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Howard, Oliver Otis 1830-

Military officer; born in Leeds, Me., Nov. 8, 1830; graduated at Bowdoin College in 1850, and at West Point in 1854; entered the ordnance corps, and became instructor in mathematics at West Point in 1857. He took command of the 3d Maine Regiment in June, 1861, and commanded a brigade at the battle of Bull Run. In September he was made a brigadier-general. At the battle of fair Oaks, or seven Pines (q. v.), he lost his right arm. After the battle of Antietam (q. v.) he commanded Sumner's corps; and while Hooker led the Army of the Potomac, in 1863, he was in command of the 11th Corps. He was conspicuous at Gettysburg (q. v.), Lookout Valley, and Missionary Ridge; also in the relief of Knoxville, late in the year. In 1864 he was in command of the Army of the Tennessee, and was in all of the battles in the Atlanta campaign. The right of Sherman's army, on its march to the sea, was commanded by him, as well as in the march through the Carolinas afterwards. In December, 1864, he was made a brigadier-general in the regular army, and was afterwards brevetted major-general. At the conclusion of the war General Howard was made commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau, and held the office until the bureau was closed, in June, 1872. Trustee and president of Howard University, he resigned in April, 1873. In 1877 he commanded the expedition against the

Oliver Otis Howard, during the Civil War.

Nez Perces Indians; in 1878 the campaigns against the Bannocks and Piutes; in 1880-82 was superintendent of the Military Academy; in 1886 was promoted to major-general; and, Nov. 8, 1894, was retired.

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