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Pepperell, Sir, William 1696-1759

Military officer; born in Kittery, Me., June 27, 1696. His father, a Welshman, came to New England as apprentice to a fisherman, where he married. The son became a merchant, amassed a large fortune, and became an influential man. Fitted by temperament for military life, he was frequently engaged against the Indians, and attained much distinction. About 1727 he was appointed one of his Majesty's council for the province of Massachusetts, and held the office, by re-election, thirty-two consecutive years. Appointed chiefjustice of common pleas in 1730, he be-

Sir William Pepperell's House at Kittery, me.

[138] came eminent as a jurist. In 1745 he commanded the successful expedition against Louisburg, and was knighted. On visiting England in 1749, he was commissioned colonel in the British army;

Sir William Pepperell.

became major-general in 1755; and lieutenant-general in 1759. From 1756 to 1758 Sir William was acting governor of Massachusetts before the arrival of Pownall. He died in Kittery, Me., July 6, 1759.

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