General J. B. Gordon's report of battle of Hatcher's Run.
headquarters Second corps, A. N. V., February 9, 1865.
Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., A. N. V.:
Colonel — I have the honor to submit the following brief report of the fighting on the west side of Hatcher's run on the 6th instant.
On the morning of that day, Pegram's division moved out from camp to reconnoitre--one brigade moving near the run and the other farther to the right and along the Vaughn road.
In these positions the brigades were vigorously attacked by both cavalry and infantry in heavy force.
They were pressed slowly back, bravely resisting the enemy's advance.
Gordon's division, Brigadier-General Evans commanding, sent forward in support, formed on Pegram's left, charged and drove the enemy before it, but was finally forced by superior numbers to retire.
It was readily reformed near the enemy's lines, and again advanced with spirit while Pegram charged on the right.
The enemy was again driven back; but General Pegram, who was riding immediately with his troops, being killed, and Colonel Hoffman, commanding brigade, severely wounded, a portion of the line was thrown into confusion.
The battle had been obstinately contested for several hours, when Mahone's division arrived, and was placed in position to fill a gap between Evans and Pegram.
The whole line now advanced to the attack, and drove the enemy in confusion to his works along the bank of the creek.
I am, Colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., A. N. V.:
J. B. Gordon, Major-General Commanding.