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Davis, George Whitefield, 1839-

Military officer; born in Thompson, Conn., July 26, 1839; entered the Union army as quartermaster's sergeant in the 11th Connecticut Infantry, Nov. 27, 1861; became first lieutenant in the same regiment April 5, 1862; captain and assistant quartermaster and major and quartermaster in May, 1865; and was mustered out of the service, April 20, 1866. On Jan. 22, 1867, he was appointed captain in the 14th United States Infantry; in 1894 was promoted to major of the 11th Infantry; in 1897 transferred to the 9th Infantry; and in 1898 promoted to lieutenant-colonel of the 14th Infantry. At the beginning of the war with Spain he was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers; was honorably discharged under that commission and reappointed to the same rank, April 14, 1899. On Oct. 19, 1899, he was

Brig.-Gen. George Whitefield Davis.

[18] promoted to colonel of the 23d United States Infantry; and on the reorganization of the regular army, in February, 1901, he was appointed one of the new brigadier-generals. He was for several years a member of the board on Public War Records; commanded a division in the early part of the war with Spain; subsequently was on detached service in Pinar del Rio, Cuba, and in May, 1899, was appointed governorgeneral of Porto Rico.

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