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Averasboro, battle of.

On his march from Fayetteville to Goldsboro, Sherman's forces were menaced by the Confederates, and Kilpatrick had several skirmishes with Wheeler and Hampton. He had struck the rear of Hardee's column (March 8, 1865) in its retreat towards Fayetteville. He had fought Hampton, and was defeated, losing many men (who were made prisoners) and guns. Kilpatrick barely escaped on foot in a swamp. where he rallied his men. They fell upon Hampton, who was plundering their camp, routed him, and retook the guns. Hampton had captured 103 Nationals and killed or wounded eighty. At Fayetteville, Sherman utterly destroyed the arsenal, with all the valuable public property of the Confederates there. Moving on, Sherman in accordance with his usual plan, made movements to distract his adversary. He sent Slocum with four divisions of the left wing, preceded by cavalry, towards Averasboro and the main road to Raleigh; while two divisions of that wing, with the train, took the direct road to Goldsboro. Howard moved with four divisions on the right, ready to assist the left if necessary. It was a terrible march over quagmire roads, made so by incessant rain. They had to be corduroyed continually. Slocum found Hardee intrenched near Averasboro with about 20,000 men. General Williams, with the 20th Corps, took the lead in making an attack, and very soon he broke the Confederate left wing into fragments and drove it back upon a second and stronger line. Ward's division pushed the fugitives and captured three guns and 217 men; and the Confederates left 108 of their dead on the field. Kilpatrick was just securing a footing on the road to Bentonville when he was furiously attacked by McLaw's division, and, after a hard fight, was pushed back. Then the whole of Slocum's line advanced, drove Hardee within his intrenchments, and pressed him so heavily that on the dark and stormy night of March 16. 1865, he retreated to Smnithfield. Slocum lost in the battle seventy-seven killed and 477 wounded. Hardee's loss was estimated at about the same. Ward pursued the fugitives through Averasboro. butt soon gave up the chase.

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