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Haldimand, Sir Frederick 1728-1791

Military officer; born in Neuchatel, Switzerland, in [196] October, 1728; served for some time in the Prussian army, and, in 1754, entered the British military service. He came to America in 1757, and as lieutenant-colonel distinguished himself at Ticonderoga (1758) and Oswego (1759). He accompanied Amherst to Montreal in 1760. In 1767 he was employed in Florida, and became major-general in 1772. Returning to England in 1775 to give the ministry information respecting the colonies, he was commissioned a major-general (Jan. 1, 1776), and in 1777 a lieutenant-general and lieutenant-governor of Quebec, where he succeeded Carleton as governor in 1778. He ruled in an arbitrary manner until 1784, when he returned to England. He died in Yverdun, Switzerland, June 5, 1791.

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