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Lockwood, Belva Ann Bennett 1830-

Lawyer; born in Royalton, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1830; graduated at Genesee College, Lima, N. Y.; married, in 1848, Uriah H. McNall (died 1853), taught school in 1857-68, and married Dr. Ezekiel Lockwood in the latter year. She began the study of law in Washington; was admitted to the bar in 1873, and began practice before the Supreme Court and the Court of Claims in 1879. Afterwards she became prominent in the temperance, peace, and woman's suffrage movements. In 1888 she was nominated by the Equal Rights party for President of the United States. She represented the United States at the international congress of charities and corrections in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1896, and for several years was secretary of the American branch of the international peace bureau.

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