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Battle of Gettysburg.

Report of General S. D. Ramseur.

headquarters Ramseur's brigade, July 30, 1863.
Major G. Peyton, Assistant Adjutant-General:
In accordance with orders from division headquarters, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my command in the actions of the 1st, 2d and 3d of July, 1863, near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania:

July 1st.

In rear of the division train, as a guard on the march from Heidlersburg to Gettysburg, my brigade arrived on the field after the division had formed line of battle. I was then held in reserve to support General Doles on the left, Colonel O'Neal left centre, or General Iverson on the right centre, according to circumstances. After resting about fifteen minutes, I received orders to send two regiments to the support of Colonel O'Neal, and with the remaining two to support Iverson. I immediately detached the Second and Fourth North Carolina sharpshooters to support O'Neal, and with the Fourteenth and Thirtieth hastened to the support of Iverson. I found three regiments of Iverson's command almost annihilated, and the Third Alabama regiment coming out of the fight from Iverson's right. I requested Colonel Battle, Third Alabama, to join me, which he cheerfully did, with these regiments--Third Alabama, Fourteenth and Thirtieth North Carolina--I turned the enemy's strong position in a body of woods, surrounded by a stone fence, by attacking in mass on his right flank, driving him back and getting in his rear. At the time of my advance on the enemy's right, I sent to the commanding officer of the Twelfth North Carolina, of Iverson's brigade, to push the enemy in front. This was done. The enemy, seeing his right flank turned, made but feeble resistance to the front attack, but ran off the field in confusion, leaving his killed and wounded, and between 800 and 900 prisoners in our hands.

The enemy was pushed through Gettysburg to the heights beyond, when I received an order to halt and form line of battle in a street in Gettysburg running east and west.

To Colonel Parker, Thirtieth North Carolina; Colonel Bennett, Nineteenth North Carolina; Colonel Grimes, Fourth North Carolina, and Major Hurt, Second North Carolina, my thanks are due for [311] the skill and gallantry displayed by them in this day's fight. Lieutenant Harvey, Fourteenth North Carolina sharpshooters, commanding sharpshooters, deserves especial praise for his daring conduct. He whipped a Yankee regiment (150th Pennsylvania) with his sharpshooters, and took their regimental colors from them with his own hands. Colonel Battle, with the Third Alabama, rendered brilliant and invaluable service; attaching his regiment to my command, on his own responsibility, he came in at the right place, at the right time, and in the right way.

July 2d

Remained in line of battle all day, with very heavy skirmishing in front. At dark I received an order from Major-General Rodes to move by the right flank until Brigadier-General Doles' troops cleared the town, and then to advance in line of battle on the enemy's position on the Cemetery hill; was told that the remaining brigades of the division would be governed by my movements. Obeying this order, until within two hundred yards of the enemy's position, where batteries were discovered in position to pour upon our lines direct cross and enfilade fires. Two lines of infantry behind stone walls and breastworks were supporting these batteries. The strength and position of the enemy's batteries and their supports, induced me to halt to confer with General Doles, and with him to make representation of the character of the enemy's position, and ask further instructions. In answer, received an order to retire quietly to a deep road, some three hundred yards in rear, and be in readiness to attack at daylight; withdrew accordingly.

July 3d

Remained in line all day, with severe and damaging skirmishing in front. Exposed to the artillery of the enemy and our own short range guns, by the careless use or imperfect ammunition, by which I lost seven (7) men killed and wounded. Withdrew at night and formed line of battle near Gettysburg, where we remained on the 4th of July. Commenced retreat with the army on the night of the 4th instant.

I desire to express my thanks to the gentlemen of my staff, Captain Gales, Assistant Adjutant-General; Lieutenant Richmond, Aid-de-Camp; and Lieutenant Morrison, volunteer aid, for gallant and efficient services. My casualties are as follows: [312]

Second Regiment427132
Fourth Regiment8242456
Fourteenth Regiment537244
Thirtieth Regiment634545

I am, Major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

S. D. Ramseur, Brigadier-General.

General Davis' report of operations of Heth's division.

headquarters Davis' brigade, August 22, 1863.
Major William H. Palmer, Assistant Adjutant-General:
Major — I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of Major-General Heth's division in the battle of the 3d of July at Gettysburg. On the evening of the 2d, this division, under command of Brigadier-General J. J. Pettigrew (Major-General Heth having been wounded in the engagement of the 1st), moved to the front and was formed in line of battle, with Archer's brigade on the right, commanded by D. B. Fry (Brigadier-General Archer having been wounded and captured on the 1st of July); Colonel Brockenbrough's brigade on the left; Pettigrew's, commanded by Colonel James K. Marshall, of the Fifty-second North Carolina, on the right centre, and Davis' on the left centre, immediately in the rear of our artillery, which was in position on the crest of a high ridge running nearly parallel to the enemy's line, which was on a similar elevation and near one mile distant--the intervening space, except the crests of the hills, being fields intersected by strong post and rail fences. In this position we bivouacked for the night.

Early on the morning of the 3d, the enemy threw some shells at the artillery in our front, from which a few casualties occurred [313] in one of the brigades. About 9 A. M. the division was moved to the left about a quarter of a mile, and in the same order of battle was formed in the rear of Major Pegram's battalion of artillery, which was posted on the crest of a high hill, the ground between us and the enemy being like that of our first position. About 1 P. M. the artillery along our entire line opened on the enemy, and was promptly replied to; for two hours the fire was heavy and incessant. Being immediately in the rear of our batteries, and having had no time to prepare means of protection, we suffered some losses — in Davis' brigade two men were killed and twenty-one wounded. The order had been given that when the artillery in our front ceased firing, the division should attack the enemy's batteries, keeping dressed to the right and moving in line with Major-General Pickett's division, which was on our right, and marched obliquely to the left. The artillery ceased firing at 3 o'clock, and the order to move forward was given and promptly obeyed. The division moved off in line, and, passing the wooded crest of the hill, descended to the open fields that lay between us and the enemy. Not a gun was fired at us until we reached a strong post and rail fence, about three-fourths of a mile from the enemy's position, when we were met by a heavy fire of grape, canister and shell, which told sadly upon our ranks. Under this destructive fire, which commanded our front and left with fatal effect, the troops displayed great coolness, were well in hand and moved steadily forward, regularly closing up the gaps made in their ranks. Our advance across the field was interrupted by other fences of a similar character, in crossing which the alignment became more or less deranged. This was in each case, promptly rectified, and though its ranks were growing thinner at every step, this division moved steadily on in line with the troops on the right. When within musket range we encountered a heavy fire of small arms, from which we suffered severely; but this did not for a moment check the advance. The right of the division, owing to the conformation of the ridge in which the enemy was posted, having a shorter distance to pass over to reach his first line of defence, encountered him first in close conflict, but the whole division dashed up to his first line of defence, a stone wall, behind which the opposing infantry was strongly posted. Here we were subjected to a most galling fire of musketry and artillery, that so reduced the already thinned ranks that any further effort to carry the position was hopeless, and there was nothing left but to retire [314] to the position originally held, which was done in more or less confusion. The division reached the line held in the morning about 4 P. M., and remained there thirty hours expecting an attack from the enemy. No demonstration was made on any part of our line during that or the following day, on the night of which we began our retreat to Hagerstown. In the assault upon the enemy's position, the coolness and courage of men and officers is worthy high commendation, and I regret that the names of the gallant men who fell distinguished in that bloody field have not been more fully reported. In this assault we are called upon to mourn the loss of many brave men and officers. Colonel D. B. Fry, Thirteenth Alabama, commanding Archer's brigade, and Colonel James K. Marshall, of the Fifty-second North Carolina, commanding Pettigrew's, were wounded and taken prisoners whilst gallantly leading their brigades. The number killed and wounded was very great, and in officers unusually so, as may be seen from the fact that in Archer's brigade but two field officers escaped; in Pettigrew's but one, and in Davis' all were killed or wounded. Brigadier-General Pettigrew had his horse killed and received a slight wound in the hand. Not having commanded the division in this engagement, and having been exclusively occupied by the operations of my own brigade, this report is necessarily imperfect, and I regret that I am unable to do full justice to the division.

I am, Major, your obedient servant,

Joseph R. Davis, Brigadier-General.

Report of Brigadier-General A. R. Wright.

camp near Orange Courthouse, September 28th, 1863.
Major Thomas S. Mills, A. A. G., Anderson's Division:
Major — I submit the following report of the part taken by my brigade in the military operations at Gettysburg on the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th of July last.

On the morning of the 1st of July, I moved my brigade from its camp near Fayetteville, Pennsylvania, and by order of the Major-General commanding the division, marched in the direction of Gettysburg, passing through the South mountain at Cashtown gap. In this march my brigade was immediately in rear of Mahone's [315] brigade, and I was instructed to follow Mahone's command. About 10 o'clock A. M., and when within about one mile of Cashtown (which is at the foot of the eastern slope of South mountain), my command was stopped by the halt of Mahone's brigade in the road, in my immediate front. In a few minutes after I had halted, the report of artillery was heard in the direction of Gettysburg, and seemingly not more than six or eight miles distant.

After remaining about an hour or hour and a half in the road, the column again moved forward, my brigade following Mahone's as before. On arriving near Cashtown, I was directed to file off to the right of the turnpike and bivouac my men in a piece of timbered land in the rear of Mahone, who had preceded me in the woods. At the same time I was informed that my wagon train would be parked in the open field in my front. In this position I remained until about 1 P. M., when we again took up the line of march along the turnpike in the direction of Gettysburg.

When within about six miles of the latter place, I was compelled by severe indisposition to leave my command, and consequently know nothing more of the day's operations, except that derived from Colonel Gibson, of the Forty-eighth Georgia regiment, who, in my absence, assumed command of the brigade. By him I was informed that between 4 and 5 o'clock P. M., the brigade reached a position three-quarters of a mile to the right of the turnpike, and about two and a half or three miles from Gettysburg, where they remained until the next morning, when I found them in line of battle at 7 A. M., on returning to the command July 2d. Just after assuming command, I received orders to move my brigade by the right flank, following immediately in rear of Perry's brigade. In this order, I was conducted by Major-General Anderson to a position already occupied by the troops of the Third corps, and was directed to relieve a brigade (Davis', I think, of Heth's division) then in line of battle, about two miles south of Gettysburg. About noon, I was informed by Major-General Anderson that an attack upon the enemy's lines would soon be made by the whole division, commencing on our right, by Wilcox's brigade, and that each brigade of the division would begin the attack as soon as the brigade on its right commenced the movement. I was instructed to move simultaneously with Perry's brigade, which was on my right, and informed that Posey's brigade, on my left, would move forward upon my advance. This being the order of battle, I awaited the signal for the general advance, which, at about 5 P. M., [316] was given by the advance of Wilcox's and Perry's brigades on my right. I immediately ordered forward my brigade, and attacked the enemy in his strong position on a range of hills running south from the town of Gettysburg. In this advance, I was compelled to pass for more than a mile across an open plain, intersected by numerous post and rail fences, and swept by the enemy's artillery, which was posted along the Emmettsburg road, and upon the crest of the height on McPherson's farm, a little south of Cemetery hill. In this advance, my brigade was formed in the following order: The Twenty-second Georgia regiment on the right, the Third Georgia in the centre, and the Forty-eighth Georgia on the left. The Second Georgia battalion, which was deployed in front of the whole brigade as skirmishers, was directed to close intervals on the left as soon as the command reached the line of skirmishers, and form upon the left of the brigade. Owing to the impetuosity of the advance, and the length of the line occupied by them, the Second battalion failed to form all its companies upon the left of the brigade — some of them falling into line with other regiments of the command. My men moved steadily forward until reaching within musket range of the Emmettsburg turnpike, when we encountered a strong body of infantry posted under cover of a fence, near to and parallel with the road. Just in the rear of this line of infantry were the advanced batteries of the enemy, posted along the Emmettsburg turnpike, with a field of fire raking the whole valley below.

Just before reaching this position, I had observed that Posey's brigade on my left had not advanced, and fearing that if I proceeded much further, with my left flank entirely unprotected, I might become involved in serious difficulties, I despatched my Aid-de-Camp, Captain R. H. Bell, with a message to Major-General Anderson, informing him of my own advance, and its extent, and that General Posey had not advanced with his brigade on my left.

To this message, I received a reply, to “press on; that Posey had been ordered in on my left, and that he (General Anderson) would reiterate the order.” I immediately charged upon the enemy's line, and drove him in great confusion upon his second line, which was formed behind a stone fence, some hundred or more yards in rear of the Emmettsburg turnpike. At this point we captured several pieces of artillery, which the enemy, in his haste and confusion, was unable to take off the field. Having gained the Emmettsburg turnpike, we again charged upon the [317] enemy, heavily posted behind a stone fence which ran along the abrupt slope of the height, some one hundred and fifty yards in rear of the pike. Here the enemy made considerable resistance to our further progress, but was finally forced to retire by the impetuous charge of my command. We were now within less than a hundred yards of the crest of the height, which was lined with artillery, supported by a strong body of infantry, under protection of a stone fence. My men, by a well directed fire, soon drove the cannoniers from their guns, and leaping over the fence charged up to the top of the crest and drove the enemy's infantry into a rocky gorge on the eastern slope of the height, and some eighty or a hundred yards in rear of the enemy's batteries. We were now complete masters of the field, having gained the key, as it were, to the enemy's whole line. Unfortunately, just as we had carried the enemy's last and strongest position, it was discovered that the brigade on our right had not only not advanced across the turnpike, but had actually given way, and was rapidly falling back to the rear, while on our left we were entirely unprotected — the brigade ordered to our support having failed to advance.

It was now evident, with my ranks so seriously thinned as they had been by this terrible charge, I should not be able to hold my position unless speedily and strongly reinforced. My advanced position, and the unprotected condition of my flanks, invited an attack, which the enemy were speedy to discover, and immediately passed a strong body of infantry (under cover of a high ledge of rocks, thickly covered with stinted undergrowth), which fell away from the gorge, in rear of their batteries before mentioned, in a southeasterly direction, and emerging on the western slope of the ridge, came upon my right and rear at a point equidistant from the Emmettsburg turnpike and the stone fence, while a large brigade advanced from the point of woods on my left, which extended nearly down to the turnpike, and gaining the turnpike, moved Rapidly to meet the party which had passed around upon our right. We were now in a critical condition. The enemy's converging line was rapidly closing upon our rear — a few moments more and we would be completely surrounded — still no support could be seen coming to our assistance, and with painful hearts we abandoned our, captured guns, faced about, and prepared to cut our way through the closing lines in our rear. This was effected in tolerable order, but with immense loss. The enemy rushed to his abandoned guns as soon as we began to retire, and poured a severe [318] fire of grape and cannister into our thinned ranks as we retired slowly down the slope into the valley below. I continued to fall back, until reaching a slight depression a few hundred yards in advance of our skirmish line in the morning, when I halted, reformed my brigade, and awaited the further pursuit of the enemy. Finding the enemy not disposed to continue his advance, a line of skirmishers was thrown out in my front, and a little after dark my command moved to the position which we had occupied before the attack was made.

In this charge my loss was very severe, amounting to six hundred and eighty-eight in killed, wounded and missing — including many valuable officers.

I have not the slightest doubt but that I should have been able to maintain my position on the height, and secured the captured artillery, if there had been a protecting force on my left, or if the brigade on my right had not been forced to retire.

We captured over twenty pieces of artillery, all of which we were compelled to abandon. These pieces were taken by the respective regiments composing the brigade, as follows: The Third Georgia, eleven pieces; Twenty-second Georgia, three pieces; Forty-eighth Georgia, four pieces; and the Second battalion several pieces, the exact number not ascertained, but believed to amount to as many as five or six pieces. I am gratified to say that all the officers and men behaved in the most handsome manner — indeed, I have never seen their conduct excelled on any battlefield in this war.

In the list of casualties, I am pained to find the name of Colonel Joseph Warden, commanding the Twenty-second Georgia regiment, who was killed at the head of his command near the Emmettsburg turnpike. The service contained no better or truer officer, and his death, while deeply deplored by his friends and associates, will be a serious loss to the Confederacy.

Major George W. Ross, commanding Second Georgia battalion, was seriously wounded, fell into the hands of the enemy, and has since died. This gallant officer was shot down while in the enemy's works, on the crest of the heights, endeavoring to have some of the captured artillery removed. As a disciplinarian he had no superior in the field. An accomplished gentleman and gallant officer, the country will mourn his loss.

Colonel William Gibson, commanding Forty-eighth Georgia [319] regiment, was seriously wounded, and left upon the field. I am pleased to say that recent information received, gives assurance of his ultimate recovery. This regiment suffered more severely than any other in the command; being on the extreme left, it was exposed to a heavy enfilade, as well as direct fire; the colors were shot down no less than seven times, and were finally taken.

During the morning of Friday, 3d, my brigade remained quietly in its original line of battle. Late in the afternoon it was moved forward five or six hundred yards, to cover the retreat of Pickett's. division, which had assaulted the enemy's position at the same point where my brigade had advanced the day before, and had been forced to retire. Soon after I was ordered by General Lee to. move my brigade to the right, several hundred yards, and form in rear of Wilcox's brigade, to support the latter in case the enemy should advance upon it, which was now threatened. In this position I remained until after nightfall, when I retired to my original position, in line of battle, upon the hill. On Saturday, the 4th, my command remained quietly in line until about sunset, when I was ordered to take up the line of march for Fairfield. We reached the latter place about midnight, marching through drenching rain, and then I received orders to move on to Monterey gap, in South mountain, and support Iverson's brigade, which had been attacked in the mountain while guarding a large wagon train. About day-light I came upon the rear of the train, on the top of the mountain, but found the road so completely blocked up as to prevent my further progress. I halted my command and permitted my men to lie down and take a little rest, while I rode to the front to ascertain the exact condition of affairs.

I found General Iverson near Monterey, and not far from the Waynesboroa turnpike, and from him learned that all danger to the train had passed. I directed him to move on in the direction of Waynesboroa as rapidly as possible, so as to enable our troops to get through the mountain pass.

Shortly after this, Major-General Anderson came up and assumed the further direction of the day. From this time until we recrossed the Potomac my brigade lost not a single man. In the very severe and fatiguing march of the night before recrossing the river my entire command displayed a patient endurance of physical suffering and heroic fortitude rarely exhibited by any troops. A detailed list of the casualties of my brigade was forwarded to you immediately after the battle, and is therefore omitted in this report. [320]

Enclosed I hand you copies of the reports of officers commanding the different regiments composing this brigade.

I have the honor to be,

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

A. R. Wright, Brigadier-General Commanding Brigade.

Report of Brigadier-General Joseph R. Davis.

headquarters Davis' brigade, August 26th, 1863.
Major R. H. Finney, Assistant Adjutant-General:
Major — I have the honor to submit the following report to you of the part taken by my brigade in the battle of the 1st of July, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Early on the morning of the 1st I moved in rear of Archer's brigade, with three regiments of my command (the Eleventh Mississippi being left as a guard for the division wagon train) from camp on the heights near Cashtown, by a turnpike road leading to Gettysburg. When within about two miles from town our artillery was put in position and opened fire. I was ordered to take position on the left of the turnpike, and, with the right resting on it, press forward towards the town. About 10.30 A. M. a line of battle was formed, with the Forty-second Mississippi, Colonel H. R. Miller commanding, on the right; Fifty-fifth North Carolina, Colonel J. R. Connally commanding, on the left, and Second Mississippi, Colonel J. M. Stone commanding, in the centre. Skirmishers were thrown forward and the brigade moved forward to the attack.

Between us and the town, and very near it, was a commanding hill in wood — the intervening space being inclosed fields of grass and grain, and was very broken. On our right was the turnpike and a railroad, with deep cuts and heavy embankments, diverging from the turnpike as it approached the town. On the high hill the enemy had artillery, with infantry supports. The line of skirmishers advanced, and the brigade moved forward about one mile, driving in the enemy's skirmishers, and came within range of his line of battle, which was drawn up on a high hill in a field a short distance in front of a railroad cut. The engagement soon became very warm. After a short contest, the order was given to [321] charge, and promptly obeyed. The enemy made a stubborn resistance and stood until our men were within a few yards, and then gave way and fled in much confusion, but rallied near the railroad, where he again made a stand, and after desperate fighting, with heavy loss on both sides, he fled in great disorder towards the town, leaving us in possession of his commanding position and batteries. After a short interval he again returned in greater numbers, and the fight was renewed. Being opposed by greatly superior numbers, our men gave way under the first shock of his attack, many officers and men having been killed or wounded, and all much exhausted by the excessive heat; but the line was promptly formed, and carried to its former position, and whilst there engaged, a heavy force was observed moving rapidly towards the right, and soon after opened a heavy fire on our right flank and rear. In this critical condition, I gave the order to retire — which was done in good order, leaving some officers and men in the railroad cut, who were captured, although every effort was made to withdraw all the command. This was about 1 P. M. About 3 P. M. a division of Lieutenant-General Ewell's corps came up on our left, moving in line perpendicular to ours, and the brigade was again moved forward, and, after considerable fighting, reached the suburbs of the town, into which the enemy had been driven. The men, being much exhausted by the heat and severity of the engagement, were here rested; and about sunset were ordered to bivouac about a mile to the rear. In this day's engagement, the losses in men and officers were very heavy. Of nine field officers present, but two escaped unhurt. Colonel Stone, of the Second Mississippi, and Colonel Conally, of the Fifty-fifth North Carolina, were both wounded while gallantly leading their men in the first charge. Lieutenant-Colonel M. T. Smith, of the Fifty-fifth North Carolina--a gallant and efficient officer — was mortally wounded. Major Belo, of the same, was severely wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Mosely and Major Feenay, of the Forty-second Mississippi, were both severely wounded. A large number of the company officers were killed or wounded. It is due to the gallantry of a few brave men to state that a part of the Second and Forty-second Mississippi (under the lead of Lieutenant Roberts, of the Second Mississippi), dashed forward and after a hand to hand contest, in which the gallant Roberts was killed, succeeded in capturing the colors of a Pennsylvania regiment. A number of [322] prisoners were captured — the Forty-second Mississippi taking one hundred and fifty, and other regiments perhaps as many or more.

I am indebted to the members of my staff for the prompt and efficient manner in which they discharged their duties. My Aid-de-Camp, Lieutenant Estes, and Captain Lowry had their horses killed. Captain W. T. Magruder and Lieutenant T. C. Holliday, and Cadet James D. Reid were all in action and rendered valuable service.

I am, Major, your obedient servant,

Joseph R. Davis, Brigadier-General Commanding.

Report of Brigadier-General C. Posey.

headquarters Posey's brigade, July 29, 1863.
Major Mills, Assistant-Adjutant General:
Major — On the morning of July 2d, my brigade was placed in position before Gettysburg in the rear of Major Pegram's battery of artillery, in an open field, with woods on my right and left flanks. My position was to the right of the cemetery, about which the enemy's lines of battle were formed. In the afternoon I received an order to advance after Brigadier-General Wright, who was posted on my right in a woods. Before the advance was made I received an order from the Major-General, through his Aid-de-Camp, Captain Shannon, to advance but two of my regiments, and deploy them closely as skirmishers. I had then a thin line of skirmishers in front, and at once sent out the Forty-eighth and Nineteenth regiments, Colonel Jane and Colonel Harris commanding. These regiments advanced some two or three hundred yards beyond the barn and house, which were burned. Later in the day I sent out the Sixteenth, and receiving information that the enemy was threatening their right and left flanks, I took out the Twelfth regiment, and requested Brigadier-General Mahone, who was on my left, in the rear of another division, to send me a regiment to support my left. He being at this time ordered to the right, could not comply. When I reached the barn, I found my regiments (three) well up in advance — they had driven the enemy's pickets in their works, and the artillerists from their guns in their front. It being then nearly dark, I sent the Major-General a message, informing [323] forming him of my position. He then ordered me to fall back to my original position in the rear of Pegram's battery. On the 3d, my brigade was held in reserve to support the battery in my front. The list of casualties has already been sent in to you.

Very respectfully,

C. Posey. Brigadier-General.

Report of Brigadier-General Edward L. Thomas.

headquarters' Thomas' brigade, August 12, 1863.
Major J. A. Engelhard, Assistant-Adjutant General:
Major — I reply to circular of August 12, 1863. I have the honor to report that this brigade, on July 1st, was, by order of Major-General Pender, formed in line of battle on the left of the road leading to Gettysburg. In this order it advanced to within about one mile of Gettysburg, in readiness to support Major-General Heth's division. From this position the brigade moved still farther to the front, and took a position assigned to it by Lieutenant-General A. P. Hill. Here we remained until near sunset, when, by General Pender's order, we took position near Gettysburg — on the right of the town — in support of artillery. This position was occupied until the night of July 2d, when, with General McGowan's brigade, it was directed to take position in the open field, about three hundred yards in front of the enemy's line, on the right of General Ewell's corps. Here we remained until the night of July 3d, when we were ordered to take position in the woods on the right of Gettysburg, near the town, from which place, on the night of July 4th, the march was commenced to Hagerstown, Maryland. The brigade lost many valuable men and officers in heavy skirmishing with the enemy. The conduct of men and officers throughout the campaign was highly commendable.

With highest respect, your obedient servant,

Edward L. Thomas, Brigadier-General.


Report of Brigadier-General William Mahone.

headquarters' Mahone's brigade, Anderson's division, July 10, 1863.
Major T. T. Mills, Assistant Adjutant-General:
Major — The operations of this brigade in the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, may be summed up in a few brief remarks. The brigade took no special or active part in the actions of that battle beyond that which fell to the lot of its line of skirmishers. During the days and nights of 2d and 3d of July, the brigade was posted in line of battle immediately in front of the enemy, and in support of Pegram's batteries. In this front its skirmishers were quite constantly engaged, and inflicted much loss upon the enemy; and after the repulse of our troops on the 3d, maintained firmly its line. During the 2d and 3d the brigade was exposed to a large share of the terrific shelling of those days, and from which its loss was mainly sustained. Casualties in the battle — killed, eight men; wounded, two officers and fifty-three men; missing, thirty-nine men. Total, one hundred and two.

I have the honor to be,

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

William Mahone, Brigadier-General.

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