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Hadley, attack on.

At Hadley, on the Connecticut River, the Indians in the absence of the little garrison, attempted the destruction of life and property, Sept. 1, 1675. The inhabitants were in the meeting-house, it being fast-day. The men seized their arms to defend themselves, their wives, and their little ones from the savages. Just as the latter seemed about to strike a destructive blow, and the men, unskilled in military affairs, felt themselves almost powerless, a man with a long, flowing white beard and military air suddenly appeared, drew his sword, and, putting himself at the head of the armed men, filled them with courage and led them to victory. The Indians fell back and fled, when the mysterious leader as suddenly disappeared, none knowing whence he came or whither he went. It was Col. William Goffe (q. v.), the “regicide,” who was then concealed in the house of Mr. Russell, at Hadley.

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