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Harmony Society.

A communistic society settled at Economy, near Pittsburg. George Rapp, the head of the society, was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, October, 1757; died at Economy in 1847. Rapp and a few of his adherents sailed for America in 1803, and began several settlements in Maryland and Pennsylvania. In 1814 they removed to Posey county, Ind., selling their old home for $100,000, which was much below its value. In 1824 they sold the town of Harmony and 20,000 acres of land to Robert Owen for $150,000, and returned to Pennsylvania, settling at Economy. Originally each family retained its property, but in the year 1807 they established a community of goods and adopted celibacy. As the society does not seek new members, it is rapidly approaching extinction, and great curiosity is felt by their neighbors in Pittsburg as to the disposition of the large and valuable property.

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