles Wolcott (1)
John Winthrop (1)
Gordon Winslow (1)
John Wilson (1)
Samuel Willard (1)
Wigglesworth (1)
Eliezer Wier (1)
George Whitefield (1)
Timothy Wheeler (1)
Isaac Wellington (1)
James Weber (1)
Jonathan Watson (1)
F. Waterman (1)
Nathan Waite (1)
Abraham Touro (1)
Joseph Thompson (1)
Ann D. Tainter (1)
Asahel Stearns (1)
P. Sprague (1)
T. P. Smith (1)
Joshua Simonds (1)
Thomas Shephard (1)
A. Shadwell (1)
Samuel Sewall (1)
James Savage (1)
John T. Sargent (1)
Benjamin H. Samson (1)
Richard Russell (1)
Isaac Royall (1)
S. Rowse (1)
Sarah E. Richardson (1)
Revil (1)
Henry Reed (1)
Thatcher R. Raymond (1)
Walter Raleigh (1)
Josiah Quincy (1)
Joseph Pynchon (1)
Henry Putnam (1)
Thomas Pritchard (1)
William Polly (1)
John Pierpont (1)
Sanford B. Perry (1)
William Perkins (1)
William Pepperrell (1)
James Pemberton (1)
Benjamin Peirce (1)
William Patten (1)
Paterson (1)
Benjamin Parker (1)
Walter Palmer (1)
David Osgood (1)
Elizabeth Oliver (1)
Thomas Oakes (1)
Ebenezer Nutting (1)
James Noyes (1)
Increase Nowell (1)
Francis Norton (1)
Joseph Newell (1)
Anna Moore (1)
Stephen Mills (1)
Edward Michelson (1)
John Melvin (1)
McClure (1)
Thomas Mayhew (1)
Maverick (1)
Cotton Mather (1)
Mary Martin (1)
Daniel Markham (1)
Joseph Manning (1)
Thatcher Magoun (1)
Joseph Lynde (1)
Jonathan Locke (1)
William Lincoln (1)
John Leathe (1)
Le Bosquet (1)
M. E. Knox (1)
Coleman C. Kenrick (1)
Josselyn (1)
Noah Johnson (1)
Sagamore John (1)
Duncan Ingraham (1)
Indians (1)
Henry Hutton (1)
Mary Hutchinson (1)
John Howe (1)
Howard (1)
John Hosmer (1)
Oliver Holden (1)
Caleb Hobart (1)
Sarah W. Hill (1)
Francis Higginson (1)
E. Haywood (1)
Aaron K. Hathaway (1)
Abner Harris (1)
John Hancock (1)
William Hammond (1)
Alexander Gregg (1)
Aaron Greene (1)
Thomas Graves (1)
George T. Goodwin (1)
James Goodnow (1)
Stephen Glover (1)
John James Gilchrist (1)
Jotham Gibons (1)
James Garrett (1)
A. H. Gardner (1)
John Fulton (1)
Richard Frothingham (1)
Rufus Frost (1)
Freeman (1)
John Fox (1)
John B. Fitch (1)
Cyrus Faulkner (1)
Isaac Farwell (1)
George Erving (1)
Endecott (1)
Mary Eliot (1)
Peter Edes (1)
Dean Dudley (1)
James Dix (1)
Thomas Dill (1)
Daniel Deane (1)
Nicholas Davidson (1)
Thomas Danforth (1)
William Dady (1)
James O. Curtis (1)
Cummings (1)
Benjamin Crisp (1)
Medford Crackers (1)
Richard Cooke (1)
Edward Converse (1)
Benjamin Colman (1)
Edward Collins (1)
John Clough (1)
Aaron Cleaveland (1)
Elizabeth Clark (1)
Chubb (1)
David L. Child (1)
John Chadwick (1)
Burgess (1)
Richard Bugbe (1)
Samuel Buel (1)
John Brown (1)
John Bradstreet (1)
William Bradbury (1)
Thomas Boylston (1)
John Blaney (1)
Andrew Bigelow (1)
John Betts (1)
Richard Berry (1)
Mary Ballard (1)
Loammi Baldwin (1)
Avey (1)
Jacob Auld (1)
Baldwin Apple (1)
Thomas Andrews (1)
Nathan Adams (1)
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